Big win!

Professor Who Called for Genocide of the White Race Resigns in Shame!
You may remember the shitbag Drexel University professor who called for the genocide of the white race – oh, just about a year ago – and did not get fired.

Other urls found in this thread:



I’ve already trolled him twice on the phone lolz

Feels good, being anti white is starting to have consequences


my alma mater isn't completely cucked, amazing

Their Marxist foolery doesn't seem to work outside of their mother's basement. I guess he thought it could get him laid then realized he was a pseudo-intellectual.


I thought we were pro-free speech though?

> we only free speech if it stuff we like

They've ruined the notion of free speech by being against it. Let them die in their own bed.


Speak for yourself, leaf

The first amendment still lives in American soil

Alinsky rule #4 m8, make your enemy play by their own playbook. If they want to have the power to get people fired for their saying shit on Twitter, then they better be ready for it to come back at them. It's a lesson these people need to learn, and fast.


Real News report here:

You’re not going to win an ideological war by compromising your own principles. You’re only doing it for the fleeting sense of joy you get from watching some nobodies die on the altar. It’s mental masturbation. Nothing more


You’re right. Obviously not talking about Canada. I apologize for any confusion

well he didn't get locked up or anything

And you dont win using the Trudeau method of letting your opponents win. If stuff like this gets ignored then it gets normalised, more radical as it continues, eventually leading to real life actions with devastating effects. Before you can win a culture war you need to show that the other side's cultural ideology is bad. Then you can work on showing your's is good. The conservative, right wing ideology and culture has been demonized for nearly 20 years, because that's what the left needed to do to push their own cultural agenda.

Speak for yourself, Amerimutt, you're in the same boat.

Marxists create rules for themselves, so they should face the consequences and people really shouldn't defend them.

It's like Chenk Nigger who tried to get people fired over shit they said years ago, and was recently discovered for saying right-winging opinions years ago.

Only harassed by right wing sjws and kekistanis for s solid year until he reluctantly resigned

Really roasted my chestnuts, user

they didn't fire him for his public anti white racism
he resigned after a year of getting trolled


> let's all be reasonable, principled losers
No, you're just being disingenuous or a cuck. Without reciprocity, there can be no expectation to play fair. The Left decided long ago to play dirty, they need to be bullied until they give up their own radicals.

i think thats okay though
it takes a bit of both, you know

Literal antifa logic. This is it. Sup Forums has come full circle

>inb4 horseshoe memes

>not realizing standing on your principles does exponentially more good for your cause than shit-slinging

Using certain argumentative tactics that the left uses against them is not neccisarilly compromising your own values.

Now you virtue signaling on an anonymous Mongolian sand painting board, THAT'S mental masturbation.

you are a meme. your principles will win the war but not if you let your ego get caught up in the bloodlust of small victories

How is standing on principle in any way equivalent to virtue signaling? Do you just pepper buzzwords in where you think they sound good?

Actually you are slightly correct. We actually need both people like you as well as people like me. We need people me to hold the other side to their own rulebook, by literally using the rulebook they follow themselves, Alinsky's rules for radicals. However, we also need the people like you that are staunchly opposing this method and putting forth the ideology that we both agree on in order to keep it palatable for the general public. Both parts are incredibly important, and is the same method that has been used for generations. We cant win by only going
>look, they did the thing they themselves don't like!
But we also can't win if the opponent is free to change the rules and make them up as they go along.

And this is why the left got so much power so fast. It's the Rule for Radicals, how some people will stay so far entrenched in their principles that makes it easy for the enemy to seize control.

These men actively tried to get good, normal, hard working people fired. Justice is necessary. Put down the flag of "muh principles" and let them get destroyed from the problems they created for society.

I have no sympathy for a man who loses his life after getting caught from the same shit he accused innocent men of doing(who lost their jobs). It's an irony that makes it funny.

It's like a catholic priest who spoke out against sexual predation against kids but was porking alter boys during his after-horus.

>implying a white professor saying "all I want for Christmas is black genocide" wouldn't have been fired in two seconds.

Firstly, thank you for an actual answer. Meaningful conversations are rarer and rarer on here these days. Secondly, won’t the left just continue to use these tactics because our use of them is a tacit endorsement? How is this good for our side in the long run?

no, the left will only stop until they get burned by their own tactics. you cannot reason with these people.

No one implied that though

I agree, it serves him right but it’s no different than what they do. You can say “Muh principles” all you want but they are the crux of this entire conflict. Dismissing their importance with tired memes isn’t an argument

And we show the world that by pointing out their hypocrisy, not engaging in it ourselves. That’s how you win

You may have freedom of speech but your speech may have consequences :^)

How was he censored? The university didn't even fire him, because they're also anti-white and the government certainly didn't censor him. He resigned because he couldn't stand the heat his comments brought him. Free speech doesn't mean everyone else is obligated to respect your opinions.

