How to preserve Empire thread

If you build Empire, make sure you ethnically cleanse the natives before you reach the modern age and hold onto your white territories. Don't let Jewish immigrants reach high places and basically fuck your government through democracy rather than having a set Imperial or Fascist government running a country with closed borders. And don't get involved into foreign wars over money and recourses through foreigner in your government rather than your own people. And don;t let in any foreign ideology or book which would brainwash the populous into hating themselves bringing about revolutions and self destruction.

Spanish tried ethnically cleansing and look at their colonies.

Good point. I was thinking of forcefully removing all the natives to Madagascar or something.

Thanks OP if I ever build an empire I will remember your advice.

Australia needs to build an empire. We own East Timor, let's keep going and annex another country. How do we convince the Americans to help us?

Pay us in Natural resources then we'll help blockade the country and sweep away the nosy UN Counsel.

We have a few mining giants you can buy, like BHP or Rio Tinto. Shoot us the capital so we can build our air force and space program, then you control all the coal you need for the next millenia.

Alright seems like a deal! We'll put in some F-35s as a gift to Strayya.

Times are different now, an entire people can be successfully removed in a couple of decades. I would however be against that. Empires should mix with natives, not kill them.

Maybe not mix but not kill though.

Don't let Jews control your financial system and money supply

I think that if we really detached ourselves from morally as a people, we could breed out places like the middle east in a couple generations. I am however too Christian to ever be able to pump and dump hundreds of native women and kill all the native men.

>t. Nigel Muhammed bin McCullough III Esq

Why are you being such a jerk, just shitting up this thread with your nonsense.

If you're proud to be an American you're a fucking sub-90 IQ moron in terms of intelligence. There is hardly anything good about this shitty nation.

Facts about America:

- Gini Coefficient (i.e. income inequality) has reached African-tier levels
- Over 20$ trillion dollars in debt
- Infrastructure is in poor and dilapidated shape and received a -D overall
- Health care system ranked 50 out of 55 nations assessed by Bloomberg
- Almost 35 nations have a longer life expectancy than America. Costa Rica has a higher life expectancy than America.
- Most Americans (52.1%) of the people in the United States live in areas with harmful levels of pollution
- Majority of cities in America are 3rd world shitholes infested with Negroes. Cities like Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, and New Orleans are some of the most dangerous cities in the world.
- Most Southern States are 3rd world shitholes infested with rednecks, white trash, and niggers
- America has 50 states yet most states in America are irrelevant shitty flyover backwater states
- Infant mortality rate on par with Botswana
- HIV more common in America than Somalia
- 35% of the population is obese
- General population is stupid as fuck
- Value of the dollar has decreased precipitously

America is a borderline 3rd world shithole. If you're seriously proud of being American then you should fucking kill yourself.

CALLING ALL MUSLIMS ON Sup Forums i have 23 confirmed kills on muslim children and babies, lets have an AMA i want to throw acid on your ugly muslim mothers face while she jews bacon off my huge fat dick pisses on koran

>income inequality
stopped reading there.
kill yourself you sub"human" commie

Whiter than you Mickhammud

>calling white christiain americans "rednecks" and "white trash"
No one is buying your commie garbage. The only thing you have to look forward to is a rope.

There was no ethnic cleansing, thats a fucking meme. Even the "couldnt handle our blankets" is a meme. Europeans didnt even bathe the nasty fucks, they had no fucking clue about biological warfare.

What they did do was create encomiendas for forced labor and intermarry with natives to "better the race". They created a caste system to promote it.

Thats exactly what the spanish did, they mixed. Thats the basic difference between the US and Latin America. You WASPs never mixed thats why minorities fucking hate you so much today and you have all this PC bullshit that doesnt exist in Latin America; cause everyone is so fucking mixed no one cares about your identity politics crap. It just doesnt make sense here.

I guess what they say is true, "love trumps hate", lol.