Let's make Hitler Great Again

After finishing a short term work contract across the country I found myself bored on a train, so I reached for my bag and whipped out my copy of the old 'My Struggle' by Adolf Hitler.

I really hadn't considered what kind of reaction this simple innocent act would provoke, until I sensed that I was being glared at by a black face.

He was sat a few rows forward facing me, through the slight gap in the seats he could absolutely see the gold emblazoned titls with authors name above the blessed eagle, wreath and swastika emblem against the navy blue cover (I left the dust cover at home you see).

Anyway there he was, staring right at me, I returned the stare and he quickly averted his gaze, it was also strange to me that he got off at the next station, walked along the platform and rejoined the train in another less Nazified carriage, a nice little bonus.

A couple of stops later a typical white middle class couple in their late 20's took the seat immediately to my left, they were joking about some quiz they had attended, laughing at his inability to name one of the EU presidents even though he voted to remain, I chuckled too, I hoped that when they eventually caught sight of my book they would be triggered, I like to see people triggered.

Lo and behold we had barely left the station when the manlet sitting in the aisle seat closest to me glanced in my direction, I caught him double taking the books cover via my peripheral vision, anticipating this moment I met his second gaze with a 'what the fuck are you looking at pal' glare of my own, he looked shaken and immediately looked away.

Eventually when he thought I wasn't paying attention he whispered something to his girl, I'll never know what it was but suffice it to say they suddenly felt the need to find another carriage too...

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This all got me thinking, what if every patriot and race aware individual on earth took a copy of Mein Kampf with them whenever they used public transport, indeed why stop there, take a copy to the café, to your place of education or work, in fact let's all buy it and push it to the top of the book charts and make it such a common sight around town that we finally begin to erode this ridiculous taboo that has been foisted upon it.

Who knows perhaps normies, being the sheeple they are, will become curious and wonder what all the fuss is about, irt might even frighten undesirables to GTFO of the emerging National Socialist nightmare.

What say you Sup Forums? Can we rehabilitate Hitler and trigger an international debate about the merits of his arguments while simultaneously intimidating our enemies just by buying and carrying a fucking book?

Thge plan is a simple one

>Everybody buy a copy of Mein Kampf
>Everybody encourage like minded souls to do the same
>Never be in public spaces without it

Let's do it Sup Forums, let's make Hitler mainstream

A German girl that I play soccer with told me that “Mein Kampf” is better translated as “My Fight” than “My Struggle.” Maybe a Germanon can confirm this.

OP you need to wash off your stank.

But what is a struggle for survival but a fight for your life?

You can't even deal with pakis and pajeets in your own country.

I mean if you've got nothing to lose why not. In this day and age I wouldn't discount some autist tracking you down and getting you fired from your job or some shit because they told your boss you're a nazi. Not everyone can be seen in public with nazi paraphernalia, it can have some serious real world ramifications

If you have no concerns about that then more power to you dude.

>read Mein Kampf in public
>get shot
Doesn't matter what your ideology is user. A retard is a retard

The literate translation would be my combat, but it is used metaphorically. In my language we say "it's been a combat" when something has been a struggle.

Dying ignorant later is better than enlightened and now?

I think not. We all die. Jesus died. Grow up.

Almost entirely unrelated to OP (I'll read your whole post in a second), but for German friends.

I've always been told "Mein kampf" meant "My struggle" , but the I'm listening to Marschiert in Feindesland, and they say "Wir Kampfen fur Deutschland" which sounds like "We fight for Germany" to me.

Since all of you seem pretty fluent in English, is "Kampfen" closer to fight or struggle?

without context,
Kampf = combat or fight
but Kampf is also used for struggle

>get shot
>in britainstan

> Combat

I for one personally like this bestest.

>Hitler's "Mein Kampf" was the most sold book a week before Christmas.

Kampf literally means fight. It can contextually mean struggle, but is closer to fight/fighting.

Sorry, I committed the cardinal sin of not reading the thread. I'm gonna o off myself now.

