Why are there impoverished people in the USA?

Why are there impoverished people in the USA?

Drugs. Drugs are bad. They cause people to make bad decisions.

Social Darwinism.

Because they don't have money.

Like alcohol?

>Why aren't there wealthy people in Africa?

Yes. Can confirm, know too many people who have destroyed perfectly good lives due to alchohol.

because USA is not a special snoflake

>blaming drugs on personality flaws


Because OP likes to make the same shitty threads every day instead of helping the homeless.

Usually they suffer from either drugs or mental health issues, or they had too many kids. I think only a small percent of poor are actually poor because of they are lazy.

why make such a shitty low quality thread?

i'm serious faggot, this is the best you could come up with?


People want to forget what was done to them.

Your implication is flawed, but just realize that drugs affect everyone differently. Absolutely addiction rolls of some people like water off a duck’s back, but begins a downward spiral for others. Some people shouldn’t ever come into contact with drugs. Doesn’t mean they should be illegal.

Every major society since the dawn of civilization has had undesirables and dregs on society. America is not unique in this regard.

they're living the dream

Because they can get welfare

Put down the fosters.


america is in the shitter, and no one wants to admit it


Put a 5 cent refund on aluminum cans and get the kids to work!

decent jobs can be hard to get and the cost of living in many places has outpaced wages. many people cannot afford to move to a location with better job opportunities.
additionally, some people just aren't cut out for decent jobs. there's always gonna be that guy who can only be a ditch digger or part assembler. unfortunately those jobs have either been shipped overseas or flooded with immigrants who will work for almost nothing.


A large number of Americans finance everything they can.

One little bump in the road and suddenly they have no income to save, they can barely squeeze by paying the bills on all they borrowed.

A couple bigger bumps, like their job getting shipped elsewhere or an illness or injury keeping them unable to work for a while and here comes the collections and repossessions.

Don't rely on credit to float through life. Save money and live within your means and you will be in better shape than many americans.

because poor people are too stupid to get decent jobs

>Why are there impoverished people in the USA?
The devolution of the family and state support of single whore mothers

oh oh oh but that's the bottles choice not mine ~~

Most homeless people are crazy or have some problem like drugs.

Being homeless for economic reasons is extremely short lived phenomena, there are so many charities and resources outside of the support network a healthy person should have throughbfriends and family the only way to truly be homeless is to actively avoid homeless or connections or an outstretched hand for hep.

Our nation is so wealthy the biggest health problem for the poor is obesity, the average person below the poverty line has two tv’s a gaming system and running water.

Homelessness is a mental health issue.

What happened was back in the day homeless people would be considered crazy and be take. As wards of the state to mental institutions. Ever notice their aren’t he classic “mental hospitals” anymore? Because I’m the 70’s and 80’s people said it was in humane to do this and they had them shut down.

Now the insane homeless wander the streets and pop in and out of jail instead of being cared for in an institution.

Another thing you can think stupid lefty do-gooders for