And you are no better than them for being offended like a faggot

No shit. But the same people who claim to support free speech are the ones complaining they don’t like his

It’s hypocritical. It’s just like people getting upset at kapernig and flag burning. I can’t respect your principles if you don’t

It isn't dismissing principles. It's a fair punishment. These same people gained a lot of wealth from their foolery. Why should I care if they lose their job over their stupidity? Society shouldn't have gotten to this position in the first place where University professors are literally arguing for "white genocide".

These people fucked over other people on unfair, arbitrary principles. There's no reason to defend them. Let them pay the price, and we can apply principles to those who don't intentionally abuse them.

Why do whites do this to their own race

Do they think the hypothetical POC hordes will spare them for being an ally

>right wing SJWs

So what are you?

A leftist who's upset his professor got fired?

you made it a "free speech" issue when in fact its a race issue. its not about free speech, its about the glaring double standard. it took them a year to fire this guy. if he'd said the same thing about any other race he would have been fired immediately. "free speech" doesn't mean anything if its not applied to everyone.

Freedom of Speech isn't the freedom to do whatever you like. Calling for the deaths of a group of people by a professor needs to be dealt with. These people are molding young peoples minds...

>that's how we win
conservatives have been taking the moral high ground for decades and its gotten us nothing.

It is dismissing principles. This is a war of ideology. If your ideology is supporting free speech and then you get upset when you hear something you don’t like, it looks bad. You are a hypocrite and people don’t like hypocrites. It’s why people hate the left. It’s why trump won. If you want to continue to win you need to be better than them

They keep doing it because they can get away with it. They will never stop unless they feel the cost of using dirty tactics outweighs the benefit.

Moral principles are fine, holding on to them unconditionally is goofy. Rights can only exist within the boundaries of norms based on reciprocity. You have to be a bit of a bully when you're dealing with bullies or at least let someone act as a bully on your behalf or it will never stop.

As soon as the left gets their radicals under control and stop victimizing people for saying things they don't like, there will be no reason to turn the table on them.

its not hypocritical at all.

If I don't want to watch football because of Kapernig's actions then that's his loss.

This. Listen to this post. It's the moral principles that were held onto unconditionally that allowed these people in to begin with.

If they are gone, and if they weren't trying to ruin the lives of: (1) white people; (2) the nation state; then we wouldn't be where we are to day arguing over the merit of it.

If I say yes will you leave me alone?

Why can’t it be both? The left’s race double-standard is obvious to everyone. Free speech is the issue of our time

Decades is nothing in the big picture

How is it hypocritical? What principle exactly are you talking about? Not free speech, as you just agreed nobody is obligated to respect his opinion and nobody censored him.

So what hypocrisy exactly? Offence to his words? You think we should never be pissed off at anything our opponents say? That's a principle we hold now?

Cry more.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences :^)

and crying about it makes you look weak in body and character

Letting words dictate your emotions is everything that is wrong with the left. So yes

Except I’m the one criticizing you for crying

I would like you to stop concern trolling.

You keep acting like you're "part of the team".

And you act like people who get mad that someone would say something as stupid as "I want white genocide" is betraying some sort of "never get angry" principle that doesn't exist which you are for some reason conflating with "free speech."

You can get angry when someone disrespects the flag of your nation and you are not beholden to giving them money or attention for doing so.

Crying does not equal rightfully saying Kapernick has no idea what he's talking about and choosing not to give the NFL the time of day.

>Decades is nothing in the big picture
it only took a few decades to transform America from a first-world majority white country to a (borderline) third-world multicultural hellhole.

It doesn’t exist because you are an emotional child

>>"kill all huwhite people, amiritefolks?"

>Dude thats my family you can't say shit like that

>>its just words bro ;^), wait did you accidentally use the wrong pronoun on that person you didnt know likes to be called this word OMG THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW

Go outside. Spend less time on this board.

Nice non-argument emotional appeal.

Stop crying.

Exactly. People don’t like it because it’s hypocritical.

That’s not an emotional appeal, that’s a fact statement. If words upset you, then you are an emotional child. If you feel the need to cry about them publicly then you have no principles

So you've moved on from a betrayal of free speech to emotional argument. You think opposition to his calls for white genocide were intellectually irrational emotional responses?

>.02 cents has been deposited in your account

>Free speech is the issue of our time
Not it isn't. It's demographics. Free speech won't stop the replacement of white by people who don't give a fuck about your constitutional rights.

No I think they were hypocritical if the people who were making the calls pretend to support free speech

Do you definition of free speech is that one should never express any disagreement with anything anyone else says?

