doctrinal debates are encouraged.

atheists and pagans are to be preached the gospel, then ignored.

Other urls found in this thread:

please redpill me on the following things

>Christians on jews
christians seem to live israel and the jews.... not very good....

didnt the jews get jesus killed? or was it the romans?

abraham created christianity right? didnt he create islam and judaism aswell?

im genuinley intrested in this

och svenska kyrkan är cucked som fan

watch this, its pretty pilled with scriptural support until he strawmans the race shit towards the end without scriptural support.

He's flat wrong about the race shit, especially if you go into the old testament it talks about having kids that look like you. Which clearly means not racemixing. Its the one thing Andersen is a completely bluepilled about.

>Christians seem to live israel and the jews.... not very good...
I mean Israel was the birthplace of Christianity so.
>didnt the jews get jesus killed? or was it the romans?
Jews were in opposition of Jesus' teachings and essentially fabricated claims and conspired to get him killed.
>abraham created christianity right? didnt he create islam and judaism aswell?
In a sense you could say that, however Christians believe in Jesus Christ and Jews don't. Jesus' sacrifice repealed all previous covenants of faith and has his followers follow what he bestowed in the New Testament.

Reminder that Catholicism is the original church God created.

>christians seem to live israel and the jews.... not very good....
The thing with Christian Zionism and Christians loving Jews is a relatively new doctrine within Christianity known as "covenant theology", which believes that God's promise to Abraham applies to the "Jewish people", and not to Christians. This idea was invented in the 1800's. The New Testament is a very anti-Jewish book, which is why Jews have traditionally been very hated and persecuted in Europe and elsewhere. The Bible teaches that the Jews murdered Jesus and are under the wrath of God, cursed to be scattered around the world without a country.

>didnt the jews get jesus killed? or was it the romans?
It was the Jews. The Bible is crystal clear that "the Jews both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us". In the gospels, the Jews even admit it, when Pontus Pilate (the Roman governor of Judea) said that, "I am free from the blood of this just person". And the Jews shriek back at him: "HIS BLOOD BE ON US AND ON OUR CHILDREN!"

>abraham created christianity right? didnt he create islam and judaism aswell?
No. Abraham was given a promise by God, that through Abraham and his seed, all of the nations of the world would be blessed. Abraham's seed is Jesus Christ, according to the Bible... so any religion that denies Jesus Christ as the son of God is a false religion. Muslims only grabbed on to the Abraham story to make a name for themselves. And Judaism is a false, Satanic religion that the New Testament even talks about. Paul mockingly calls it "the Jews' religion".

>och svenska kyrkan är cucked som fan
Som fan.

I have a question.

When jesus is asked which is the greatest of the commandments in the law, he gives two answers (which are well known).

Are we meant to think that the two commandments he gives are in some way the same commandment? Are both greatest?

While I agree translations can screw up wording, if you truly care about interpretation it'd be best to perhaps look at the Vulgate or your denomination's interpretation.
t. Cadolig

>are under the wrath of God, cursed to be scattered around the world without a country
But in the end they again will be His people. And every Christian is spiritually a Jew.

Not repealed, fulfilled / perfected.
Jesus is the one Sacrifice. He bore our sin on the Cross and, rising from the dead, conquered sin and death. Then He poured forth His Spirit so that all who know Him will worship the Father in 'Spirit and truth'.

>But in the end they again will be His people
That is correct, the believing remnant of Jews who turned to Jesus Christ will be resurrected and live in Israel with Jesus and David as their rulers. Keep in mind that unsaved Jews will not come back. They are in hell.

>And every Christian is spiritually a Jew.
That is correct. Christians are technically speaking the real Jews, we who "have the circumcision of the heart".

>christians seem to live israel and the jews.... not very good....
That's an American proddie thing.

>didnt the jews get jesus killed? or was it the romans?
The Romans on pressure from the jewish priest caste.

>abraham created christianity right? didnt he create islam and judaism aswell?
No it was Jesus Christ like in "Christ"anity

>im genuinley intrested in this
Yet still not motivated enough to even read the wiki on it

>och svenska kyrkan är cucked som fan
Deine Sprache ist der Deutschen untergeordnet weil sie die Fälle verlernte und somit wie Englisch für Deppen ist.

