Implying Sup Forums is too cucked to defeat the banks

>implying Sup Forums is too cucked to defeat the banks

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Jesus wants you to. It's in the Bible. Not just allowed by Christianity, but if you ask WWJD ... he would go Rambo on Jewish bankers.
You can't make this stuff up!


You think you're impressive, Christcuck?
You act like Christianity did great things for civilization, and is anti jewish. You of course ignore that Jews say Christianity was invented by them to attack white people, and that what they really hate is white people, and use Christianity as a reason to do so. You also ignore that your great Christcuck leaders brought Europe to a stop for a thousand years with your semitic subversion, halting the incredible advancements by Pagan nords. You ignore that Christianity invited in black and arab hordes into Europe, permanantly removing Nordic genes from their Greek and Roman and Egyptian homelands. You ignore that Christianity is from the Levant, a region clearly historically populated by nigger arabs. You ignore that so many historical 'Christian' heroes were actually secret pagans, practicing the ways of their ancestors.
And you act like your way is true- its so true, you had to conquer people to convert them! Well guess what, pagans and fascists are about strength, and your Christian weakness isn't allowed here. Fuck off with your cuckold truth.

Christianity advocates for cuckoldry and weakness. Even if it is true, it is a failure, and there are many better ways.

what are you on about? did you lose your investments when your bank died?
here have a coupon for a free meme


>Christianity advocates for cuckoldry and weakness
No it doesn’t, it advocates for strength, both physical and spiritual

>Christcuck threatens to kill White pagans
Again! I have caught you, you stupid kike.
Keep me posted when your wife's son is born.

>no argument
Yeah, didn’t think so. Jesus and Christianity has done more for the world than your cum-guzzling “””god””” ever has

>but where does the meter go?

*tips fedora*

>pol can't defeat shit, let alone a bank

They weren't merchants, they were money changers. A merchant is an honourable profession. A money changer is a leech.

Athiests are disgusting and would get sacrificed to ancestral Gods.

Many have tried, all have failed OP.



>Being a Christian which is synonymous with basically being a blubbering idiot I have no argument so I will say fedora something something

"Incredible advancements by pagan nords" Are people not seeing how transparent this retarded wave of "separate pol from its foundational ideologies" shills are? And Jews say they invented Christianity to attack white people? What fucking planet are you from, martian?


sorry buddy you are clueless, if you haven't figured out this entire reality is one big deception including Christianity yet even being on Sup Forums not much hope for you, 99.99% of everything you think is lies a complete fabrication from science, to religion, to politics to history, it has all been engineered for 1000's of years

You would never believe the truth you aren't mentally equipped too

The bible is a masonic cipher

The Jews created the Torah to create a slave race of superstitious half wits, a book telling them knowledge is evil and anyone trying to teach them anything is Pagan and evil. Lol Pagan simply means educated in the ancient world. The Romans saw what they did, and thought hey this works great a book we can give to people about a zombie space Jew that tells them to work as good slaves and pay their taxes (give unto Caesar what is his), not to pursue any wealth (easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle), and be meek and meager in this life and you will be rewarded in the next. The Bible is a way to make you a good slave, a good goy. But it also coded so the sharp can find the real answers in the bible and become part of the priestly class, who can do research and study all day in their white collar lifestyle while the dumb goy plow the fields and do the hard labor to support them. Let me explain, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 squared is 144, which is the first digital root of 9 in the Fibonacci sequence. The holy trinity is 3,6,9 where 9 is the God head. 9 is the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end, the vortex. Also the mark of the beast is 666, the digital sum equals 18 the digital sum of it is 9. The atomic number of Carbon is 666, carbon is the glue of our reality we are carbon based life forms. 9 is the ether the glue. The bible is a science book of ancient knowledge of our ancestors the Atlanteans, and before you say w/e about this being silly this can be proven conclusively and I do on my channel. Saturn is the father of the Gods, Jupiter is his son, what is Jupiter? You guessed it the messiah. Kronos is the name of Saturn in Greek who is his son? Zeus, JeZeus starting to see the big picture?

I will explain it all to anyone interested but most people are so deep in the matrix they don't want out, ESPECIALLY Christians

You got no idea how deep this rabbit hole goes

i see the autism has arrived. welcome.

Most of these morally bankrupt and impotent capitalist cocksuckers will never turn against their masters. Most of them are in debt owing money to the banks that the banks use to make more money for themselves.

Is that Styx?

We are not to be stopped.

this deserves its own gore thread

see the brainlets are here as always

go here start with the playlists