what the heck am I looking at?

You should ask zimbabwe’s whites what they think of white genocide

some sort of autistic break down i think

Pasta from /tv

Black Mirror s04e01. They portrayed the white genius as a bad guy who created a star trek game to torture people from his life in it. Absolut sjw garbage

Stop stealing my panties user

Just use their force diversification against them.

I-I´m sorry mommy
Maybe I can massage your f-feet please to make up for it

Anything with The Poor Man's Matt Damon as a star is going to suck.

sorry but ur thread is not gonna make it in Sup Forums anyway

Charlie Brooker is a left-wing white British man not a Jew; so how are you going to shoehorn Jews into this one?

>They portrayed the white genius as a bad guy who created a star trek game to torture people from his life in it. Absolut sjw garbage did you miss the part IN YOUR OWN FUCKING SENTENCE where it says that he created a game to torture people?

le 56% face

>invent a game that directly interfaces with your brain/consciousness
>if the game crashes, there is no failsafe mechanism that automatically wakes you up
>also your entire lived memories, including your passwords and everything you've ever learned, are stored in your DNA

Simulations are not people.

I noticed all the anti white themes pushed in the new season. I still enjoyed the shows but I had to chuckle at how preposterous it was. You guys need to understand something. Getting upset by anti white sentiments gives you a cucked victim mentality. You have to be able to laugh and make fun of it. That's what they want to kill on this board. A sense of humor is dangerous

[spoiler]it was the real people who are stuck in the game[/spoiler]

According to some desert Palestinian mythology, a god created a place to torture people forever. Explain how come he's the good guy.

what ever trash I'm looking at I can tell you I will not watch. I haven't watched TV in over 10 years. Doesn't look I'm missing much. Fucking clucks. Get the jew box out of your house.

They were intelligent sentient digital clones. They were not humans, but they were persons.

But anyway, the guy was clearly a psychopath.

The Poor Man's Matt Damon is clearly the pure Norwegian Phenotype.

>Explain how come he's the good guy.

Clearly he's not.

Also, he doesn't exist.

It's called a premise. It's a type of writing you might not be comfortable with. Not saying that these new episodes AREN'T SJW infested, they are. But the idea of hating a story that doesn't claim to be realistic because of the devices used to drive the story forward is just autistic.

Hate it because you aren't entertained, not because of how the story is writtdn

>tfw klingon dad left before you were born

Who are the producers, director, head of casting and studio heads?

Speak for yourself, cuck. Appeasement nor apathy is the way.

He was still a genius. And he died in the end.

I enjoyed this episode. Face it you autistic basement dwellers, the entertainment industry will never choose a minority as a main villain anymore.


>Jews convinced to diversify Europe and east Asia
>Whites convinced to diversify Israel
Lads, it’s not the Jews behind this shit, it’s Africans

>dat blue bitch
my dick is diamonds now

Does it really matter when white people are the ones who choose to consume this trash, and perfectly well might refuse to watch it and make something higher and better of their own? We are responsible for our own moral decline.

I am? Step back and look what you just typed.
Really consider how you come across.

american television

> She didn't say "Thank you"

Time to rape her face.

There have been a couple of shitty episodes before, but this was maybe the worst BM episode. The whole thing was built upon a series of obvious misconceptions, namely that if you have someone's DNA then a clone would have all of their past memories, and the weird idea that the artificial intelligence programmed into a game would "live" when the game isn't active. So fucking stupid the whole episode should have been trashed from the first draft of the screenplay.

The successful white man selflessly sacrifices his eternal being for the women.

I'm pretty sure a Jew served them bagels

Fargo was pretty awesome though.

I'm looking for a screen shot of the captain planning on getting some DNA , and adding the "Soon" caption.

Use your fucking brains retards. It has more effect to be funny than to pout and cry like a little scared faggot

I like Black Mirror, sometimes it's a bit preachy though. Only see two episodes of the new season but I'm liking it so far.

Also, I really thought the blue alien was Billy Lourd for a second, and I was disappointed when I realised I was wrong.

> Smart white guy makes super popular video game
> Only 2 people in the company actually do coding for the game, him and the Indian guy
> Everyone else just walks around talking about bullshit, gossiping and slandering the main person doing all the work
> He creates an artificial universe to cope with the unhappiness in his life caused by his colleges
> New worker who he is nice to breaks into his house and sabotages his equipment leading to his death
> Programs designed to resemble his coworkers break free from his control and life happily ever after in the video game world
> Evil white male defeated once again!

