Who does Israel/Jerusalem belong to?

Redpill me on this. I've always said that it belongs to the (((Jews))) because the Palestinean mongrels got conquered/JUST'D. Waifu tells me it belongs to the Palestineans because Britain let the Jews take what they wanted and moved them in without asking. She says the Jews should apologize to the Palestineans, make reparations, and give them Jerusalem.

So who does it belong to? Redpill me. I cant stand Palestinean pity bullshit, but I also don't like the idea that (((they))) may be these evil bloodthirsty monsters that evicted innocent people.

And no. I'm not a shill. In a perfect world, we'd nuke them all and be done with it.

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To christians.

The Church

This. Mudslimes can have the rest of that god-forsaken desert.

Also: Please elaborate. I've been redpilling the waifu for awhile, now, and it's going well. But I need your help in this one, user.

It's Palestine

who fucking cares. let the semite shitskins kill one other for all I care.

Palestinians (they are white)

Stfu Christucks. You're 2.3 billion yet you're the most asleep and cucked community out here.

good question
its like there's no decent group of people left in the middle east, its like the modern arab countries are more backwards than their medieval counterparts

Palestinians are Christians too dumbfuck. Gosh americans are retarded.

I agree. But I only care because the waifu, for some reason, pities mudslimes, to a degree. Seeing them for the monsters they are is her final redpill to take.

Yeah, but something like 90% of Palestineans are muslim, right?

If they were christians they wouldn't be acting like bloodthirsty niggers

okay, it belongs to whoever can take it and sustain control over it. Which means it belongs to the white man, because we could take the whole world if we wanted it.

Palestine didn't exist, it was part of the Ottoman Empire. It was conquered fair and square and when we first made the move toward Israel's creation everyone in the area was happy with it. What happened was that as it was being created anti-semitic Muslims began to flood into the area and cry wolf, the word Palestinian wasn't used until mid-1920s.

Besides that, Israel may be the only actual ally we have in the middle east who run a proper democratic system and treat people fairly. (Palestinians can go into Israel but vice-versa not so much)

The left jump on the Palestine stuff because they're the actual anti-Semites and the natsoc shills on Sup Forums are lefties.

Perhaps, user. But this isn't the kind of thing I can pull the race card on, true as it may be.

Why do you care? Why do we need to give a shit about all the geopolitical bullshit going around the world? The jews have their reasons. The palestinians have their reasons. The arab world has its reasons. It's a country with a lot of holy sites for Christians, Muslims and Jews. It doesn't matter anymore who it belongs to. The land has been occupied one time too many, it's always been conquered. The jews have religious goals that push them towards world domination and taking a shit on gentiles. I have more sympathy for the oppressed, though.

Also, Israel are constantly trying to find an agreement that works (two state solution) but the Muslims just won't have it.

So the ~500,000 palestinian christians can fuck themselves because of the Muslim majority with who they've always been ok with? It's a Muslim family who used to protect the church of the nativity for Christians for decades.Also, Jordan and Turkey have been taking Christian refugees, Israel didn't. Stop being the endless american cuck who obeys his (((master))) for once.

Yes they would, because Christians aren't a monolith.

Israel didn't exist either, your Jew-slave country just decided so. Also you're completely fucked in the head if you think that Israel is a democracy, it's turning into a haredim theocracy already and hell, it's Israel, its existence is from the Bible, do you honestly think it's not supposed to be theocratic?

The ebil Nazis created today's Israel actually and shipped Jews there in the 1930's
It wasn't England,NATO or the yanks

>Israel are constantly trying to find an agreement that works (two state solution)
Yeaaaaaah right that's why they have been continuously building settlements in the West Bank.

>the word Palestinian wasn't used until mid-1920s.

Except for its use in the Bible, Old and New Testaments.

You Brits are all in support of Israel because its a place you can dump your Jews.

There is no such thing as palestine therefore there are no palestinians!

lol no you couldn't

maybe you could take south america for a few weeks


You're obviously an angry french Muslim, or COPE.

>People want you to believe pic related run the world

Palestine =/= Palestinian

That's because a Jew is a muslim's archnemesis. They want to wipe them off the face of the planet. They're raised, conditioned to hate Jews and Israel. Compromising is a loss for Muslims. Also, having an ethnic and cultural identity defines a nation more than international recognition. If the people had an ethnic and cultural identity, it doesn't matter if it was a region. Lebanon was the EXACT SAME, and yet people living in that region had their own cultural and ethnic identities that differed from modern-day Syria.