>t was the Jews. The Bible is crystal clear that "the Jews both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us"
but what about the romans that forced him up on the cross?

what about the whole: "There are no more greeks, borders yadyaydyadyady, were all the same" shit

As Jesus says of these, (God first) the two are inseparable. Thus, Jesus says (Matthew 7:12) of the 'Golden Rule'; "this is the Law and the Prophets"

>There are no more greeks
Greeks went extinct?
Did I miss something?

Yeah, you pretty much destroyed their country.

not exactly greeks but there is one part of the bible where it goes "There are no more greeks, germans, poor wealthy, were all the same"
some hippie shit

No, it means that Christ comes first, everything else is secondary/ flows from this.

>but what about the romans that forced him up on the cross?
He was executed by the Roman government, that's correct. But the people who got him arrested and executed were the Jews. The Bible is extremely clear on this fact. When the Romans asked if they should let him go, the Jews responded: "CRUCIFY HIM!" And when he hanged on the cross, they mocked him.

>what about the whole: "There are no more greeks, borders yadyaydyadyady, were all the same" shit
You mean, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus"?

All this means is that everyone can get saved by believing in Jesus Christ, it doesn't matter if you're a Jew or a Greek or a Swede or a Nigerian. Just believe on Jesus and you'll be saved. The reason this verse is so important is that the Pharisees that Jesus met in his day were very arrogant and felt very superior to everyone else because they were Jews. So the Bible makes it really clear that the Jews are not anything special. "There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek".

My personal opinion based on Scripture is that the Bible is against mixing between nations, globalism and so on. It's a Satanic plot to create a one world government.

This is to simply drive home that gentiles can be saved (something that wasn't popular in the Jewish faith). Everyone has the capacity to believe and embrace God's love, not necessarily a calling/affirmation for all to believe that we are all the same mortally, but that we can all be received in the kingdom of God.

What happens to people who live in bumfuck nowhere and never have the opportunity to hear the Gospel in their lives?

alright, alright
this is starting to sound better and better

what about the cahtolic pople and the vatican 2?
the pope is preaching about letting in refugees, calling virgin mary a refugee and allowing homosexuality

I showed up at work at 2300 (when my shift starts) and punched out at 2301. Boss was like "WTF" and I was like "Oh well one minute is like eight hours and eith hours is like one minute" and he was like "oh fuck, you're right, because to got a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. Her'es your full days pay." and walked away like a bitch. It's awesome being a christian.

if proddie teaching than they go to hell.
if catholic teaching they go to heaven as long as they been rightious. To be very exact: In the moment of their death Jesus apears and takes them to heaven therefore they've been saved through his grace but only the rightious (good) ones.

There's none that is righteous. Only Christ had the capability to do it.

God alone is good, and God alone is judge.
We can't make that call, but I'm pretty sure the Lord who loves us more than we love ourselves, in His mercy, would not condemn someone through no fault of their own.

>spoken like true swedes
would you like some third world with that too

My response here will piss of the Catholics, but most Bible believing Christians believe that Catholics and the Catholic Church are not Christians. The reason for this is that so many of their traditions and their behavior goes against what the Bible teaches. They build enormous statues and idols and images, even though the Bible teaches against this. They pray to saints, they believe that Mary remained a virgin her entire life, they baptize babies, they call priests "father", they wear long robes, they believe in a false gospel, etc, etc.

Therefore, most Baptists or Protestants don't want to associate themselves with Catholics at all. We don't believe that they are Christians. They worship their own traditions instead of God's word and the Bible.

Vatican 2 is basically a huge meeting held in the Vatican in the 60's, where they decided to become ultra-liberal to try to "fit in" to the modern world. Some Roman Catholics believe that this meeting goes against the "rules" of the Vatican and that the current pope is not valid.

Is there a more specific source on the inseparability of the two?
It's implicitly clear from the passages where Jesus states the 2 great commandments that they are meant to be thought of together, but is this made more explicit elsewhere?

>if proddie teaching than they go to hell.
what? Bible doesn't tell anything about this. I think that God has prepared something for people who have never heard about Christ. Why would he punish people who had no idea?

Everything the Church does that you have listed were already common practices before the Church compiled the Bible.
Tradition came first.

I've been growing warmer to the ideas of Christianity for a long time. I'm still apprehensive though.
If I could have some literature to convince me, or just some simple arguments to read...

