What are you supposed to feed lolis?

what are you supposed to feed lolis?

mashed potatoes

I'll show you.
*unzips dick*



Love via headpats and hugs.

love and affection

costco guac


Ejaculate and your feces during ass-to-mouth.

Use beer and classic rock to maintain your loli at its best

loli haet pizza

Nutrient-rich food, so they can grow up healthy. Do NOT force them to become a vegetarian, make them decide that on their own once they grow up. Their diet should be mainly pescetarian, but don't feel guilty about giving them something heavier, like beef once in a while. Avoid fried foods unless you want your loli to become fat. Don't give her too much sweets, either.

Raise them vegan, it makes puberty happen later.

And keeki should only be as treats. Or when you feel like spoiling them.


>stunt their growth
No. You're too egoistic. The beauty of a loli is in its' ephemeralness. You have only a short time to appreciate her in her perfect form. Do you want to eventually grow up envious of other, more mature-looking girls? Do you want to be the target of the questions:
>Why am I so short?
>Why do these girls look older than me?
>Why are my breasts so small?
>Is there something wrong with me?
Do you want the school doctors to visit you and ask you what you're feeding her? Do you want her classmates to drag your innocent loli down to the fast-food hell?

Do you not want to be there when she's buying her first bathing suit? Do you not want to raise your daughter yourself, instead of being raised by others?

thanks for the advice

now where can I get a loli of my own?

You mean you don't have a loli already?


Check the local playground


Cola, burgers and french fries.




adoption houses

>*unzips dick*

I feed my lolis a litre of cum every day and they seem pretty happy.


>getting mayo all over her face
Is she retarded?


Little girls can be very messy. Make sure to lick their faces clean often.

>take a hungry and sleep-deprived girl
>dangle a sandwich in front of her
>mess about with her by denying her sleep and food
It's an accident.

Ping pong and pizza

All I want to see is a loli's look of delight and pleasure upon eating a fresh Bulgarian tarator in Japan, where summers are absurdly hot and humid.
I want to be called Tarator-san.