I thought it was Jane Krakowski.

I just want to fuck the blue one desu

yeah you conveniently left out the part where he's a psycho torturer

My brother is in the industry, he's a normal english lad.
Talented too. A few years ago his films that just he and his mate, and a few that just he made completely on their own were in sundance, cannes, all the proper channels.

Now they turn down anything he produces because it doesn't have enough niggers and women credited. He has to write his initials in his submissions so no one knows he's a man and no one will hire him for anything despite his credentials.

How the fuck are people meant to come up with millions of pounds for financing a motion picture, and get it into cinemas you retard?
Hollywood is dying already but it's a fucking monopoly, then there's jewtube another censorial monopoly.

The kikes run the media. Also another heartwarming story he told me was that when he was in film school he told his professor that our polish grandmother was a jew (she's catholic but she left during WW2 so it's a fair assumption) he gave him straight A's the whole year and told him he'd be his '''rabbi''

Who, exactly, do you think he tortured?

>gaping, gigantic holes in the story are "a premise"

No, it's just bad writing. They wrote it so that the antagonist can create 100% perfect virtual copies of people, with memories and everything, from just their DNA. Ignoring how stupid this is for a second, they could written it so that the VR game that interfaces directly with your brain is able to download a copy. The antagonist, being the inventor of the software, could have added this feature in nefariously for the purpose of making AI clones of people to torture.

I could suspend my disbelief for that, not for "put a swab of DNA into this machine and a perfect AI clone with all of your memories is created"

is that a mask?

sentient entities

So is no one going to stop and mention the retardation of le VR game killing the player again?

Just imagine you've made a game like that, where if the sever crashes (or got deleted by hackers) every single person playing would die.

What should of happen at the end is he took the thing, said 'fuck' and then he accessed his digital record of all the DNA, and loaded it up from scratch.

That's not even getting into the fact that DNA doesn't work that way, the amount of processing power required to simulate even one persons brain (let alone 7+), or the question of what would happen to the digital clones once they ran into a PKer - Which, given the EVE resemblance, would be instantly.

Gee bill, two niggers

The same thing is happening in Hollywood. The super Jews are deffo behind diversity quotas. It is ruining cinema. They made lucas’ Star Wars films look good!

Why are shows like this one made to look like a community college theater class's farce and/or parody?

Nobody owes you anything, especially in a creative industry. If you are turned down then go make your own independent film and publish it on the internet. Casey Neistat and the Angry Video Game Nerd and hundreds of like people needed nothing but Youtube and their own equipment to get successful. This is a really pitiful attitude to take when you look for somebody else to fasten all your failings on.

"How are people supposed to come up with millions of pounds." Are there no white people in a country of 65 million souls who will fund decent wholesome films then, and do you still insist on blaming Jews for all society's ills?

Yeah, that was actually the most interesting thing to me - the game kills you if it crashes

....seems like something that would come up during testing

Black mirror is fucking trash. If you could get through the very first episode which is trash leftist propaganda that was beyond cringe and tasteless then you're a fucking faggot.

Computer code isn't sentient.

Isn’t Black Mirror a Britcuck production

Does a bear shit In the woods?

"Hey [insert standards agency here] here's our new immersive video game product."

"Cool, video games are harmless."

"Yeah, our harmless too, unless the sever goes down while you're playing you can't access the menu to get out then you're fucking brain dead."

Watched it. Can't see much of a statement here other than the implication that quiet white males are secretly sociopaths with delusions of godhood. However, this is also offset by the fact that short of the black chick getting morphed for throwing herself at his mercy, everyone is doomed unless white people take charge. The balls to sacrifice for the ship, and the leadership to plan and execute a plan of escape. Everyone else was just as useless as a diversity quota for a tech company. Felt a little too much like "It's a Good Life" for me to give it full props. But a good episode.

You have never played a game where you killed NPCs or online players?

Black Mirror started out on Channel 4 in the UK, where it ran for 2 seasons before getting picked up by netflix.

If you want to watch a good version of Black Mirror, check out Utopia.

Haha that was really the cherry on top of the shit pudding. I don't know if it was supposed to be shocking or a twist or what, but it failed terribly. Nothing in the episode made sense.

Is normalfaggotry curable?

And yet it was two white people who saved them. One through sacrifice, and one through brains and leadership. What did the others do? It's easy to spin this episode as anti-SJW if you show how useless everyone else was.

