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Wait what? Is it real and how do I buy one?




>blacks laziness reaches peak when niggers get too lazy to commit crime
If only

Lets make a meme that whites have been using this mask for a long time and that Jay Z and Snoop Dogg are secretly white boys in a mask promoting the gang lifestyle so whites can go around and shoot blacks in the hood and get away with it and that the crips were created by racist whites.

How much can you buy these nigger masks for?



Wait how would that even work when they would have to take the mask off when they go to trial and such?

>you want blacks to stop killing each other
0/10 worst idea

so black lives matter are actually protesting for white people who hide behind masks

>White boys
>Black men

You guys see this selective language here? They say this to imply that whites are boys and blacks are MEN.


They try calling us "boys" because we used to call them "boy" and whip them. It doesn't work lol.

>Jay Z and Snoop Dogg are secretly white boys in a mask promoting the gang lifestyle
I like your creative thinking user

>How much can you buy these nigger masks for?


Better be getting into a bank vault, that's not gas station cash register money.

In my experience, when black women say white boy they;
>want me some swirl
That leads me to think that is wrong and it’s just that boy denotes attractiveness and resentment towards that attractiveness.
Ugly white dudes usually get called cracker, seems to prove my point, white boy is subconscious telling that some nigger finds you attractive.

So, leafs are sneaking across the border, and wearing masks that make them seem to be citizens of America?

if i pull that mask off will you die?

In america all of us like to LARP as whites, its tradition. 90% of Sup Forums is some shade of brown. I'm black myself, and identify as a white male.

Hahahahaha fuuck. Thanks.


not if you don't get caught

Lmao. Oh shit sonething else we can blame.


Niggers so lazy, whites have to commit even the crimes for them.

>all this time niggers were law abiding citizens

dey took our jerbs


Actually this would be awesome. Wearing an ultra realistic shitskin mask would allow you to do whatever crime you want without any legal or moral repercussion. Shiiiiieeeet.

This is sort of like Drive, right?

> 799$
Ha ha, nope

just get a chinese knockoff for 50bucks putler

Yeah, but you'll make it back after your first stolen car.

> heppa heppa they be out here in NEW TYPE MASK
It's like it was written by a slow eight-year-old.

are you retarded?

>google search
>There's one confirmed case of this
>young turd video about this "likely epidemic"

hahaha . A shitskin tyrone face

Yes, all blacks that commit crimes are actually white guys, except the ones killed by white police officers. Those are kingz cut down in their prime by an oppressive system.

>without moral repercussion.
Now you are the nigger.

You can buy a real life nigger for half the price of a nigger mask.

What a time to be alive.


Well I googled "white people wearing black masks to commit crimes" and here is what I got


So yeah.
that being said, I wonder how people didn't manage to realize they were actually niggers, unless they didn't get close enough to smell them, and they kept their mouths shut during the whole thing, which seems pretty much impossible for a nigger. I mean seriously, not a single AYOO HOL UP BITCH NOOD MODAFUCKA YA CRACKA FUCK WHITEY OOGA BOOGA?