
Atheists still can't refute this.

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Burden of proof lies on you.

No one can disprove that [insert imaginary entity here] exists

Yea, so be an agnostic.

excuse me

please rap more

You come up with bullshit claim.
It's on you to back up that bullshit claim I call bullshit.

The film sucked dicc btw

read the sticky post, newfag

>white supremacist
>voice sounds awfully non-white

god keeps proving to me he's real and I still get myself into situations with a 99% mortality rate and survive, I should have died atleast 50 times by now

I was hoping Kevin Sorbo would break down, say "Gods do exist" and then punch a hole in the wall revealing he's been Hercules the entire time.

There could be a teapot in space, until we explore the possibility, we can't know for certain.

I'm not a god-believer and I have absolutely no problem with the claim in the OP.

Religion is about belief. The whole point is it requires faith. If there was proof of gods existence, there would be no need for faith - thus defeating the whole purpose of religion.

but you dont pray to that tea pot do you faggot? what is it about basic logic that escapes christcucks?

> demanding the proving of a negative

Go away.

>god exists
>Okay, prove it

Yeah fuck right off then

It's impossible, with science that doesn't explain all laws of the universe, to prove or disprove, within the means of same science alone, existence of Being greater than universe.
Therefore, existence of such Being or lack of thereof, continues to be a matter of faith, not science.

As a Christian these terrible evangelical movies fill me with grief and make it harder to feel the love of God, the world is darkened

>be agnostic
Okay be on the fence and generally confused about life

Hitchens's razor

So where does that leave us?
Huh fucktard?

its impossible to prove either way
its impossible to know, thus agnostics are the only honest rational ones, everyone else asserts that they DO know

Ok cunt, go ahead and bring up the evidence saying he isn't.

and this is his last video.
RIP faggot rapper who keeps repeating the same lines over and over.

>>god exists
read the pic again, it says they're right that you can't prove god's existence, so it doesn't claim "god exists".

it's more like
>i believe god exists
and then there's nothing to prove there. as opposed to edgy fedora tipping atheists who always claim "god doesn't exist", which they can't prove either.

Religion already assumes God's existence.
It's more than faith and belief, it's been warped into mind control.

I think you can prove the existence of a creation source. Depends on how you define God. I do not however believe in the fire and brimstone god of the bible.

Dismiss it if you want.
As I said, it's not a matter science can settle.
But a universe, ought to have a cause, for it's material and all within material is subject to causation. If you want to claim that it's not the case, then I can use your razor against you, for it's not evidenced in nature to material exist and be changed uncaused.
And this leads us to two possibilities.
1. Infinite string of cause and effect.
2. Finite string of cause and effect, the first cause being something greater than material and therefore not needing one.

This is not about evidence, it's about belief you humongous winged faggot extraordinaire. Why is it that christcucks are always the ones who demand proofs even though their whole religion is about unconditional belief? Gnosticism/atheism is about equally believable. Now subscribing to modern semitic religion and believing the creator of the universe cares whether or not you masturbate is stupid.

so there is a big door. nobody can know what's behind it. yet some people decide that there is something behind or nothing behind. jej

who agnostic here?

Russel's Teapot, move on.

I believe you're an idiot

>humongous winged faggot extraordinaire
This is an unneccesarily elaborate insult.

It's sort of true but one is more likely than the other.

We haven't seen a fucker walk on water or turn water into wine or cure people's sickness.
We haven't seen anybody who's 400 fucking years old.

If The Bible were true we'd have seen some of the magic bullshit from it by now. Especially if you're going by the Bible's version of how old (or rather young) the Earth is. With no measurable, palpable proof of anything in the Bible less and less people are going to believe in it.

Also: Atheists/scientists change their views and admit when they're wrong when newer evidence or proof is discovered. If Jesus were to come back and do magic shit, scientists and atheists would just go "Whelp I was wrong."
But religious people still deny fucking dinosaurs.

>yell "hey god!!"
>nothing happens
>christians be all ITS MORE OF A FEELING

ok the first few replies were funny

but please kill yourself

The proper analogy would be having a door that gets more translucent as science progresses. The only god that's left is the god of the gaps.

Which is a TON worse than the science of gaps, right (((guys)))?

her instagram is gracevcox

no nudes or anything though

science can only decipher what the recipe is, not how the recipe appeared

Disprove that flying unicorns arent real first.

Why would anyone bother to "refute" a completely pointless statement?

Sup Forums say that no one can prove the existence of a holocaust and they're right, but i say no one can disprove that a holocaust happened.

Sure I can
>no real witnesses
>no real evidence

whoop! done.

Only atheists are jews who bail because they cant handle all the inbreeding and lies, its why most who stay end up fucked up in the head.

Look at that cousin fucker Einstein, even he married his first cousin because he was so stupid.

>calls mom
>doesn't answer
>thus she does not exist.

Yeah it would be a real shame if they mind controlled you to do what’s in your best interests anyway. Much better to be a listless fedora donning tranny.

the best a person can be is agnostic and a moral person through philosophy. most of the time with most atheist is that they are only in it to indulge in their degeneracy. most atheist are not interested in classical liberal values that an individual should not submit to a deity but be free to pursue the principles they chose for themselves. I have no respect for those libertine atheist that are just interested in indulging in there degeneracy and not feel guilty about it.

you shall die with this thread, and these digits prove it

>no one can prove the existence of God
gay jewish meme
plenty of people have
I can

Gnostic = having knowledge, or in this case certainty.