>season 1
>what if you could use social media to blackmail an entire country
>what if you could relive every experience you've ever had at will
>what if you could enslave humanity through a corporate regime of total overstimulation

>season 4
>what if you could put your consciousness in a video game
>what if you could put your consciousness in a dating app
>what if you could put your consciousness in a toy monkey

all originality is gone from this show, shame

no, computer code isn't, but the entities that were created with that computer code were sentient

just like your DNA isn't sentient, but you are

No, characters in a computer game cannot be sentient, not even in the future.

what the fuck is that...

NPCs aren't sentient, and other players don't actually feel pain or die

not even remotely the same thing

>huhuhuh what if we made the PM fuck a pig
>huehuehue because he's a pigfucker in real life
>hwahwahwa this is so uncomfortable to watch it must be good
>hweeeehweeeehwa conservatives are literal pigfuckers
you faggots are children for watching this trash

>Just put it on the internet
He has done that.
>Youtube is a platform
Top fucking kek
>Pitiful that you blame the people that run the industry and make the rules for films for not being able to get your films into the festivals

>Oh well english people that are not even involved in the business and know nothing about films should finance him millions of pounds to make a film competing with hollywood that already has every channel completely dominated
The risk is ridiculous, no sane person would finance that.
>do you still insist on blaming Jews for all society's ills?
When a group of people run banking and the media, porn and the UN and push diversity and ant-traditionalist propaganda, censor conservatives, openly mock Christianity, push for open borders and refugess etc. To pretend that group of people is not to blame is hilarious.

teevee is so boring

sure, maybe in real life, but they were in the episode

what kind of fucking argument was that?

no, it's a nigger

gross, huh?

That episode aired before the pig fucking accusations, hardly their fault

In fantasy, you can invent things that are not possible in reality, but you cannot violate your own logic. The episode was not coherent.

Try watching the last episode: "Black Museum"
That shit was so forced.

If this was a serious ethical question I would still have no issue with killing NPCs, even if someone was torturing and raping an exact NPC copy of me - I don't give a shit because I'm not affected by it.

As it is that's not a serious question though, because no NPC is sentient. I don't feel bad about running over those hookers in San Andreas, or looting back the money I paid them.

Look at that picture.
Name one person who's happy to be there.
One person who stands there with pride in his/her job.
Just one.
You won't succeed.

>what is conditioning
Media propaganda artists place the idea and then make up the story to convince the public it's true

So many slide threads today

They are being kept their as prisoners against their will, why would they be happy to be there?

He's married to a poo

Checked and keked! I thought the same thing when he was on breaking bad.

look, I sad that the guy was a psycho for torturing sentient whatevertheyare, and you're talking about how the episode was not coherent

sure, but in the logic of the episode, those were intelligent beings, and he was torturing them

that's all

the guy is not a hero

In the age of the internet, if your brother makes a good film then people will watch it. It really is that simple. The ability for an individual to be successful on their own has never been greater, whether in literature, video games, music, or films. You have nobody to blame but yourself if you fail by this point. There is ultimately no barrier to entry but your own talent. And if white people are consuming the trash that comes out of Hollywood and the mainstream media instead of looking to and making a market for something better then they are to blame for that. We have seen exactly the same phenomena before in the bloodthirsty shows and lewd plays exhibited during the time of the decadent Roman Empire; entirely owing to a loss of moral virtue there, not a single Jew involved.

How many times? How many times must we tell you to stop watching shit coming from netfix or hollywood?

Because degeneracy pays good money.
I get the impression however that they are trekkers, and they've have read the script for next season right before that photo-op.

In the logic of the episode, the characters in the game were created using DNA and "lived" in a computer. Since that's not how DNA or computers can ever work, even in theory, the characters could not be sentient. That's why the episode was incoherent.

LOL @ that fucking indian.

Don't know about other anons but I pirtaed it, just like I pirate everything from netflix.

Take from them everything, give them nothing.

I wish I could pirate that hour back and watch something else.

You can't pirate time but you could pirate Time Bandits, which is longer than an hour but also brilliant.

that's like saying that there's no point talking about weather Data in Star Trek is a person or not because warp drive is impossible in real life

Do humans exist if and only if warp drive is possible?

Yeah, same for Alford Hitchcock and Amazing Stories. But I'm not here to defend the show, just to point out you're being a baby.