Looking to buy Mein Kampf

Do any of you own it? What is the best version to get? I've seen several on Amazon, but I'm not sure which is the best quality

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Great call.
Why not just order the anarchists cookbook while you're there to fully cement the vanning youre going to get?

I have a signed first edition will sell it for lets say 1448 btc

Well is there a better place to get it?

Get the version that doesn't involve getting CSIS watching you for years-t dated a chick who's dad was a spook

Just get the cheapest copy.
The book is utter garbage and horrible to read.
You will just toss it away after a few pages anyways.


Toss the Turner Diaries into the fray and you'll have a grand ol' time.

It was never popular. The vast majority of copies sold because it was forced into people by the Nazi regime. The book itself is boring, badly written and contradicts itself.
Reading it is a waste of time, but if you do want to read it to educate yourself and get firsthand knowledge of its contents, then I suggest that you just get the cheapest translation available.
If you are more into the historical context get one with annotations. Otherwise you will probably not understand the rhetoric anyways.
That's about it.

Very insightful, thanks. Perhaps I'll just read the PDF somewhere instead then

Your welcome. There may even be some videos on Jewtube or something that explain certain passages. He uses a lot of constructed words to build his narrative. Just don't take it too serious and do some googling. Spending money on the book really is not worth it.

>It was never popular. The vast majority of copies sold because it was forced into people by the Nazi regime.

Its sales peaked after Hitler was assigned as the chancellor, but before Nazi party had the absolute power.

>The vast majority of copies sold because it was forced into people by the Nazi regime. The book itself is boring, badly written and contradicts itself. Reading it is a waste of time

You didn't read it. You just parrot the exact same line that every faggot does.

Don't fucking buy it. Download it. Not the (((annotated))) version.

buy untranslated text

german is difficult but you can read simple texts like mein kampf after 8 months of serious study

Privet moi drug.
I did read it and I do agree with the majority on this one. I know a lot of older folks who still have copies around (not that rare in east Germany) and borrowed one. Old letters and all that jazz. Its just a bad book. The vast majority of people who have read or tried to read it
The reason is simple: It's a bad book.

Now, you may hold special interest in the subject or give special attention to the upsides, while ignoring its downsides. And this is perfectly fine. But this is just a matter of your personal taste. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a liar.
That would be American logic. Russians are more civilized than that.

>Its just a bad book. The vast majority of people who have read or tried to read it agrees.

Did you expect many people to express their honest opinion on the subject? In Germany of all places, where the mildest nationalism is a taboo and saying "DEUTSCHLAND VERRECKE" is more acceptable than "ES LEBE DEUTSCHLAND", and where questioning inflated numbers and laughably fake accounts of Holocaust gets you years in prison? You expect people there to say something like "I didn't like all of it, but there were quite some things that I found agreeable".

Well, no wonder you didn't like the book then.

Yes I do, because I live here and know how people in Germany actually are.
In your previous post you claimed that I mindlessly follow the majority opinion.
Straight back at you, my Russian friend.

Germans do talk freely in private. The things that you have listed only apply to strangers.

what made the book bad you fucking autist. construct an argument rather than spewing baseless shit.

how many germans secretly praise the third reich? there must be quite a few, life in germany must be super painful for them.

OP it is an excellent book. Most consider the Ford translation to be the best, but I am reading the Manheim translation and it is excellent. I would probably recommend going with the former, however. It is a long, difficult, and complex read, but an amazing and life-changing one as well.

Best translations are Stalag, Ford and Manheim.

Stalag Edition is the only translation authorised by the NSDAP. Alternatively just listen to the Ford Translation audio book. Either way it is a great book and will give you a much better understanding of the National Socialism Weltanschauung

If you leave Neo Nazis out of the picture, who obviously love everything about the Third Reich, then the discussions usually become more fact based. Usually praise goes to the achievements for infrastructure or the good of the citizens. Most people condemn the violence committed by the Nazis, and obviously the killings, but many things are seen in a positive light. The most prominent example would be the Autobahn, or that Hitler tried to uncuck us from extreme vengefull repercussions after WW1.

you did that wrong faggot
>t. does things wrong

>It's bad book

Agreed. Read Revolt Against the Modern World instead, at least its well written and interesting if you want a dose of fascism

>uses the term jewtube
>doesnt realize nobody trusts german cuck faggots
>eventually gets suicided when he realizes his ancestors are writhing in their graves because of the current state of germany
fix your fucking country

My country will be fine as long as its citizens can link posts.

Do you mean its a bad book in the sense that its just a drag to read? I know what you mean if its the case, I've read books on subjects that fascinate me but the way the book is structured or written just makes it a pain in the ass to read or follow

>In your previous post you claimed that I mindlessly follow the majority opinion.

And right after I did that, your next post contained two more appeals to majority. "I did read it and I do agree with the majority on this one". "The vast majority of people who have read or tried to read it agrees."

So yeah, you do seem to be exactly the kind of person who forms opinion about something from what other people say. So even if you did try reading it, you've already had an opinion about it, and given your lack of interest for the subject, you've let that predefined opinion prevail over self-evaluation.

This. I have been learning german for about a year and I am now reading the original but need to refer to a dictionary frequently.

Yup. I have read a lot of other stuff too, like commie literature, like Mao or Marx, or big works of philosophy, like Hegel or Kant, but Mein Kampf is just horrible to read.

Agreeing with the Majority does not mean that I accept their opinion because it it the popular opinion. It just means that my own opinions is close to the popular opinion, mate.
Those two things are not mutually exclusive.

At the end of the day it comes down to personal opinion. Some people love the book. I don't.
I do not like the style of writing, nor do I think that the arguments in it are very sound. Not even in a historical context.

I get where you are coming from, and I aknowlege the risk of labeling things after majority consensus. But this argument would be a completely different can of words and would be deserving of its own thread.

In this case however, I really just think that Mein Kampf is a bad book.

Too late I already ordered a bunch of Jew books off Amazon

Lots of kike shills, the Ford translation is by far the best. An excellent book

Nah the neggo is a retard. I recommend you download the audiobook from piratebay.

Threads like these are how the war got started the last time

Why not hold out for 1488 BTC?

Germany is blacked


