Black Mirror

Who else sat through this snore-fest? I watched 3 episodes (1,2, and 6) and I'm mad that I did. At least 3 ebil corborations, not even actually scary, just the same predictable plot with interchangeable characters used to demonstrate the marxist theory of intersectionality. The leftism was coming on very strong in these, even for a netflix show. The writers were congratulating themselves on things that never happened, such as a successful protest against a fictional evil business (the museum in e6), and trying to allude to anything that's not marxism as being just fringe sickos with a masochistic fetish. Guess that's what happens when Soros buys a big share in netflix.

Charleton Brooker became a cuck in order to get his writing gig. Sad.

Take it to Sup Forums you fucking cunt.

I thought it was great. You just hate it because you don't get it.

i'm from Sup Forums, so i was disillusioned from the very beginning with all the fake and gay VR speculation

Yeah the VR episode struck me as dumb, I have virtually no knowledge in the field but I feel like someone who knows about computers and shit would be able to tear down the logic in the episode.

Literally every single episode I've watched is about cuckolding.

It also has that very British vibe to it where the protagonist is a completely pathetic weak willed loser literal cuckolds and the entire world is contrived with cliched writing that just copies tropes from america to the singular goal of humiliating and tormenting them.

2nd episode was great. 1 was funny and sort of sad. 3 was trash. 4 I didn't finish.

1st one retread a lot of the themes from White Christmas, 2nd one was a development on the ideas in men against fire and entire history of you. The third was shit, in the same tier as the bee episode, had no real message, it again recovered white Christmas themes and continually forced in references to other better episodes obnoxiously.

VR is the future bruh

Is the dog from mealhead a rip off of the mechanical hound from fahrenheit 451?

A show about the hound chasing down commies might be worth watching if it was done right

>what is boston dynamics

Episode 4 is consevative Kino

The last episode with the super hacker black girl was retarded and I cringed at her speech at the end.

I'm aware of that, and if I were to say one positive thing, the point they brought up about digitised consiousnesses requiring 5 senses to be considered humane was a neat point they could have expaneded on, but instead they chose the same old "ebil wh*te man must suffer" route. being stuck in a body that cannot experience the world was covered in no more detail by this show than it was by Metallica in One. and in this show, revenge goes unpunished as long as you're a feminist. still, eternal damnation is plenty covered in the Bible,

>the point they brought up about digitised consiousnesses requiring 5 senses to be considered humane was a neat point they could have expaneded on

forgot to add though, that right after touching on that they implied that the UN will be relevant in however many years this show is set in

Hound has got 8 legs and is stealthy, Boston dynamic doggo as four and sounds like a loud 2 stroke lawnmower

If we keep screaming loudly enough about men in tutus, they won't notice how many people are dying.

i lub metallica



It's because Brooker is a beta who always writes male protagonists from his perspective and female ones as strong willed badasses. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he announced he was transitioning in a few years.