Western countries should keep taking migrants until we can fix their countries :^)

Western countries should keep taking migrants until we can fix their countries :^)


>implying the Neocons and Democrats actually want to fix their countrys
They profit more from having these shit holes be chaotic as possible

Goddamn dumb motherfucker.

You can't fix their shithole countries unless your export whites. Nice idea? Oh yeah... it's called COLONIALISM.

Your bring niggers to the first world, you take the first world to the niggers.

Non-white, non-western immigrants should be expelled along with the children of coal burners.

They we have white boi and white girls start making White Man for export.

^ "You don't bring niggers to the first world, you take the first world tot he niggers."

We need to export the White Man colonial forces.

Tucker clearly sees what's going on at this point

Thank goodness. As white people it is our problem that third world click clackers are genociding each other and spreading aids faster than Jews spread degeneracy

>umtil we can fix their countries
I'm on welfare living with my parents at 21 i ain't fixing shit

The great white savior's work is never done.

>Literally destroy Syria by trying to "help" them form a democracy.
>Fuck it up so bad we create a modern day mass migration movement.
>Think we need to "help" more

So he's admitting that countries full of africans and muslims are shitholes that need the white man to come in and make their countries into something besides failed shitholes full of people starving to death, chopping off each other's heads in the name of their jewish bloodgod and--if an african country--cannibalizing the dead?

>We won't nation build.
>proceeds to want the entire populations of countries to come stay with us. Inadvertently doing exactly what they said they didn't want in a inverted manner.

>state department official
>the type of faggot that fucked up their countries in the first place
This is why we used to beat, tar, feather, and dump boiling water down the throat of government bureaucrats

>future wife

You are the apfel of your mutters eye zlander...

>implying they'll go back
they dont want their countries to be "fixed" that would require them getting a job and working to better it.

>former official
good riddens

I give it 20 years before jew billionaires and cia niggers are tortured in the streets.

Guy on the right looks kinda like a young Mike Myers...

But they're doctors! Granted they are fleeing countries that has single digits in doctors per 100,000 people.

But they're engineers! Granted they are leaving counties that desperately need infrastructure guidance and viable production firms.

These people as so lacking in pride in their own nation that they leave it to rot, while real men would send their wives and children to safety until they made their own countries into a place worthwhile to return. Those who have no nationalism for the place of their birth will never integrate and value the nation of their escape.

I love that image so fucking much

I like how they're openly advocating the idea of the White Man's Burden now while simultaneously pretending white people and white culture aren't intrinsically superior by that definition. Logically they are, or whitey wouldn't have to globe trot constantly spending his money trying to "fix" the barbarians and the depredations they cause.

>can never fix nigger tier countries
>keep pumping in niggers til the country collapses

I'm confused now. Are we the world's most horrible people who need to give up our lands and disappear, or are we all-powerful demigods and the only ones who can save these nations since they apparently cannot do so on their own?