Donald Trump doesn't know the difference between climate and weather

>Donald Trump doesn't know the difference between climate and weather

You were born too late to see the fall of Roman Empire. You are born just in time to see the fall of the United States.

Other urls found in this thread:

And the birth of the global trump federation.


global warming isn't real

Any time it's abnormally cold, it's weather.
Any itme it's abnormally hot, it's not only climate change, it's GODDAMNED PROOF it's man made climage change! Now hand over your fucking money and submit to muh One world government, cuz science bitches.

Seen this argument before.
You're right, it's weather. No next time one of your shills cry proof, be sure to remind your fellow shill of that.

leave it to our meme in chief to be an embarrassing retard


Right now, we're in a cooling climate phase.

T. American education

Its the fucking Sun that dictates Climate and weather cycles. The Sun chan is at a minimum.

The problem is not he don't know climate =\= weather
The problem os he doesn't realize global warming also cause excessively cool weather

Because only retards think a hot day is because of global warming. No environmental scientist says it's hot out today because global warming

>only us scientists can prove the climate is changing based on our cherrypicked statistics from very specific regions, you're not allowed to notice that there's record breaking snowfall in northern states and record lows in southern states as late as March!

no proof, no sources, just blind acceptance of whatever "THE SCIENTISTS" say -- fucking tard

Bundle up, negroes

fuckin magnets how do they work?


You must be retarded. There's extensive climate data proving that that it's getting warmer.

>b-but it was cold in this specific location today!

Look at your right hand, nigga

who cares, it was always generation xir's problem anyway, let them solve it with all their diversity and gender identities

DO you not understand a joke?
Also liberals do the same thing. Like Bill Nye

Extensice cherry picked data faggot, you're better off in the echo chamber reddit

climate studies were rigged using my damn tax money - research East Anglia and climategate.

wtf I want to give millions of dollars to developing countries who don't even cut emissions now

bill nye likes sticking things in his anus.

You know if it was 50 degrees this weekend every fucking liberal would be out on the streets yelling about climate change being real. But the inverse can’t be true.

please, you know damn well Trump's not joking.


Fall of the United States and rise of the American Empire.


Kek saved

>cherry picked data

What the fuck? The data is about the Earth's surface temperature in the last 100+ years, doesn't really get any less cherry-picked than that.

>Record low temps
>Not Global Cooling
>whore scientists didn't fabricate/adjust "global warming" data

Quick rundown on (((climate change))) for newfags like OP
>be globalist government, owned by corporations
>look to eliminate trade borders to produce all products off the backbone of third-world labour and make billions more in profit
>use the media to blast the general population with globalist propaganda and lies for years straight
>Trump shows up and wakes up the general public to the lies of the media.
>general public now refuses to believe a word that comes out of your filthy, lying mouths.

>while all this is going on, shill for (((global warming))) harder than ever
>if you can convince the world that (((global warming))) is caused by humans, this will allow governments to implement tighter (((rules and regulations))) for companies.
>exceptions will of course be made for the corporations who own the government, but not for smaller, less influential companies.
>this allows you to squash your competition out of the market and make billions more.
>after getting caught out in all the bullshit propaganda referenced earlier, wonder why nobody believes you about (((global warming))).
>b-but muh scientists
>97% of the (((climate change scientists))) who we threatened/contracted agree that man is causing global warming!

Any global-warming shills can get fucked, there's just no reason to believe you anymore. You are filthy liars.

>record breaking snowfall is not a climate change

I like to go inside of ice caves and clear them. "Cave clear!! It's safe to proceed!!"

Who cares about global warming and if its real? White people are being replaced by savages and scientists are fretting about a few degrees.

Except when you learn where they place some of these surface temperature monitoring stations. You want more accurate temp data, Raw satellite data is the goto. Unfortunately that data started in the 60s. But since then, the rise in temp, according to the raw data, isn't alarming at all. Especially within the last decade where temp hasn't increased on average at all

>entering cave

>USA = Global
>Extra Cold = Warming
>Weather = Climate
>December = December


>Cave clear!!!

Onetime I was ice cave clearing and my koolaide froze. Want to be a millionaire? Figure out how to keep koolaide from freezing.

Global warming is absolutely real, and happening at a significant rate.

What's debatable is whether humans have anything to do with it. The earth goes through cooling and warming cycles naturally.