It's good for our side because they have been using these tactics for so long without seeing repercussions. Look at what happened with Al Franken, where they were shitting themselves trying to justify not holding him to the very principles they are so dedicated to. The issue is that if we want to have our principles shared by the general public, we are expected to defend them from attacks by the opposition; because, if we cannot defend them, then they are not justified principles. We are now in the position where we are able to challenge the principles held by the left, because they have gone unchecked and gotten out of hand for years, to the point where many of their beliefs are unpalatable. This is the natural change in ideology that happens over time, eventually enough people mess up, push it too far, and ruin an entire ideology. It's inevitably going to happen, but the faster it does the less of a backswing the pendulum will have towards the left after our time is up.

Legislation like C16 is far more dangerous to me at the moment than your inability to get laid

you're a literal retard.

>People using free speech is hypocritical of people who support free speech


that's right goyim, if you object to a college professor molding impressionable young minds by teaching them to hate their race, you're an "emotional child". gas yourself.

Actually it was an ad homenim.

Your response to me saying "there is no never get angry principle" is to call me an emotional child. Yet you're arguing for people to never feel the emotion of anger which is probably one of the dumbest things I've ever heard anyone argue for.

>Cry about them publically

What does /not/ watching football have to do with crying publically?

Like, for someone who doesn't get upset by words, you sure seemed to have walked into a thread all about celebration because one of Sup Forums's "enemies" resigned from his position to cry at us about how we are violating principles you seem to hold and being really unfair :(. You've done nothing but express how upset you are at our words.

DONT STOP NOW. Keep the shame machine going, we need to make an example out of this piece of shit. Keep it going until, hopefully, he kills himself.

Okay let's use a different scenario.

A Jihadi was found guilty of killing people, radicalizing youth and child sex trafficking, and he ends up in your country. Because you have principles, you'll be fine letting him speak and since you're against murder in your country by law, then if he hasn't murdered anyone near you you must be okay with that too.

After all, on principle you're against murder and for freedom of speech for people who break their principles. It wouldn't ruin your movement or anything. Just take examples from Trudeau.

They'll provide "powerful cultural enriching voices" America.

Shit doesn't fly in South Africa!

>people who ostensibly support free speech getting upset at free speech and calling for negative social consequences for uttered words are hypocrites


They didn't call for shit. They called him DIRECTLY and talked him right the fuck out of his job.

Again, that isn't to say that we don't need people like you, we need people to be ideological anchors for us to stick to and look back on and say
>these are the people to look to for ideological guidance, we're just keeping the opposition in check
I'm not going to ask anyone to do things my way to push back, and I'm not going to try to say that my way is the only way to handle this. I think both parts are needed, we need to be able to punch back while also standing firm.


If the jihadi had done all these crimes I'd advocate for him being thrown in jail for the rest of his life. What are you talking about? Did you respond to the right person?

this is a vacuous argument that could only be satisfied by complete apathy and cuckoldry. Freedom of speech means physical freedom of expression you faggot. Which means that people don't instigate violence against you based on your expression. Nothing about that means that you have to agree or encourage or respect someone's opinion. Mockery is as fucking important a social mechanism as anything and this is me calling you an impotent ideological faggot who has no friends and no allies. so basically fuck off. noone hurt the guy. he just couldn't deal with the real world consequences of his actions. thats fucking life faggot.

They #noplatformed him. Antifa is cool?

He noplatformed himself.

That's what resigning /is/.


It's the same "principles" for people responsible for: (1) radicalizing leftist college students; (2) getting innocent people fired from their job; (3) intentionally creating their own set of rules(aka a Jihadist remains with Sharia in the west which is against your own principles).

These scum bags deserve what came to them. There's no reason to defend them now for feelings.

No, they didn't. Just like any youtuber that pussy's out and deactivates because they cant handle it isn't delatformed, they're a bitch.

He deplatformed himself. Teddy Roosevelt, Bob Marly and many others have been SHOT for the way they thought and still continued. Fuck these faggots.

I think you're replying to the wrong person. I wholeheartedly agree that this man deserves the fate he has received.

They just stopped talking. They no platforms themselves

>resignation over "death threats" and trolling
Jesus, the absolute state of cuckademia

Opps sorry I've been drinking. I meant iLaX5itE

This is a really good thread because it confirmed my suspicion that pol has been compromised. We are a bunch of kekistani hypocrites and this is our safe space. God forbid someone make a joke against whites people. OMG WHITE GENOCIDE CONFIRMED. Give me a fucking break

Jk free speech does not mean freedom from consequences and mockery is an important aspect of it. I got it.

I make these arguments to sort out my own ideas because most of the time I don’t know what I believe. So thank you, happy new year, and keep fighting the good fight

It will be a win if he goes to jail.

Go home.

You're drunk.

lmao forgot about that faggot

I fucking love you dude

We actually believe the freedom from consequences bit, we're just making the fucks who pull this shit live up to their own standards. The left has been on the offensive for so long they neglected how to properly defend, and now they're getting a taste of their own medicine and seeing just how bitter it is.

I'm more drunk than he is because I started responding to the green American tag unable to read the ID.