Catholics follow their cuck pope who interprets the Bible accoring to his communist sympathies, they’re all going to rot in purgatory and gay Catholics will go to hell with their pedofile priests

There's none righteous, no, not one. The only way to be righteous is to have His righteousness imputed upon them by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The short answer is that they go to hell. Our job as Christians is to preach them to gospel. Read Romans 4 and James 2, they teach the importance of good works to get other people saved.

According to catholics even atheists go to heaven

>atheists and pagans are to be preached the gospel, then ignored.

You guys ever notice Christians hate atheists more than any other group? It seems like they should dislike other religions more, right? Not only do other religions NOT believe in Jesus but they also replace him with OTHER Gods.

It comes down to psychology. If you say to a Christian, "I believe in God but don't go to church" they're okay with it. If you say, "I believe in God, but I belong to another religion" they're okay with it.

If you say, "You know... I don't believe in God. None of that stuff is true" then they get mad... because that is threatening to them on a psychological level.

They want people to buy into their delusions too, and they absolutely hate it when someone says "None of that stuff is true." Probably because they secretly know it IS all false made-up bullshit whether they admit it or not.

Convince me of Pascal's Wager.
Specifically, how am I not lying to God? Is belief for self-preservation reasons really belief? Why would it logically follow that God would want me to lie and put myself in dissonance if I truly do not have faith? Having read the bible, he's not exactly demanding disingenuous blind faith, actual faith isn't blind, as far as I can tell.
Why can't I just live my life to be the best person I can be, and let Him judge me if He's real? I'm not kidding I don't claim belief because it doesn't logically make sense to me (the specifics of that are beside the point and it would be trite to you for me to explain them), but why should that stop me from being a decent person, and/or why is that not enough?

Oops, I was thinking of Matthew 22:34-40

Elsewhere this leads them/us to question "who is my neighbor?"

May I suggest the parable of the Good Samaritan?

>christ general

beside the 10 commandements - are the 613 mitzvots biblical or talmudic? I want to be cool with Yeshua and Yahweh in the new year

I don't hate atheists. I don't even talk to them, all I do is just post le fedora meme if they appear in thread. Every discussion with them is pointless
>why do you think God doesn't exist?
>because I say so lol

How about this (this is what I say to most Swedes who know nothing about the Bible or Christianity): did you know that in order to be 100% sure that you're going to heaven when you die, all you need to do is believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, was buried, and rose again from the dead? If you believe that and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will be saved -- no works and nothing else is required.

After this point, we can start talking about Biblical doctrines and so on!

Maybe you're already aware of this since most Americans are pretty knowledgeable about Christianity. Most Swedes simply have no clue.

There are no "good" people. Everyone fails. That's why you need the blood of Christ.


And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

is it true that only by believing in God and that Jesus is his only son and that he came back from the dead I will be saved?

also, is purgatory real?

Said, as long as they behave in accordance to God's good nature, they can be saved through God's grace (according to Cadoligs)
The Pope is the leader of the 12 apostles and his seat as been taken by successors over the course of the years. He is the leader of the church and holds Papal Infallibility at times but IT ISN'T A PASSIVE TRAIT. The Pope can mess up and has messed up but we trust that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide our church. Vatican 2 was and still is a controversial council. Nothing was necessarily heretical but interpretations of the outcome can be for sure. The council simply made the church transition into being able to preech in the vernacular of a given church and other things which accommodated churches. Like all institutions, the Church was subject to those that took this new teaching and abused it to corrode the conducting of mass, and things like that. But fundamentally speaking, the council was fine.
>They build enormous statues and idols and images, even though the Bible teaches against this
While this can lead to idolatry, these creations are meant to represent what is depicted. A picture of Mary is Mary, and things like that. The church is against idolatry and people shouldn't praise or pray to the object, but what the object represents.
>they pray to saints
We believe in what's called the cloud of witnesses and believe that saints are just as capable for praying for us as are our friends and family (praying to a saint is the same as asking a friend to pray for you).
>they believe that Mary remained a virgin her entire life
Don't see how this is heretical
>baptize babies
The baptism, as Catholics interpret it, is a sacrament which serves to act as a remission of original sin (which everyone is born with, including babies), a substitution for circumcision, etc.

