If Harvey Weinstein, Chris Savino, Kevin Spacey, TJ Miller...

If Harvey Weinstein, Chris Savino, Kevin Spacey, TJ Miller, and Louis CK were all (rightfully) fired for sexual harassment claims then why is this orange fuck still in office?

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Ok I have to admit the part where he forced his way into underage girl's dressing rooms does not sit well with me.


Remeber how obama had mariam Carrey murdered in dc

Because he doesn't live by lib rules?

He was chosen over a rape apologist and rapist who has paid 1million + to accusers.

It was already litigated.

something to do with being able to prove it or some other bullshit

Maybe because he didn't do any of what they did?

Oh yeah - SAGED.

This is the best chad meme. YT pussy just folded and bent over. Thought it would be harder for a faggot like that not to use his weasel tactics and fake explanations to get himself out of that. Bitch needs to hit the gym while our 70yr old President eats two scoops and grabs Germany and Chyna right in the pussy

Because if you can’t figure it out for yourself, you’re obviously too stupid for any amount of explaining to help you understand.

we're back to this again, huh? Russiagate not going quite as you hoped?

Because he is of 100% german-aryan blood

My 2 cents you are a leaf with a memeflag

Most of thos fools stepped down becuase they did things which conflicted with their public image.

this is what the left sacrificed so many of thier own on the alter of public perception for? The moral high ground to say hurrr durrr imbeeeeaaaacccch
Its going to be a really long 7 more years for you soyboys


Fucking retard. All the women consented and we’re of age. They realize that afterwards they’re going to be showerd with gifts and money cause he’s basically a sugar daddy.

> this orange fuck
Okay, you're not from here.

Because they were weak and he is not.

Bot thread.

explain merkel

It's not for sure, there have been allegations but no proof on either side beyond anonymous sources.

Because they all admitted to it. Trump is accused, but not admitted. Hence the liberals are idiots who confessed in light of their actions not waiting for proper evidence or court proceedings. Libs are fucking stupid idiots.

Because only the left cares enough about SJW screeching to devour its own. The right is not about to harm itself or act against its own interests by ousting anyone for doing what comes naturally and what was perfectly acceptable in the Don Draper era.

>what is credible evidence

show us your flag leaf


Been waiting for you fucks to suggest this. Probably why so many people have been outed so Trump looks bad.

nice answer, shit-for-brains. how about now?

Because unlike all thise kikes who admitted to being degenerates, those accusing Trump are just plain liars.
Try harder, godless cocksucker.

He's not, for long.

he got elected after the tape..

hillary camp misjudged that its going to have some effect.. they thought that that pussy tape is some sort of brahmastra against trump but instead he dodged it like a pro..

imagine they releasing it after he won elections.. yeah they couldnt imagine that also..


glow harder faggot

Trump owns a jew but isn't one.

Because were using your own tactics against you.

The New Right is not about some moral-high ground Cuckservative faggotry, its about destroying the Left and utterly pulverizing it any which way we can.

Enjoy faggot.

fake news kike

>If Harvey Weinstein, Chris Savino, Kevin Spacey, TJ Miller, and Louis CK were all (rightfully) fired for sexual harassment claims

Sexual "harassment" is not well defined, very open to interpretation, and generally used as a way to smear someone or go on a witch hunt, so it's highly unlikely that their firings were "right" in the sense that they likely did nothing wrong and deserved no punishment. But then again, isn't it any business owners right to hire or fire whoever? Bad publicity could be bad for business so regardless of whether you did it or not I have to get rid of you sometimes, right?