Was Spirited Away overrated, >>>Sup Forums?

Was Spirited Away overrated, ?

it was the best animated film that year, so no.

No, you just have shit taste.

Nope, it was underrated, they should give 100/10 rating.

Only the dub

In retrospect it's better than what I initially thought.

It was overrated.

I didn't find it that interesting, overrated for sure.

Fuck off.

Very, if you've heard the way that it gets praised by people who have never seen any anime aside from that, Pokemon, and Dragonball Z. It's still good, but not like, the only anime worth watching ever.

I think its a wonderful film that is extremely immersive for children while also scaring the shit out of them.

No. Why is the poster even in foreign language, if you watched some dub, well then there's your problem

I wouldn't say so. It has a very nostalgic feel to it, at least to me.

>doesn't recognize spanish
I was about to comment on it too but this doesn't seem to be a bait thread. There's a very big anime community in South America.

No, it's deserving of almost all the praise it gets.

The first time I watched it I didn't think it was that great, but after going through it again I was really blown away by it.

It does meander for a long time after the climax though. That's really my only complaint about it.

Not as good as Mononoke though.

if you watch the dub you're probably a first time anime watcher but anyway it deserves all the praise it gets IMO


I appreciate the immense amount of though and creative talent put into the film but I found it entertaining and boring.

Was is it /u/ ?

Yes, but "overrated" is a stupid fucking term.
If we include the general public yes, there are shitloads of people who think it is literally the greatest film ever made and Miyazaki's gift to animation.

In reality it was above average and very enjoyable. "Overrated" is a measure of how retarded the public is, or more accurately, how much exposure the movie has gotten because the public will always be retarded. It has literally nothing to do with the quality of the film itself because it is entirely based on perception.

Why (s)he should recognize a third world language?

Why you should learn proper grammar?

Do you understand what 'third world' means?
Spain isn't a third world country, maybe you should get out of your moms basement.

> American
> third world

try again

It's overrated but that doesn't mean it's bad. Overall I'd give 8/10.

Argentina is a third-world cunt tho, and this poster is from there.

Blame Kristina

It was made by the master's master, so naturally it can only be perfect

agreed. it's a good movie but it's not my favorite of the ghibli films.

If it was released now then it would most certainly be classed as overrated by most of the people here.

A bit. Not too much of a fan of the 'SOL' like feel of the movie, despite the high-ish stakes, for the little girl at least. Incredibly immersive though, got lost in its world.

There are no flags on Sup Forums, thank god.
You have nothing other than your dumbass prejudices to take into account when calling out argentina.
Maybe he is peruvian, or nicaraguan. You should definitely get checked in, you might have autism.

>Spain isn't a third world country

Did you just woke up from your siesta, Manolo?

Samefag and/or illiterate.
I somewhat understand millenials not understanding cold war terms like 'third world', but using them wrong this blatantly needs to be called out.
Spain was part of the first world, their language being used elsewhere doesn't undermine that. French isn't a third world language simply because niggers in western africa speak french.

Overrated =/= bad, although that is often what people misuse the term as.

Like you said, I thought Spirited Away was good and I enjoyed it enough to rewatch it a bit, but it being hailed as the GOAT anime movie is an overreaction.

Eh, no dude. The image in OP is the Argentine poster of the release of Spirited Away in cinemas.

delete your Sup Forums account

Among the other Ghibli films and it's popularity among the other Ghibli films; then yes.

In general animation. No.

0/10, couldn't even challenge my argument

U wot m8?

What is the most underrated Ghibli film, and why is it ____________?

Threadly reminder that Spirited Away's gross was surpassed by a copypasta meme turned anime movie.

Its my favorite animated movie, I don't even know why but it is

I didn't like the ending (haha I was the water-dragon-spirit of the lake you nearly died in as a child!), but it was still better than Howl's Castle ending (haha I was the kidnapped prince all along!) whilst the fucking credits are rolling.

Definately one of the better Ghiblies, unless you're a contrarian shit.

Why did nobody appreciate Ponyo?

I appreciate the top tier milf.

I thought I was alone in this.

If you want overrated look no further than Howl's Moving Castle. I can't understand the praise the movie gets when its such a gigantic mess.

No, it's a 10/10 film and continues to inform my taste in anime.

There's a very particular atmosphere to the film that I don't think Ghibli has been able to capture since. Someone in this thread said the movie meanders a bit before resolving its plot, but I think that's the beauty of it - I finds time for all these impressionistic sort of scenes that evoke loneliness and mysteriousness.

I think this film is the reason I'm so into iyashikei like Mushishi, I remember being far more into the atmosphere when I first saw the film rather than the plot.

That blob thing was fucking cancer. Not cute at all.

Why people think overrated = bad? It's overrated, but it's still good.

This, if anything I think over saturated would be a better word than overrated

No. It was pretty accurately rated

at its time of release, it deserved all the attention desu

No, it's one of the best animated films, a modern classic of world cinema in general. It deserves its praise, and while there are other great films not similarly recognized, I could never call this "overrated"

It is an isekai
What do you think?

In the western world, yes definitely overrated.
Kaguya-hime was much better.

Those are comparable how, in that they're Japanese fairy tales? I like Kaguya-hime quite a bit but I don't think I'd put it at that level. Some of Takahata's other films, though, for sure.

overated? absolutely. really fucking good? yes. no show has established a setting as well as spirited away. I watch it just so I can hang out in that bath house. pig scene has scared me since childhood.

They're comparable in that they were both nominated for oscars, but Kaguya-hime actually deserved it and deserved recognition in the west.

No because to everyone who says it's the best anime movie, unless they're just spouting others' opinions, to them it is the "best" anime movie. What they mean by that is that it's just they're favorite. If they think it's the best because of any pre-existing """standard""" and not just because of how it appeals to them, they can fuck themselves. A lot of people having something as a favorite doesn't ever matter.

Shinkai is the new king

I read from one of the makers that the film is an allegory for prostitution.

dont worry user, ill defend your test ponyo a cute. A CUTE!!! although if your digibro i hope you die of aids

the quality of posts is extremely important to this community

No. I've seen this film much later and wasn't exposed to the hype at all. And I think this is one of the best films I've seen.

i know we are close user but april fools day is still a couple weeks away

I'm clearly OOTL, did he make a video on Ponyo?

I could see how one could make connections to child trafficking from it.

yeah its his favorite ghibli movie or something

>caring about fucking e-celebs

Fuck off and kill yourselves, this shit is not Sup Forums.