Does universal health care allow the government an 'in' to more greatly regulate things like soda, junk food, fast food...

Does universal health care allow the government an 'in' to more greatly regulate things like soda, junk food, fast food, alcohol, etc.?

>With a 2¢-per-ounce tax on sugary beverages, we can save an estimated X on health care costs each year

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The food industry is in bed with healthcare. It's a tough nut to crack

>Let's tax all drinks with sugar in them because fat people can't control themselves

Fuck you.

>standing up is harder
Maybe have an apple or something? Jesus.

>tell people the new taxes are for healthcare
>ends up spending it on dindu gibs

>standing up is harder

See Just tax fat people for being fat.


>standing up is harder

>standing up is harder

This is like throwing a hanging curveball to Barry Bonds

>Does universal health care allow the government an 'in' to more greatly regulate things like soda, junk food, fast food, alcohol, etc.?
it should, and it will
if lefties want the state meddling in their affairs, they're gonna get a fuckton of it
hasn't happened yet in here AFAIK, but I know my politicians, and they're probably scheming as we speak


Some airlines are already doing this

If water is free, as in not having to pay a water utility bill in exchange for a tax on sugary drinks, then yeah. There has to be an exchange for taxing unhealthy foods and drinks, otherwise you’re just being forced to put a quarter into the government’s jar every time you drink a Pepsi.

Was just an example of the rhetoric you know Democratic Party politicians will use if universal health care was implemented nationally.

Seems to me it would be their wet dream. Every new tax or regulation can be justified by "so-and-so estimates it will reduce this amount on our health care costs."

>working over the holidays cause we are shortstaffed
>people from other shifts coming in early/staying late to help out
>work in IT so everything done sitting a desk for the most part
>guy helping me out is an easy 600+lbs
>literally does nothing but eat for 4 hours

I wish I was making that shit up. I could hear him eating stuff non stop for a solid 4 hours.

A single mother is one of the mods, believe it or not. Her name is BEAM and she was the one behind the neofag fiasco on Sup Forums.

>standing up is harder


>Standing up is harder

Holy fuck that headline is gold.

>standing up is harder
top kek, what a great choice of wording.

The state doesn't need an excuse to tax us more, it just offers up distractions while it slowly fucks you in the brown-hole.

Being fat in the workplace might be hard, but being a cunt politician living off fat people's money makes you the worst kind of cunt.

Anyway, politicians are cunts, that's really all I have to say.

>Standing up is harder
Well yea lifting 500pnds is harder than lifting 150.


Fat people already have it hard enough in the US. Imagine if every simple thing in your life like showering or getting up out of your chair was physically painful, tiring, and humiliating. If anything disabled/obese people should get tax breaks or systematically lower healthcare deductibles. I know it's a meme on here to hate on fat people but please be more empathetic and consider it from their point of view.

Additional taxation is not neccesary. All you need is stop subsidising farmers that grow grain, corn and other cultures used to produce sugar. It will increase prices of those products so people stop consuming so much of them. Hopefully farmer start growing more diverse plants like vegetables and fruit. I think goverment accutually disrupts natural markets with its interventions that cause unusual consumer behavior.

Yeah. But if you start helping obese people all it will do in long run create more obese people. I think people would benefit more from health insurance similar to car. When people get chunk of responsibility what they do to they own bodies. Most expensive to treat deaseases are chronic and most of them are directely linked to people life styles, eating habits and enviroment. It is very interesting does someone has detailed info how much does it cost to treat diffrent deseases.

I remember hating my own brother for being fat since we were kids.
I still retain that same old kind of resentment towards fat fucks.
There's nothing easier than not eating.....

Fat tax. Because me as a 6ft 145lb person shouldn't have to pay a sugar tax because an obese person who fills there fridge to the brim with soda.

Body acceptance well if you are that "brave" than death acceptance why on the fence?

>At least death tasted good.

> 6ft 145lb person
> person

skeletons are people now?

>being fat is hard
>standing up is even harder

Whew lad.

Hey, if being fat is so hard, imagine how hard people that aren't fat are trying? Shedding the pounds and keeping it off..
Fuck me, skinny people should be the only ones with a right to vote.

Universal health care gives the government complete control of your body and all its functions.

Fighting oppression is a hard thing to do. You'll need to strengthen yourself with lard to fight ebil patriarchy

It doesn't. Besides, no matter the "in", the government is simply not suited for the job.

And no, it's not the junk food that is to blame for the landwhales, a human sized person can have a double size junk food galore dinner, shit it out after, and continue normal existence. People tend to ignore that you have to eat copious amounts of it, day after day, month after month to get anywhere near that size, blaming the product at that point is madness.

At the same time universal health care does provide an "in" for fat bastards to make their addiction your problem. What is the point, for the blob of shit in the OP, to lose weight? Not only her grotesque physique not providing her with difficulties one would expect (at expense of others mind you) it provides her with, most likely, the only job she can do — the fat activist, or whatever.

Society cannot fix her problems because they do not stem from society, she cannot fix her problems because she refused to believe they exist. Playing along, as a society, pretending they do not exist does not help.

Michael Pollan (UC Berkley) has great writings on this.

He doesnt just blindly advocate taxes on sugary drinks, but wants to see if they actually do something, or do anything.

The fact of the matter is that to this day, the soda industry has blocked each and every initiative for the introduction of a soda tax and spent whatever it took to stop it.

Pollan wants one state to pass it, and see if it actually makes any difefrence. If it does work and cases of obesity begin to decline, then it should be enforced everywhere. If it doesnt different forms of social engineering need to be tried.

Another great case is portion control. Portions have been artifically pumped up for decades now, because people have a tendency to treat one unit as one serving. Even when that unit is a shameless big fat bucket.

Remember what the mayor of New York got for wanting to limit the size of bucket soda cups in movie theatres?

If the placement of unhealthy food in the supermarket at eye-level is tolerated, and the hiding of healthy food at the bottom, or just plain not keeping it on stock is accepted, then I don't see why an initiative to combat that for the benefit of the healthy option is discouraged.

Sup Forums should know that the masses need nudges in the right direction because socities are too easy to manipulate in industrialized pseudo-monopolies.

>With a 2¢-per-ounce tax on sugary beverages
only if we can pay the tax with lead

When moot turned on us he pretty much fired all the old mods and replaced them with mods from tumblr or wherever.

Let's make a fat tax instead. But drinking large quantities of soda and eating lots of sweets is degenerate.

The woman in that pic was 90s fat. Today, she's thin in the US.