Just because something was practiced doesn't make it right. Paul and the Apostles warned against false preachers and false doctrines already in their day. So just because a tradition exists or is "old" doesn't make it valid.

A tradition needs to line up 100% with Scripture...

The only modern translation I like is the ESV. Douay Rheims is translated from Latin Vulgate, which came from the original Latin in the 3rd century; preserving the original scriptures well. The original KJV was a masterpiece and I personally use it for the Old Testament.

The Tyndale New Testament is the first English translation and my personal go-to. Unlike the other earliest versions, it was done for the sake of spreading God's word and has no political motivation behind it.

Is that a righteous statement? How do I know if Chist didn't say it?

I read Orthodoxy by GK Chesterton last summer.
It didn't make me a Christian, but it convinced me that the Christian moral/philosophical inheritance is a very good one.

>is it true that only by believing in God and that Jesus is his only son and that he came back from the dead I will be saved?
Yes. Talk to Jesus today if you haven't done it yet. Ask for salvation and you will feel the change the next day after you wake up.

> is purgatory real?
No, it was invetned by vatican to get more money from people.

Friendly reminder that 82% of atheists and pagans are white, and that the eternal ((((Christcuck's)))) biggest goal is to shatter this population - not blacks, not Mexicans, but white freethinking atheists - so that we can all live in a multicultural Christian shithole.

>Atheists and agnostics are particularly likely to be non-Hispanic whites. Fully eight-in-ten atheists and agnostics (82%) are white, 3% are black, 6% are Hispanic, and the remainder is of some other race or of mixed race

Also a friendly reminder that the group that is most adherent to ((((Christianity))) in the United States are blacks

>While the U.S. is generally considered a highly religious nation, African-Americans are markedly more religious on a variety of measures than the U.S. population as a whole, including level of affiliation with a religion, attendance at religious services, frequency of prayer and religion’s importance in life. Compared with other racial and ethnic groups, African-Americans are among the most likely to report a formal religious affiliation, with fully 87% of African-Americans describing themselves as belonging to one religious group or another, according to the U.S. Religious Landscape Survey, conducted in 2007 by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life. Latinos also report affiliating with a religion at a similarly high rate of 85%; among the public overall, 83% are affiliated with a religion.

>they call priests "father"
You call your dad father perhaps, we don't address them as father as God, just father because they lead the parish they are at and they strive to become more like everyone's father, God.
Ultimately, you gotta read the bible. And while believing and loving in Jesus Christ is key to salvation, you can't rely on just that to get to heaven. Look into actually reading the bible and logically reasoning existence. I pray for you to find refuge in God.

just mention that god doesn't care about his 'children',mention that everyday many white kids and women are raped or killed,ask then why god does not intervene since white christians are being murdered left and right,their brain will stop functioning that's when you mention god doesn't exist,or ask if a chrstian girl who married a nigger will go to heaven or hell,the answer should be fun,make sure you are alone with said christians,they tend to lie while in groups

You're entitled to your own beliefs. I wanted to point out that I noticed Christians like other religions better than atheists, even though that seems backwards, because other religions don't believe in Jesus and replace him with something else. That seems worse than saying "I don't believe that stuff is true."

Christians like people buying into superstitious bullshit, even if it's not Christianity, because it's not threatening to their worldview.

A rational, well-spoken atheist will always piss off Christians because he speaks the truth.

Well, the problem is that everything is 'tradition', some are just older than others.

Since man is imperfect, everything won't exactly 'line up' for everybody until the Parousia and Eschaton

read this about Purgatory
Believing in God and Jesus is fundamental to salvation, but you have to also strive to fit God's image and be remorseful when you fail to do so.

How can you be a conservative and still be a christian?
i see a lot of people (atleast in sweden) using the chruch as arguments to be more accepting and liberal

how do you combat this?

Well, the 613 commandments are basically all of the different rules that God mentions in the Old Testament. The number 613 is literally just someone that counted all of the commandments in the entire Old Testament to see how many they were. It might be a little more or a little less -- I would not trust the number since some Jew Rabbi did it.

Assuming these 613 commandments actually come from the Bible, then yes we should to follow them.

To a Christian (I'm not one, so forgive me if I'm putting words in your mouths), rejecting God altogether is tantamount to rejecting the divine light of reason. Basically, you are making yourself a beast.