Or because they're shitskin savages. desu i don't care who occupies Jerusalem, as long as it's not muslims.

What a load of shit, the Zionist movement started in the mid 1800's with Jews moving into and creating settlements in Palestine as a pre cursor to eventually creating a state for themselves. It was done with stealth criminality and terrorism as tools, the Jewish way.

Well they have Mecca and a whole load of other nations. Let the Jews have Israel.

Israel/Jerusalem doesnt belong to anyone. It is the people that belong to the land that direct the course of its existence. Those who seize the opportunity and lead the land and the people to a brighter tomorrow with peace, respect for each other and productivity. Doesnt matter if it is the jews, muslims or christians, it belongs to those who love their homeland and strive to make it better.

jews and arabs will learn to live together. love will triumph

Kik: ChokeOnDirt

Have fun

The Zionist movement definitely started in the mid 1800s but they didn't just sneak in and bam Israel out of no where, there were multiple diplomatic processes taken to get it to happen.

Of course, as a good american christcuck that you are, you'd give it to the Jews who consider Jesus as a false messiah.

And in the name of what? Because Britain decided so? What if a minority decided to seize your land and say "oh you white people have a shit load of nations, let us have some of your land where you and your ancestors have been growing".
If you like them so much give them a piece of England???

all we'd have to do is just pin you niggers against each other. whites are masters of divide and conquer, just look at how the british conquered an entire subcontinent that out-populated them 10 to 1. PATHETIC.

>Guatemala, Honduras.

The two most violent countries in america, after the one that proposed the vote.

Seriously that'd be great.

Jerusalem belongs to Christians, Jews and Muslims, it should be a city of coexistence.

Because the world decided so, even the people living in the area at the time agreed. It's only after the agreement and the moving in of Jews and anti-semitic Muslims that they began to have a problem.

Fact. They should stop killing each other and be secular. But it won't happen.

It belongs to whoever wins in the end, the only law there is. So, over time, likely the Arabs.

Yeah the Rothschild's used their control of the British establishment to push for the creation of Israel, the whole thing was basically a Rothschild's wet dream.

>more violent than Somalia or Saudi

>Who does Israel/Jerusalem belong to?

It belongs in the epicenter of a thermonuclear explosion.

It's not as simple as that. I wish it was. I'm not pro-palestine either, I'm just pointing out how it's a bad argument to say that Palestine didn't exist as a nation. Israel is one of the most important geographic locations for religious sites for all 3 religions. In term of historical conquest, the jews have no real right to the region known as Palestine, the britslaves back then did a stupid thing. The jews have been kicked out from every nation they inhabited. They're not like muslims in the sense they don't do small-scale terrorism, they hate other religious groups and regard non-jews as inferior. They killed dozens of thousands of Palestinians in cold-blood with foreign aid. Muslims are the best ally against Jews, a necessary evil to defeat the bigger one.

you couldn't even beat viet fucking nam dude what the heck are you tripping about


The world isn't Britain.
>anti-semitic Muslims that they began to have a problem.
You're actually using the antisemitism card, I guess Christin Palestinians who are against that aren't antisemitic in your book as well?

Oh deffo mate it was that single fella just willing it that made it happen, super easy

Senpai, yes.

The league of nations and the UN.

Muslims are more evil than the Jews. And you're obviously a Muslim.

like I said, if we wanted it. we could've easily won that war, but the populace back home didn't want to fight, so we left.

>Muslims are more evil than the Jews.
How tf can this be a valid """"""""""""argument""""""""""""?

So... It belongs to Palestineans? Fuck. I hate Muslims. Damn.

I'm an ex-muslim turned atheist. How are muslims more evil than Jews? I grew up among muslims, shia muslim. I hate Islam and Muslims, but Jews are a far bigger threat. The jews own the media, the federal reserve, the private central bank in most nations, including the UK. They control the US government, have trillions of dollars of wealth combined, and are culturally destroying western civilization. Do you honestly think that muslims who kill people are as dangerous to the west as Jews? I didn't leave Islam because of the violence, I left it because it's bullshit. I used to live in Lebanon, and a lot of muslims shun ISIS and just want to be left alone and live their lives.

