These are the people calling me a kike on the internet

>these are the people calling me a kike on the internet

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>these are the people calling me butthurt on the internet

these are the people calling you soyboy

This is pretty funny, because even though these people should hate each others guts for being different than they are, they can all surely find middle ground with how much they hate kikes.

And that is why you will be holocausted again and again until the final solution is complete. You kikes are your own worst enemies.

Yet somehow they still triggered you hard enough to waste your time telling us all about it.

Jews did this

le 56% army

>these are the people threatening your ethnic group with genocide on the internet


Holy shit they are fucking ugly.

Even a non white is better than a kike.

kek that manlet nigger or whatever the fuck it is in the anime shirt always cracks me up


Shut up kike

Leave those american kids alone jew

>these are the people calling me a kike on the internet
Are you?

All races hate you!

Are you scared that whites and nonwhites are jointly awakening to the destructive effect your tribe has on the world?


>"The world is waking up kike! Us whites and our non whites allies are going to destroy your tribe!"

Based black guys :)

u mad menorah boy?

Not Venti.

skazhi: Izrail - Kruto!

>This was only a year ago

Has time been moving faster lately or what?

it kinda goes both ways , are these the ones who tell me they're "God's chosen people" ?
>really ?

Liberals have the best president, his name is Kimmy UN

They’re just normie camwhores that are only alt right because it’s a meme, they’re probably newfags that fell to the Sup Forums trap, literally everybody hated Sup Forums except the dumb stormfag natsocs that kept shilling this postirony cringe board. Being a nazi is a dead meme that’s been taken over by normies.

People that meet with internet "groups" are the creme of the crop.

>they are the people saying you're not white and claiming to have 100% Scandi genetics

Fucking Kingpin mate

America is a none white country, people need to realise this

Most of these guys are white you commie faggot