That tweet just shows how little he knows about that topic. Here in sweden, only an uneducated "redneck" would say something like that. Even though people are cucks, science is still more trustworthy than alcoholics

Climate change: How do we know?

get rekt canacuck

Everytime there is a "new record high" in any hot day anywhere in your country there is a shitstorm of people crying out climate change wtf are you on about?


Try harder shill. You think trump doesn’t know this?

Aaaaand it's a meme flag. Worry about your own shithole country

>he doesn't realize global warming also cause excessively cool weather
As of ten years ago, when "global warming" was rebranded as "climate change" due to the nagging failure of the globe to warm.

guys... this is why they're scientists. they study science. you do not. they've received accolades for knowing a lot of stuff you don't and are now telling you something else you don't know, it doesn't benefit them financially and likely less professionally now that al gore and every other asshole has made presentations about global warming

tldr learn to humble yourself to someone who better understands their own profession than you, a pol shitposter

Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course

No chemtrail follow up? C'mon Donald, someone must be taking too many flights.
>difference climate/weather
Not what this is about, keep lurking.

I'm thinking it will be an eternal Reich to be quite honest

>tldr learn to humble yourself to someone who better understands their own profession than you, a pol shitposter
Perhaps the scientists should learn not to overtrain their NN models to fit the historic data and then make up crazy explanations or modify historical data when predicted values of said NN models don't match observations.

Trump is always joking on twitter you dumbass

The rebranding was done because people doesn't realize local ≠global and global ≠universal

Cuckservative detected.
go eat soy and watch your favorite B L A C K E D video you fucking faggot.
the fire rises and the storm is coming.
i will personally fucking rape weak little faggots like you.

Given the thread, it might actually mean he acknowledge that weather changes

Has a caver ever not been clear?

Literally first Google result, you fucking idiots:

>difference between climate and weather
Ah yes, the new narrative.

And they ignore the fact that global temps have been level for the past 30 years. They just go back 100 years to be able to get .1 degree a year increase. That is 10 degrees in 100 years and the last two saw a global decrease in temps. That is what we call cherry picking. They ignore any data that doesn't fit their conclusion.

>Taking the bait (the first part)
>Missing the second part
If global warming is such a big deal, why are "emerging markets" exempt? Sounds like a shit deal to me, the President is right

oh you ignorant schlepp

in what field?

>they've received accolades
they give desired results for funding

weather is climate you science illiterate. btw, what is the temperature of the earth?

>get PhD in useless field
>climate science
>BS of faggotry
>MS underwater basket weaving
OMG wat do now? I know! Take money from liberals for my useless credentials

>muh semantics

You know you're running out of arguments when you resort to nitpicking.

does global cooling cause excessively warm weather, chinaman?

>everything is climate change

Well thanks for pointing out the obvious Chang, that's why "climate change" is a bullshit term.

Cool now show temperatures for the previous 21342384092309423 million years so we can really get a grasp on the scale we're dealing with....

maximum kek

Care to explain where the fucking polar ice caps have gone?.....

>--------the joke----------------->
Leftism is cancer, and gender was made by a childfucker (Google David Reimer's case, it's fucking sad.)
Also fuck you and die in a fire OP.

Trump sold them to the Arabs.

Battery operated warming coiled cylinder thermace. Let me get that million dollars.

>Trump doesn't fall for kike pilpul
>This is bad

If the atmosphere of the Earth were $25 dollars, the CO2 in it would be one cent.
So, the USA may fall but it damn sure won't be due to human caused Global warming, bcz there is none.

You can only tell when that occur
It is the extremistic transition that's why observatories are resetting the normal level every decade

yeah why not breath in a few micrograms of anthrax bacteria because they are so tiny compared to human body so they obviously won't hurt

That image has been torn apart so many times it's not even funny. At this point posting it is simply being wilfully deceptive.

>record heat wave
>warmtards make 100 threads OMG SEE WE TOLD YOU
>record cold snap
>warmtards: "weather isn't climate"

Roman Empire fell because it allowed women to have political power. They started inviting the goths inside the walls because women can't help themselves when it comes to refugees.

If the timeline holds true again, USA has another 150 years to go before it completely fails.

still waiting for the north pole to completely melt... al gore, who invented the internet, said it would all be gone 5 years ago...

Fund Russia and you'll see it soon



reminder that this site is ran by an australian cartoonist with absolutely no education in any type of science