Feel like shit just want her back x

Feel like shit just want her back x

You can have us user. You could invade our island with a single tank

Why? She had millions of niggers inside her.

Frankly speaking? Nobody cares. The only ones who give a fuck about Christmas are those who'd gladly cog themselves to turn capitalism. They're people who have no self respect and dignity. If that's ok with you, then fine. Don't bother asking me for any help. You're inevitably be going into trouble you yourself dug yourself into. This will happen, markk my words. Every Christmas, you're digginng a hole lower and lower till the whole hole can collapse into you, cog.

I'm going to assume this is a copypasta because it's fucking stupid.

How are the roads?
Is that whole speed limit thing for real or just a meme I saw on Top Gear

Agreed. There are a lot of hellholes included in that map. New Guinea? They still have cannibals. Same with Sudan and Uganda.

If you hadn't been such faggots towards America...

You were like boomers to them, who the fuck wouldn't mind shooting a few boomers?

yea like i want to be back under the complete control of the british incompetence. Hell all my families british, but we got out of that shit hole back in the 60s to come here to canada to get away from the brits cancer.

Can't say I'm nostalgic for all that golliwog savannah. We only need Canada, Aus, NZ, HK, Singapore and Jerusalem, plus some Caribbean holiday spots. The rest can go to hell.

What do you mean "British incompetence"? You are British. Literally baffled by colonials who cling to made-up D&C civnat identities like "Australian", or "Canadian". You are confused, deracinated Britishers. Also, sort your froglicker problem out.

>not wanting the entire world to be an Anglo ethnostate.

Let's be realistic. The British Empire crumpled so rapidly, we couldn't even hold onto Canada, Aus and NZ, and they're Anglo themselves. Pride goes before the fall.


And soon you'll have a half breed princess. LifeSuxThenYouDie

She won't ever be a princess though.

>giving jerusalem to the jews
were p*ms the problem all along?

Too bad your queen was thrust into a role she wasn't ready for. This is what happens when you let a woman run things.

British empire were genocidal freaks, who also fabricated wars with America to get them to adopt their money system, borrowing from them with interest

I’m larping, I’d be happy if we got the canzuk thing going though desu, even if we need to sort out internal problems too

>more niggers than the usa
Nice empire

cmon mate everyones gonna know youre a riled up chink with that on

>all 4 rolled into one country


Dismantling the empire was a WW2 concession to the US in exchange for US help.