Kämpfen meamts : to fight.
You connected that absolutely right, Herr user.

Grüss Gott

That's just the problem, I don't know if you're a jew or not, because I honestly feel the same, that being said, I don't want to have to hide the fact that I'm nationalist anymore.

The only ignorance I see is carrying a taboo book, read in in public and then criticize the public for not being "open-minded". Natsog fags are so funny.

Whether it's 'Fight', 'Combat' or 'Struggle' the 1933 British translation I have is called 'My Struggle'.

To the lily livered nay-sayers
>It is not a crime to read a book, at least not here in the west and not yet.
>If you were somehow traced, doxed and subsequently fired for reading a book on your own time I think you'd have a pretty strong case for wrongful dismissal
>To our foes, the leftists, (((them))) and any other undesirables nothing is more frightening than National Socialism, it is why they went so multi-kulti crazy in the decades after the war, they literally have done everything they physically can to try to end that kind of nationalism forever.
>Any normie who suddenly felt motivated to read the book would be instantly struck by the things Hitler described and what is going on today, IT IS THE ULTIMATE RED PILL.

By making the book popular, by pushing it up the charts, by forcing the media to freak out about it will only promote the cause, it is free propaganda, even Trump would no doubt end up tweeting about it in his clever way.

You're right, Hitler was a genius, reading Mein Kampf is a massive redpill. It's a pretty great piece of propaganda.

If we can get more people to read it, we can change the course of our countries.

Not german but I agree with her.

It means my struggle or battle
Americlap learn languages

>It is not a crime to read a book, at least not here in the west and not yet.
It literally was a crime in Germany until 2016.

>It literally was a crime in Germany until 2016.
I know, but it's almost 2018 now.

>let's destroy Europe again

No thanks

how does it feel that you have immigrants to thank for making it ok to read a german book

I heard Mein Kampf was a number one seller when you made it legal, did anyone you know read it? Or did people just buy it as a joke or passing curiosity?

I'd rather be caught reading Hitler's War. David Irving even said that Mein Kampf might not even be totally accurate. I also have a love boner for Irving, I should really get that book.

>Germany caused two world wars


I'm listening to it on audio book, should perhaps buy it

>doing things to get reactions or impress others
Why don't you get an instagram and post pictures in a bikini instead

This board is like 50% about making propaganda to sway normies. What do you think IOTBW was? The meme campaigns during Trump and Brexit?

Sup Forums is a propaganda factory.

I feel like were more of a propaganda club

crating propaganda is very different from trying to appear edgy in real life... reading mein kampf irl will just make you appear like a fedora neck beard cunt, it needs to be smarter than that

Yeah i can confirm


You're probably right, but convincing normies to read it? That could be effective.

Maybe we tell normies we've read it out of curiosity, and about how interesting it all is. Some will probably think "I guess it doesn't hurt to know your enemy" and will go read it and if they get all the way through it they may come out the other end on our side.

Good point, make sure to go armed while you’re reading it.

Shoot or be shot, right?

this, like obviously
who would read OP's post and not cringe?

I was thinking about that and did some research, what are normal people reading?
Checked the (((NYT))) top ten list. Most read 'Autumn' written by a lesbian, probably feminist about an old gay man and how Brexit is probably the worst catastrophe in modern history.

There is no hope. Let the west collapse and try to live through the ashes.


biggest red pill there is

My Battle would be the most literal translation. Struggle imho puts too strong an emphasis on the obstacles.

Didn't that German girl tell you about how autistic the German language is and how they have like a gorillion definition per word? Some don't even make sense.


The problem with that argument is that it isn't actually unreasonable to expect a statesman to be able to predict how other actors will react to an action he might pursue. It's a vital part of leadership.

e.g - Let's say a nation's leader chooses a course of action that is very likely to result in other trading partners imposing tariffs on his nation's goods, crashing it's economy. We can blame the other trading partners for their actions, and we can talk about how unfair it is. But what we can't do is excuse the leader for making the decision that he should have known would lead to that outcome.

