Aryan genes

Let’s see if you can guess all my ethnicities.
Hint: 100% white


british with fetal alcohol syndrome


dutch mixed with anglo

Is this shopped?

Slav with mild down syndrome

Doubt it. He looks like a snownigger to me, but I'm not doubting FAS.

50% Sami

That wouldn't explain the (hopefully shopped) eyes.

I had a similar post-pimple spot on my nose for my passport. My deepest sympathies.


finnish for sure. possibly a norwegian.

Are you 13?

Also. Russian mongoloid.

having weak eyebrows is usually a symptom of a more serious problem

transexual potato nigger.

Oblivion character after "Randomize" settings

>guess my ethnicities
only in america

Jewish, German, Swedish.

No, I'm 26. You got it half-right though, the passport picture was taken when I was 13.

Get the fuck off ifunny fag


Mongolized face : small slanted eyes , flat nose , wide and flat upper jaw ,flaT head ,small and wide forehead = non _white.

Yes ,very mongolized face.

You is 100% amerimutt .ha at least 25% of mongoloid blood in your veins

100% "white"