But, sure, just let "he's a muslim" keep you from critical thinking on the matter. Nice defense mechanisms you have right there to defend an idea that isn't even yours. Pathetic. Religion is bullshit, but Jews are worse.

It's literally a flip of the argument he made.


>a lot of muslims shun ISIS and just want to be left alone and live their lives.
You're still a lowlife scum for being a Muslim-hating murtad though.

>We didnt lose we just gave up
The absolute state of the US education


The jewspiracy is a left-wing meme, it makes absolutely no sense and distracts us from the real issues at hand. Not all globalists are Jews and not all Jews are globalists, negativity follows Islam in a way that it doesn't follow the Jews.

I don't hate muslims who want to be left alone. I hate people who try to impose their beliefs on my life. I hate controlling and abusive muslims much like I hate controlling and abusive Christians. I hate the religion because it controls people's thoughts. I do respect their right to practice and will never try to convince them that they live a lie. Happy?



They all seem just casually related.

lol sure thing fucking kike


How does it not make any sense? Look into the facts. Look into the religion of each and every media executive, anchors, reporters. 3 out of 9 judges in the supreme court are jewish. Calling something a conspiracy without looking into the actual facts is nothing short of evading a hurtful truth that would render you powerless.

Globalists are mostly jewish, and do so to advance the jewish cause. It has been documented, notable jews have even clearly said that they were implementing cultural marxism and mass immigration into Europe and NA. Negativity follows extreme teachings, and extreme isn't simply terrorist acts. You can be religious without being extreme, but muslims hate Jews because of what they did in Palestine mostly, and because of their religious background. Seriously, you're talking out of your ass. Do you even know what Judaism is about? Do you need me to quote from the Torah about non-gentiles? How jews are allowed to steal from them? How they're inferior? Look at their practices. Look at who owns the media. Look it up by yourself, without the "left-wing meme" graphs, and you'll understand. It's not a meme because it hurts your feelsies.

If Christians followed everything the Bible said, they would be killing all sorts of people. When we look at religion, we look at it in practice. You can't judge a people based on what a book says, you can judge them on their actions. The book doesn't necessarily guide their every act. A lot of both muslims and christians don't believe in everything their book says.

This. Any other answer earns you a place on the cross.


>I hate the religion because it controls people's thoughts
Islam has always been more of a religion that liberated people by being a counter-force (against communism in the Khurassan for example) than something that created a monolithic and blind society. I don't have a problem with atheists, I've been growing around them, and I don't want them to be harmed bc of their lack of belief but I just don't like when they act edgy, talk shit and turn against us when they used to be part of us.

I'm not a Jew I'm just not retarded enough to believe they run the entire world and all have the same political agenda.
Yes Jews are massively over represented, that doesn't mean they're in charge. I've looked into it kid, really.
>Do so to advance the Jewish cause
Explains that huge vote in the UN against Israel.

Their holy book is much less offensive than yours, Abdul. Muslims have always hated Jews and it is not "all about Palestine" as you're claiming.

Our big problem isn't the left teaming up with Jews, but the left teaming up with Muslims.

I can judge them on both, actions and literature - Islam is a violent religion with violent followers, not true of the Jews or Christians.

>hey lets have a 2 state solutiona
>no you can't have jerusalem
>no you can't have the west bank
>no you can't have golan heights
>o-ofcourse I can build settlements here!
maybe they should try to stop negotiating like kikes

This is how Islam always does it

They distract you whilst they sneak in
They cry wolf and secure extra rights for themselves and extra resources
They continue to play the victim card while they create a culture of fear
Once they've finally become a majority they begin to push harder and harder with their backwards ideals
Look at any nation that's had issues with Islam, it's always slow to boil and then extremely violent
India's history with the Muslims is very telling

I love how it's all the most cucked, Muslim infested flags coming out against me here. Sweden and France - both Arabic nations

Ah yes you're probably an Indian living in the UK

The reality though is that Islam & Muslims aren't a monolith, they're unpredictable and they aren't united enough to act the way you describe it.

We're still fighting over Shia/Sunni conflicts and you want us to be a united and organized entity that takes over the world? Lol. The only people being like that are Jews because they went through a lot.

