Kate steinle

she had dreams too
liberals are losing their shit over this poster being posted around campus

Has there ever been more perfect propaganda? The case is perfectly clear, and it's not a hypothetical. Anyone opposed outs themselves as an opponent to innocent American women

I blame the retarded cop that lost his gun in the first place.

it makes DACA look stupid,
libs are so concerned with the dreams of illegal immigrants,
that they would let a mexican criminal who dream murdered an innocent white women out of jail

her murderer was found not guilty

this poster is not even calling for justice against her killer
, it is simply pointing out that white people are humans too
but liberals are saying it is racist because it makes mexicans look bad
fuck that bull shit, im puting these posters up

I'll be using this.

This. How the fuck does that even happen?

Absolutely this. Liberals are triggered by the fact that people care that an innocent white woman got killed. They actually care more about illegal criminals, there is no reasoning with the left. It's absolute mental illness.

I guarantee they'll justify this by saying "this is a dog whistle for white supremacists"

She Had Dreams Too General when?

Capped and saved

Couldn't ask for better optics

Cop stores his backup gun in his truck. His truck gets broken into and the gun is stolen. It's not that crazy. It was stolen by an illegal immigrant that never should have been here. I blame the illegal immigrant that pulled the trigger more than I blame the cop, and I blame the jury that didn't find him guilty of murder because he "accidentally pulled the trigger during the robbery and the ricochet hit her in the head". He didn't mean it, he a good boy just needed money to send back to his family in Mexico I'm sure.

>Asking when others will do it for him
Bad larp, kys after starting that general.

reee there is no phase 2

Well done to the user that did this

Those mexicans are rapist! They come to America and rape!

That is what Trump said and it's true (for the least part)

Have two posters: she had dreams and Kate did nothing wrong

I live near UCSD.

Give me your best posters/propaganda. I'll post results after I go later this week

this level of anger is too intense for me
the government does its best to pull people into jail for the dumbest shit, rather than helping them, they take far more liberty in punishment, than in prevention, which by very definition is unfair.
they will literally throw felony charges on some stupid angry white kid with the mentality of a teenager for getting into fights with shit family members (not the public)
and will release ILLEGAL aliens on MUDER

literally who?

Thanks user. I will be using this.

lol im late to the party

posting these on campus now

It's great but I'm not sure most people would understand it without atleast the persons name up top so they can look up the circumstances.

She had dreams too is all that's necessary.

take picture and post faggot

Quick rundown anyone?

Kate Steinle was murdered by a filthy illegal Mexican who had been deported 5 times but kept coming back like herpes. He stole a gun from a cop and shot Kate while she was walking with her dad. He didn't get charged with murder.

what makes me blaffed is that people tried CPR,
shit she was not drowning assholes!
I seriously think anyone peforming cpr on people should be persecuted in case they do it incorectly. i an tired of people making people lose blood just because they trought it would be a good idea to try to become an hero. its a bullet wound for god sake!

>tl:dr people are retarded and think cpr is an magical way to keep people fron diying.
what a bunch of idiots

Surprise of the century. This is the future to prevent in the rest of the country if possible.

Drunken hobo spic found gun, fired gun, bullet ricocheted on the grownd and hit a white girl.
Commiefornia wont find him guilty because spic even if he already has like 8 criminal charges against him and multiple deportations.
Spic here, same, I go frequently to UCSD and SDSU, will put the best ones, they can’t play the racist card on me because spic.

Christ. Cheers mate

based spic. build wall.

migrants that actually went to study and get a fucking job have no relations to that hobo dumbfuck.

They both came illegally...fuck off pedro

It should have her name so people look up more information online.

that hobo isnt a daca you dumbfucking trumpnigger. dont lump people who actually worked their asses off to get a fucking job and good life so they dont grow up posting on an anime site bitching about things that would distract them from their life failures.

