Determinism and meaning

How does it feel to realise that all your opinions are the bleatings of a meat robot. There's no option but denial.

I've made my peace with it--it's a source of comfort than fear.

It's all meant to happen this way.

Quantum physics are probabilistic, so we are probably a mix of determinism and probability.

you make your own path, if you don't take responsibility for your actions you are a child

Doesn't feel like anything, really. How does it feel to know the sky is blue?

My meat robot is better than yours


>How does it feel
>asking a meat robot how it feels

It feels like I have free will

What part of this mechanism plays a role in "truth"? If compounded to just chemical reactions that reproduce, logic and self evidence is simply a elaborate mating scheme, with no more merit then a lie. These Nihilist conclusions are self defeating.

Why can't he do that?

>with no more merit then a lie
Merit comes from utility. The truth is useful because it allows you to predict the future, to a limited extent.


The only utility self reproducing chemicals exploit, is self replication, which lies and misinterpreting "reality" can, and do, help reproduction.

Since when did being a longer chain of chemicals = objective reality?

My meat robot is better than your meat robot. The bleatings are clearly more logical and pleasing to the ears.

The truth has significantly more utility than lying, because a shared truth enables cooperation.

Doesn't make me feel anything since this was obvious since I was a tiny child since I wasn't raised with religion telling me I had some magical God given free will (that still isn't free will because everything would be controlled by God lmao).

Agreed, determinism plus inderterminism

in america the atheists are the ones more likely to believe in free choice

freedom isnt real. its obvious to anyone that has a functioning brain

>The truth has significantly more utility
Based on what? A fundamental belief system you or others may have about the utility of certain behaviour? Regardless, Utility ≠ Truth or even Objective. Sanata keeps kids to behave, parrents lie to themselves that divorce is better for their family, we tell useful lies all the time to smooth over problems we might have to face.

Understand I'm not advocating Subjectiveism. It's just the believe a truth has more utility to reproduce then a lie is just a subjective belief, and really isn't a simple mathematical step in this.

>Based on what?
Don't play dumb, you know what utility means.

what do you think the nondeterminism is? some kind of cosmic random oracle? free will or consciousness is embedded in what appears to be probabilistic distribution

we can only speculate