But Mein Kampf is shit. It's not well written and it's confusing to anyone not educated on the Weimar Republic. It'd literally just be larping.

>it isn't actually unreasonable to expect a statesman to be able to predict how other actors will react to an action he might pursue
If you have a choice between two actions that lead to bad outcomes, you might as well go with the action that robs your opponents of the moral high ground.

Maybe in the first world or in Universities
Here in Mexico you will find small bookstores proudly displaying anti-semitic litterature and Mein Kampf on their windows, while selling masonic doccuments by the bag
In our flea markets it is easy af to find Third Reich currency and some artifacts, while puting a menorah and other jewish artifacts next to an original Hitler bust and a reproduction NSDAP armband
I got me free SS stikers and a Corneliu photograph for showing interest in history

Not until U pay me 6 gazillion shekels 4 muh holocost pain and suffering.
All 666 of my immediate family were gassed and burnt 2 a crisp at Ausshitz, including my parents. My Rabbi says it was a miralce of G-d that I was born after my Mum's dath, making muh holocost pain all the worse.

So give me shekels NOW or I'll have my Mossad buddies slam another jet into a NYC skyscraper.

Maybe if there are only two options available to you, and your most important aim is specifically to rob an enemy of moral high ground. That isn't always the case, though, of course.

(btw, I'm not talking specifically about Hitler, rather the general principle)


>I'm not talking specifically about Hitler, rather the general principle
Oh, likewise. I'm just saying that if your choice is directly harming yourself or provoking someone into harming you, the latter is probably the better choice. Nobody respects someone who cucks out.

Last summer, at a church rummage sale, I bought two 50c items: a biography of Hitler ("Adolf Hitler" by John Toland) and a lampshade. I swear I'm not making this up. I've always wondered if any of the church ladies running the sale got it.

It's a great book and people put off reading it for too long.

What a Jewish post. You don't want people to know this, among other things.


en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Liebknecht (goy)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Pieck (goy)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Eichhorn (goy)

The best is the chapter that describes how Hitler went from assuming anti-semities were religious fundamentalists and that Jews were persecuted for their beliefs, to finding out that Jews were a race and were behind virtually all of what he didn't like in Vienna. He talks about becoming redpilled in other terms and how it ruined him, how he couldn't go through life without seeing them everywhere.

I try to do. I challenge people by saying "was he really that bad of a guy" if they make comparisons to Hitler. If someone says "dude", I usually do not proceed further, it shows that they are a low-IQ individual stuck in their ways and not waste my time. It also is disrespectful-- "dude" language has no place directed toward me in such a diminutive manner.
Also, I love to debunk the "appeasement" meme, which cuckservatives love to bring up.

Are you learning to go get a job in Germany. It's must stink to live in such a shit country while being a brainlet.


you keep your powerlevel away from prying eyes /son/

>and then the whole bus clapped

>A German girl that I play soccer with told me that “Mein Kampf” is better translated as “My Fight” than “My Struggle.” Maybe a Germanon can confirm this.
Kampf can mean several things depending on the context. It's battle or fight mostly. But since those are active physical things, rather than writing a book the more neutral struggle was used.
Kampf means exactly the same in danish. Just called Kamp in danish.
Battles are more called in danish a slag (to strike), or in german slacht. In danish this means slagte (or to butcher) so a battle is a great slaughter in other words.
But a kampf/kamp is more like a general struggle. or a more low key fight something you are fighting for or whatever. Rather than some massive brutal battle. Hoped that helps user. Probably would be better if it was translated to my fight. But struggle works too

>simple innocent act
What a fucking tool. KYS.

Also it's no controversy to buy it or read it, well perhaps if you stand reading it right in front of some immigrant or whatever that doesn't know what natsoc was about might piss them off or whatever, i can order it right now with not a problem. It's encouraged to read, says essentially it's essential reading to learn about the ideology behind the 'evil nazi's terror regime' is the description of the book in the catalog. Though ofcourse i don't know how it is in other places.