Gnostic Theists are certain of their theology.

Agnostic Theists are convinced of their theology.

Agnostic Atheists are not convinced of any theology.

Gnostic Atheists are certain all theologies are false.

>American top theologists

thats why you become an agnostic faggot

If your definition of "God" is broad enough, then no, I cannot disprove it. However, I can disprove the Bible's claims about God, since the Bible makes claims that are verifiably false.


Well, maybe we shouldn't structure all of civilization around an unfounded belief?

Depends what people mean by God. But Christian God is easily refutable.

>99% mortality rate situations
Like? Or is this a shitty larp post

The cosmological argument has been addressed numerous times. Nothing at all implies the first cause as being supernatural in origin. In fact all evidence we do have points at the origins of the universe having a natural cause - i.e., the big bang.

>"i can prove god exists"

well, considering a universe created from nothing becomes less likely the bigger it is your burden of proof is actually larger still and you have equally little to show.

If the universe was created out of nothing then most likely it will only contain your brain and everything, including you reading this, is just your wild imagination, your brain creating fantasy to fill the painful void

>created from nothing
Nobody says this

That's a retarded argument.

You believe something because of a reason. Because, by cause. There is a direct cause by which you believe something to be the case. Existence is not a reason to believe in one person outside of your parents.

yes they do, the big bang (a theory created by religious people, its a model based on everything you morons try to argue against using said model)
was the start, so before that there obviously was nothing.

Or have you read some kind of special big bang theory where there was like a bag of gold hovering around waiting for the explosion or something?

But you can prove the existence of God, it's already been done.

Last I checked its only the most probable answer, and that being intelligent design.

We have no proof in any direction and there is no indicator as to who this designer might be either, only that of the possible ways we might have come into being intelligent design is the most probable

Prove you're not a faggot, OP.


Atheism is something necessary in society. Atheists are usually smart people that are more decent and rational than the average population.

>best interest
Everybody thinks they're acting in somebody's best interest.

You could use this for literally anything.

I can't prove that OP sucks literally every nigger cock.

But no one can disprove that OP sucks literally every nigger cock.

God doesn't want to kill you. He wants you to fall into a void of existential confusion and anxiety.

>"they"believe in the big bang theory
I think theres more than just a space explosion occurring in the theory, but nobody claims thats 100% fact. Its the best guesstimate we have that is founded in evidence. Your biased assertion on the topic is clouding your judgement, so whatever im saying is pointless regardless.

Last I checked it's impossible to prove anything beyond any doubt, I'll take the most probable answer.

I hope he does exist. I just can't believe it.

God is real

How do you figure its the most probable?

Christcucks can say that no one can disprove that god exists, but I say no one can disprove god doesn't exist.

You can't prove a negative though

butthurt atheist detected.

Not an argument, you seem more upset than a person making a point.

>more decent
doubt it
>more rational
yes, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing, rationality is only ultimately good if you have all the facts in your conscious(not subconscious!!!) mind, which is never the case.

Atheist too btw, but I don't wear a metaphorical fedora anymore

You fool, does darkness exist?
There is the absense of light, but you cannot prove scientifically WHAT darkness is.
Does cold exist? There is an absence of heat, yet no way to determine WHAT cold is.
Can you describe what salt tastes like to me, without using the word "salt" or "salty"? Having faith is the only way to know ANY of these things, yet you dare cast a shadow on god, you ignorant tool.

By thinking about it really hard.

What kind of cowardly exit is this?

I never said that, I cited a fact. That the big bang theory was created by religious people and was made to be compatible with the bible, it was more a answer to how than to who.

Dr Laine Craig have some good information on it

>Using the argument that started the fucking flying spaghetti monster meme

Maybe there is god, but it definitely doesn´t want to be worshiped every day and his prophet is not kike from middle east

>lel you can't prove or disprove so i'm right lel atheists btfo ok praise jeebus
I'm not even an atheist but you Deus Vult fags strawman so hard it's not even funny anymore.

lmao, not true.

It have established itself as a truth due to ignorance. It is a common theme among scientists who devote their life to science (math, physics) to one day be met with the realization they are only discovering the intelligent design of someone else.

Or so they say themselves, even the bogdanoffs have said it

Satan is god.

Christians BTFO

>you worthless sack of shit.
Yeah, vocal aggression solves everything, doesn't it, atheists?

>I cant prove OP sucks dick
false equivalence, OP certainly does suck the dick and he proved it by posting the thread

Lol yeah, right. Gotta watch out for the bears and the cold. Or the worst one, drinking yourself to death. Truly, a miracle of God that you are still alive. Someone loser who shit posts on an anime porn site. Wow, god really knows how to pick them

lol, no.

That gotta be the oldest lie in the world though, you can spot the difference by looking at its followers, satanism leads people astray down the line while appearing to be good on the surface while true good (what people call God) will instead be even more apparant as it takes root



That's the thing I don't get. Why is the Christian god wanting to be worshiped, venerated and reminded of his own glory?
That's primarily a biologically human desire. That alone is good evidence god was made by humans?