Man you spics are fucking pathetic

>doesn't try to get legal citizenship
Kill yourself.

>durr CPR is stupid
If there is a gunshot wound you want to apply pressure and try to keep it elevated above the heart if possible.

If the person is not breathing, perform CPR.


Are you some kind of fucking retard? CPR isn't magic, but when someone ISN'T BREATHING it supplies oxygen to their brain to hopefully keep them alive.

They have every relation, he is their uncle, their father, their brother, theur husband, their son in 40 years. People do not exist as pure individuals but as societies. And your society is a tumor living off of ours.
You have to go back.

you go fucking kill yourself. these dreamers accomplished shit you can only dream of in your shit anime watcher life. they're gonna breed, they're gonna live in mansions, theyre gonna progress america and you are going to die before you're 40 with a dragon dildo up your ass.
hang yourself degenerate.

>I blame the jury that didn't find him guilty of murder because he "accidentally pulled the trigger during the robbery and the ricochet hit her in the head".
Let's not get carried away and undermine our rhetoric by being wrong.

The gun was not fired during the robbery, it was allegedly found under a bench at the waterfront by the Mexican in question.

He claimed it was wrapped in a rag and he didn't know what it was when he picked it up, and inconsistently claimed that he shot it at some seals, it went off by itself when he picked it up, he dropped it and it went off.

The libshit defense attorney claimed that the gun has an unsafe "single action mode" which gives it a hair trigger that allows it to go off just from picking up the gun, and the nogunz San Francisco jury bought the defense because they don't know how guns work and they'd rather believe that the guns go off by themselves than put an illegal alien in jail.

Show your flag, leaf

>they're going to live in mansions
They're going to die of a heroin overdose after leeching all the money they can out of the welfare system. Take off that flag.

>these people will replace and you and there's nothing you can do about it!
and then you wonder why we hate you

>they're gonna breed, they're gonna live in mansions, theyre gonna progress america
Well, you got one right.


Tolerance for illegal scum is tolerance for illegal scum, be it parasitic adults getting off the hook in court or their parasitic children getting off the hook through daca.

Did we find a new general?

B-But muh based asians

Not knowing Asians are siding with Hispanics and blacks cynically to steal opportunity from whites with cultural Marxism.

I think they are also doubling down on the assertion that the wall is pointless and racist, despite the fact that it would have deterred this fucking bum from stinking up our streets. This poor hobo wouldn’t be able to afford five plane tickets, so even though they cry “the wall won’t work!!!!!” it would still have an effect for keeping out scum like him.

This case is a very well timed piece of evidence for anti-immigration proponents, which of course forces liberals into an autistic fury where they have to discard rational thought and logic to hold their untenable position.

The guy you're talking to is a bit off. Kate's killer was charged with murder (and also manslaughter), but he was acquitted by a San Francisco SJW jury.

I'm going to murder a homeless beaner in your honor.

Leftists on the West Coast do not being reminded of the consequences of their policies.

God bless this man. You understand that illegal aliens and criminals only tarnish the reputation of hardworking people regardless of race. It's the same as white people severing sympathy with white trash. If the Mexicans start cutting ties and not respecting violent thugs, all Mexicans will be viewed in a much better light.

We will keep reminding them

Anyone can do it. Print it out in 11 x 17.

Why not do this after IOTBW?
Placate posters everywhere of people who were killed by leftists, died because of Nigger Criminality, got blown to bits by Muslims. Put Faces to the victims of liberalism.
These faggots can cope with this shit so easily because every Negro who gets tapped by cops gets his whole life story published, but victims of the things above tend to be just numbers on TV.

that's a good one goys


who would win in a fight

>a political ideology backed by all of the political establishment, academia, and media in the US


>some posters made by memeheads

its perfectly fine for black people to call to kill and riot for "justice" when a thug is shot but police
but if a white person is killed by a criminal, its racist to remind people about it
how fucked is america?