The proper treatment of a beast among people is to destroy it before it can harm others. Given this, any Christian interaction with an atheist is a profound act of mercy.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean infallible, I meant "did in my subjective mind the most moral or least amoral decisions I can, given what I know and my morality."
And how will the blood of Christ fix my inability to accept Pascal's Wager?

All of those nogs and spics will inherit the eternal kingdom and you will burn. I hope this makes you mad.

If God expects us to work for our salvation, then why did He send His Son to die on a cross? Reminder that pic rel is you """""""""pope""""""""

This is where the slippery slope begins. If you let a infallible text be interpreted by fallible people, then you get over 30,000 churches which say that their interpretation is correct. That is why Jesus entrusted Peter to lead a church on Earth in order to have the disciples be guided by the Holy Spirit in interpretation of the text.

>another le smart atheist who thinks they own checkmate brings up why God allows free will and doesn't just burn the world now.

Find something more reasonable for your dispute.

If you truly believe in God sending his Son to die for us, you will also realize that no one deserves to be saved and that in believing in God's forgiveness, you also believe in how virtuous Jesus was. And then you remorse over your sin and realize how sorry and how bad you are. You have to acknowledge that you are a sinner and you have to be genuinely sorry and ask for his forgiveness.
Also, like I said, Popes can have their hiccups. They are human.

Truth in spiritual and philosophical contexts is subjective small man.

but the pope preaches about open borders n shit

>people shouldn't praise or pray to the object, but what the object represents.
I've never understood that argument... No one has ever believed that the statue IS God. The statue is always meant to REPRESENT something. Even the pagans believe that their little statues represent God or channels God... not that they literally ARE God. And look: the tradition of building images and statues within the Catholic tradition has literally created off-shoot cults in many primitive countries like South America where they worship death saints with skull heads, Africa, and so on. God warned about this for a reason.

>We believe in what's called the cloud of witnesses and believe that saints are just as capable for praying for us
I don't think that's Biblical. You pray to God. You can't communicate with dead people... they can't hear your prayers, unless I'm missing some doctrine here.

>The baptism, as Catholics interpret it, is a sacrament which serves to act as a remission of original sin (which everyone is born with, including babies)
The Catholic baptism doctrine is actually my biggest problem with Catholics. It's just incoherent and doesn't fit any theological framework. If baptism removes sin, why not just forcefully kidnap and baptize everyone and then kill them or something? Being 100% sinless means you're going to heaven. It's simply not Biblical.

>Don't see how this is heretical
The Bible is clear that she had sex with Joseph AND had numerous other children who were half-siblings to Jesus.

Phew ok thank you for clearing me up

(((Wikipedia))) is shit fo real

Exactly. It's not man's job to be perfect, that title went to Jesus. That's why everybody needs repentance. Nobody on their own is "good enough" to enter the Kingdom unless they have Christ. He's pretty much the only bridge between Heaven and Earth.

>recently began reading the bible again, havent been very religious since I was little but I want to come back to it
>read deuteronomy 28:43
what did they mean by this

christ cucks don't even know their religion was infiltrated and corrupted at the council of Nicaea, or that they worship Nimrod

Yeah the pope is a marxist Jesuit from South America

The perfect full scale.
>but most Bible believing Christians believe that Catholics and the Catholic Church are not Christians
Not most. Just the ones in the US or that come from the US in specially Baptists. Of course not oficially. They are all good freinds officially . Those things only happen behind closed doors.

>The reason for this is that so many of their traditions and their behavior goes against what the Bible teache
This very depends on how you read the bible. If you break up with the historical and cultural context and just take it word for word and not the actualy meaning many things can seem weird. In specialy since we use a full bible and not a cut down one.
> They build enormous statues and idols and images, even though the Bible teaches against this.
The bible orders the old hebrews to build those. The apostels mention to do those. And the only measure is actually only that the church survives the time. I can put many quotes but you can read yourself.
>They pray to saints
Old simple lie.
>they believe that Mary remained a virgin her entire life
Her virginity is sacred just is she is as the mother of god. We love our mothers and we love the mother of our god christ jesus. We don't believe that Jesus had relatives and therefore we think the marry stayed virgin.
>they baptize babies
Because we are too afraid that they could die before we are able to save them through making a boind with god (that was in specially important before modern medicine but today it's just tradition)
> they call priests "father"
Because our priests ususally know hebrew and old greek and therefore know the actual meaning of many parts of the bible in their original language.
>They worship their own traditions instead of God's word and the Bible.
The part of tradition is very important because if you lose the touch with the customs and culture of the people that wrote the bible you also lose its original meaning.

a satanic concept

>You call your dad father perhaps
Isn't it pretty obvious that he's referring to religious leaders? I mean, in the same breath he mentions "rabbi" and "master" too...