Yet none of our capitals have a Muslim desi mayor

You don't need to be united, that's the point. It's an inherently violent religion with inherently violent followers.

And no I'm not an Indian either, just had a great conversation with an Indian work colleague who knew a lot about the Hindi / Islam stuff.

Well I do hate israel because they keep on pushing arabs out of their country, I hate my government just as much for absorbing them.

Palestine is the home of the Palestinians. Or the Philistines*, as the Bible referred to them.

*One of the largest tribes in the area during biblical times. Modern reference to all of them as Palestinians is a bit simplistic.

>with inherently violent followers.
Yeah bc you probably personally knows all of the 1.8 billion of Muslims in the world.
Beautiful pic, it clearly says you're British/Irish so stay the fuck out of Middle Eastern political issues.

>there were multiple diplomatic processes taken to get it to happen.

Bomb the British administrative headquarters for Palestine (King David Hotel) and destroy property titles.

Lots of Black people in the South of the USA lost their property when courthouses burned down as well.

Of the three peoples who ever occupied the area and still exist, the Jews have the most claim to it.

The Jews were there before the Christians who were there before the Muslims. Yet the Muslims believe they have a right to it? Fuck that noise.

Put it this way, if the area were settled by Jews, Christians and virtually any other religious group there would be no conflict. It's the Muslims who are shitting it up for everyone else.

All things considered, the Jews have shown remarkable restraint towards the goat rapists who won't ever accept the Jewish state's right to exist.

Philistia isn't Palestine and the two aren't interchangeable. You know what the Arab invasion was right?

I don't need to know them personally to know their belief system is oppressive and militant in a way unlike ANY other modern religion.
All clay is Anglo clay mate.

Obviously Israel owns it all, even the Ghettos they allow the Arabs to live in.

But you need to know them personally to know if they're inherently violent. They're not just walking Qurans, you know?

>The Jews were there before the Christians who were there before the Muslims. Yet the Muslims believe they have a right to it? Fuck that noise.
So by following your logic if Inuits want you to ge tthe fuck out of Canada you have to then?

>Not just walking Qua'rans
But they are, if they're not then by their own admission they're not Muslims. Do you pray 7 times a day?

The difference is the Inuits situation isn't violent

It belongs to the last nation that rightfully conquered it during a time of lawfully declared war. So, England.

I'm also murtad, been so since last year. face it, your religion is shit and is the poison that is holding the middle east back.

I'm glad I left, never felt better. It's a shame I have to hide it from my family though. People like you would persecute (execute maybe if I was still in Iran). For shame

Zeus has reigned in Jerusalem longer than YHWH, Zeus the True LORD, all other Gods are false, Zeus is the greatest.

Good for you man, that takes an extreme amount of bravery and you've gotta be under a lot of pressure and fear from other Muslims. Credit to you.

>tfw places like Bethlehem used to be majority christian palestinian not too long ago, but now it's nothing but muslims who collect money from christian tourists

They'd just give it away in the name of "tolerance"

Thanks bro!

You shouldn't be afraid to tell your family, you're living in a free democracy. If you need support contact the police and keep them informed, this is the culture of fear that Islam creates. If you have any younger siblings the duty is on you to help them.

In reality nobody cares in the Islamic world if you're a murtad or not, nobody wants you dead; nobody gives a F as long as you're not being publicly dumb.
>is the poison that is holding the middle east back.
Lol, we used to shine under Islam, the poison that is holding the Middle East back is the corruption and the inabilities of the politicians to govern. the Middle East could be atheist or christian it'd still be shit.

No we're not

unfortunately, it belongs to the jews.

the unwritten rule seems to be that if you can hold territory for about 25 years it becomes yours, especially if you have a bunch of civilians living peacefully, building things and having kids.

the problem is that jews continue to abuse the fuck out of this by stealing territory like it's the 1800s while the rest of the civilized world has moved on to having agreed upon borders for the last century or so

>This is what the average French Muslim actually believes
if you only knew how bad it really was

>It's a shame I have to hide it from my family though.
Lol since when is apostasy an issue among Iranian shias?

Who would you rather? Mozzies or ((())) ? Let the ((())) defeat the mozzies because the joo’s are losing interest in religion anyway.

Retake the holy land.