Jesus Christ, everything about that picture scream of a postmodern dystopia. The needle box in itself, the warning about dog poop, the trash left on it, presumably right outside of a theater judging by the popcorn bag, the civil duty propaganda poster juxtaposed by the other one pleading for illegals. This is pure fucking Kino.

holy shit, leftist are fucking insane
dindu nuffin gets shot while commiting a crime & they call for the blood of cops and riot

when inocent white girl gets murdered by mexican criminal and the murderer is found not guilty,
they freak the fuck out when people try to even remember them

we all know trayvon martin and michael brown, but kate steinle's name and face must be slashed and erased from history

how hypocritically racist do they have to be before people see the leftist agenda for what it really is?

My money is on the posters. MSM has to spend a lot of money to push their agenda then they are stupid enough to give free air time to people putting up these posters.

he was charged, california just found him not guilty cause it was an accident and he had dreams and was only trying to defend himself from her oppressive whiteness
jesus christ, callifornia should just secede from the US,

I agree with this
Thoughts on draft template?

And yes, I know it needs cleaned up.
Also, for text arrangment,

Just do

The prosecuting attorney had the option to cross-examine the defense. If the gun in question did not, in fact, have a hair trigger mode, the prosecutor could have demonstrated that easily enough.

Either is good

She we make this a general?

A non citizen is not a citizen. Never said he was daca. But its exactly these peoples children who are. If you worked so hard to get here why didnt you immigrate legally? Should i be allowed into europe because i work hard? How about japan? As i said before fuck off pedro. Take off that flag, youre not good enough for the stars and bars of my forefathers

I can kinda see his point, in a way. Every time someone has given me "first aid" it has made things worse, not better.

I was thinking of a OPERATION TRIBUTE, once I take care of some business, though feel free to start one now. My general plan was to basically do this,
Just collect posters and details about all whites killed by subhumans and post them anywhere
Was also thinking of one for TOLL PAID, basically a list of, as the name implies, all women who have paid the toll, and put like 10 per poster, since they don't really deserve a full sheet of paper, more so as a redpill/warning.
Yourostan might need a dedicated thread though...

Girl who got shot in the head by that criminal illegal spic who "found" a gun and was fingerfucking it when it "went off."

She was killed by a ricochet.

no aid for eurocucks. they no longer deserve any aid.

Please do. I will see to it that they are posted with the Kate posters.

The President bringing families of victims of illegal immigrant criminals to his rallies was effective. Just search "illegal immigrant crime victims" and you will find pictures of many others who had dreams too. If you make them, I'll see that they are posted in a few places on the West Coast.

They can still serve as a lesson to what happens when you cuck out. Hardly anyone outside Sup Forums is even aware of how bad it really is. Just over Christmas dinner, i had to talk some relatives out of going on vacation to Canada


Tbh he did a fucking amazing job if he got his client off something so incredibly open and shut.

The defense attorney has a responsibility to present even the most far fetched theory. The prosecutor has to prove those theories baseless .

The prosecution bagged this case on purpose.


>Muh Feels: The Thread
And I thought liberals were supposed to be the snowflakes


show your flag, spic

>using a confederate flag
>say something blue af

SHILLING 101. This is standard new-age, Trump era shilling boys, pay attention. "I'm going to say something totally contradictory to the meme flag I'm using in the hopes of making these evil nazis second guess their own side XD"

Typical divide and conquer stuff.

See pic-related. You brainlets need to understand how they shill.

Mio Dio, this is some top-shelf psyops; like, upvote AND retweet!

this was like a month ago bro we need to focus on more important shit like what -random dickhead- on twitter says

Seconded, no need to amend the text on the original posters, just add her name

Spics really are subhuman.


No Mexicans in China.

So you're saying the wall works? Great!


>they will literally throw felony charges on some stupid angry white kid with the mentality of a teenager for getting into fights with shit family members (not the public)
That was awkwardly specific.