The thing is, my biological dad is ACTUALLY my real father. And God is LITERALLY my real Father too. A priest is not my "father" in any way whatsoever.

Let me quote you the Bible to demonstrate what you're doing right now:

>They have rendered the word of God to be of none effect.

If you just flat out ignore his command to not call them 'father', then you've made the Bible to have no effect on you.

Well said.
The way to the Father is through the Son.

The two Christian commandments shall not be broken under the rule of the church: 1. Love thy God 2. Love thy neighbour as thyself. This implies there must be a reaction against criminals and atheists and so on. The Christian commandment applies to everybody, not only natives. Break them and expect punishment. It's pretty obvious that Christians don't believe in the hypocrisy that only they should obey these. Treat foreigners as your own implies the foreigners are subject to our morals.

Retard here, tell me about Jesus; was he actually a jew or is that just a story conjured up by jews to trick Christians into worshiping them?

>Even the pagans believe that their little statues represent God or channels God... not that they literally ARE God
This is actually not true.
It wasn't until the widespread discourse on iconoclasm vs. iconophilia during 500-800 AD that religious objects were theorized as merely something to promote contemplation. Up until that point, religious objects were sacred precisely because they were thought to have something of the divine in them.

So what I'm gathering is that the original church is the Catholic church? Is this true? What's the difference between the Orthodox church, Catholic church, Protestant church?

> Just the ones in the US or that come from the US in specially Baptists. Of course not oficially. They are all good freinds officially . Those things only happen behind closed doors.

Roman Catholics are considered as bad or worse than blacks in many parts of the U.S And not just among Baptists

The Swedish church has nothing to do with Christianity or the Bible.

Christianity is a very conservative philosophy and way of life.

>the pope

Why aren't you Christian Identity?

t. Apologetics

The offering of Christ's blood was a perfect sacrifice, we don't have to add any works to it. After person becomes a Christian, God gives him Holy Spirit which gives him better understanding of sin. Basically you become new being. The only works Christians can do is to tell other people about Christ and His sacrifice and it's to earn treasures in heaven. Ofc people should do it, but it's not necessary. I know it's hard for you to get, bcs your are catholic, but read the Bible and open your eyes.

vilken kyrka ska jag då besöka här i sverige

glad you are showing your true colours (of wanting to kill "saracens")

There are a lot of ppl who don't want me to erase you from the Earth and you are damned lucky I am more compassionate than you are bc you're fucking incompetent.

He never existed.
It's just the retelling of the Nimrod/Horus story for the hundredth time. It's the same story all over the world. It's like a franchise.

t. satan

are there any good christian arguments against Israel, zionism and ZOG?

The Churches that have a valid Apostolic Succession (various Catholic Rites/Orthodox), they possess what Christ passed down through the laying-on of hands.

The Protestant Revolution happened because Luther wanted to 'read it his own way' and Henry wanted a divorce. The rest is History, and thousands of fractures in the Body that was intended to be 'one flock with one Shepherd'.

>t. Arius


Vad jag vet finns inga fristående baptistkyrkor i Sverige, men i Sverige så har vi ju EFS (Evangeliska fosterlandsstiftelsen), Evangeliska frikyrkan, Ecumeniakyrkan, Elimkyrkan, osv. Dessa är mer bibeltrogna kyrkor, men många av dem har tyvärr en Pentacostisk inriktning och mycket influenser från den karismatiska rörelsen.

Men det finns bra kyrkor även i Sverige, även om kulturen är väldigt annorlunda jämfört med USA. Prova att gå till en frikyrka som inte är Svenska kyrkan och kika lite på deras tro.

t. uneducated person who doesn't even know the origin of his religion

>Luther wanted to 'read it his own way'
Yeah, let's forget the fact, thet when Luther went to Vatican to "deepen" his devotion, he saw streets full of whores and brothels with priests in them.


Uh, wrong sweetie. Christians invented motherhood.