What the fuck is wrong with these people?

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

dark skin niggers can't read the script duh

Uh oh looks like millatos gon get checked next

They need a victim and a villian in order to be the hero. There aren't any in real life any more that are not of ghetto origin so they make them up.

They're called the perpetually offended for a reason



You telling me that blacks with no white admixture are too dumb to act?

easier to do film lighting for lighter colour skin

No one hates mulattos more than blacks, ironically..so this is nothing new.

No that would explain reality too well, instead we're going to invent absurdly convoluted cause and effect labyrinths to remove all possiblity of making falsifiable predictions

Not every movie set can afford the sheer number of extra lights required to make a dark nigger appear on film.
Electricity costs goes through the roof.

Read about what happened to light-skins in haiti.


Lefties are a joy to watch, they're like the Red Guard, constantly looking for someone who isn't left enough and eating themselves alive.

Kind of like Sup Forums where every public person who doesn't literally scream 'gas the kikes race war now' eventually gets called a cuck or shabbos goy.

Lol now niggers gonna turn on their own for not being blakc enough kek

This. With the exception of the few dark skinned blacks that take pride in being as dark as possible, most blacks envy light skin because white skin is the beauty standard in the West. They all still hate mulattos.

Because white libs need a hook. They won't watch a black show unless the characters are light skinned, or gay, or degenerate. You think real blacks are watching "Dear White People"?

Liberals are brazenly racist and they get away with it.

True be told. No one likes niggers but we put up with the ones that have some white in them.

>because white skin is the beauty standard in the West.
And Asia, so basically everywhere.

Even Africans favour light skin.


Wy'peepo ain't working hard enough to develop camera technology that can handle the dynamic range needed to expose dark skinned blacks correctly.

>who doesn't literally scream 'gas the kikes race war now'
found the rabbi

because how blacker they are how bigger the weapons have to be to keep control

Yes, yes....

You see Sup Forumslacks what happens is:

>White people blacked out.
>Mixed people attacked out of jealousy
>Darkies remain
>Tribal Warfare
>Planet of the Apes

Good news is the whites who manage to duck off will live like Charles Martel when the coast is clear and all the cleansing is done.

Progressives constantly need to progress and will keep looking for things to complain about that need progressing towards

They keep finding something new to complain about , even when they get their way, it's an amazing achievement to be eternally bitchy.

Blacks have always treatesd their racemixed and racemixers way worse than they even view white people. Most mulottoes always try to overcompensating by being black nationalist activists and shit, just like white mutts and southern euros being more racist and white supremacist because of it.

I'd shag her rotten


Forgetting tv's best darkskinned sweaty gay guy

fpbp, as always.

it's called being racist and wanting to destroy the white European ethnicity that built the civilization these parasites (jews, blacks, ) live in.

yall built and maintain everything we have but yall racist and need to die. mental fucking illness.


It's their version of "Germans aren't White"

>Hollywood remains light years behind the ethnographic makeup of the US

Maybe because America isnt the only country where actors are from? I mean Audrey Hepburn is Belgian

nobody, and I mean NOBODY, is as racist as black people. They fucking hate themselves and have their own caste system based on how white they look. Light skinners, half and halfs, and quadroons are perceived to be way more attractive, even to blacks.

these SJW writers know this and pump out this low IQ butthurt

light skinned nigga's is the white people of nigga's

There is no brakes on that train. Same as the Trump train.
T.not from reddit

muh colorism

they are just talking to themselves at this point, no one believes the BS

Nobody wanna see unatractive somali niggers, especially not for hours. What is not to understand about this?

This shit can't be real

why are black woman obsessed with white dick?

Hello (((there)))

her european % makes her almost cute

Blacks feel forsaken by Whites the same way Whites feel forsaken by God. That's the hierarchy.

Still fucking a chimp

Shhh! Just grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

The left eating itself, that is. Not "Dear White People."

Tans are often descendents of Yankee slaves and their White masters. As a result, Tans HATE Blacks but like to use race as a means to get ahead.

I think it's because even niggers find cave dark niggers ugly.


wtf i love d&c tactics now

>zero gag reflex
why am I not surprised?

Is there any way Sup Forums can use "colorism" to its benefit?

So africans have vagena in mouth?


True. White people just pity them. There is a mulatto where I work. Poor boy looks like a nigger, but has a white mans brain. The worst combo. No girl wants to have sex with him because he can't back up his niggardly look with a niggars devil may care mindset and instead approaches like an awkward white boy. The nigs who work with him just ignore him entirely so he tries to hang out with us white guys, but its obvious he's the odd one out.

how much futher can they divide the population

you start dividing by skin color gradient and you're talking about minuscule groups, i mean you could divide people into hundreds of categories now

>light skinned, african-american, gay, poor, isalmic man
>dark skinned, arab, bi-sexual, wealthy, reformed sex abuser, atheist man

theres just so many things to keep track of now, what is the end game here?


>it's been 3 years since "dear white people" show started
Really? Time flies

yeah why are (((MOVIES))) so obsessed?

because mixed raced blacks look human and have close to normal iqs

>this is considered too white for america


i googled it nothing comes up in relation. that being said i wouldnt have been to surprised

Niggers only begin to look-semi human when over 50% of their DNA is white. Full-niggers look like literal gorillas.

Pathological cultural marxism

What this is is sexual selection, where some traits are desirable, in nature’s terms this is nothing new, and is also seen in many animals.

This has always been a thing among niggers. If you aren't as dark as the pavement you were conceived of, you aren't considered "one of them". Blacks are some of the most racist people, especially to their own.

>theres just so many things to keep track of now, what is the end game here?
Division to the point where people think each individual is different and therefore belongs to no tribe no family and has no alligiances. Then it is nothing to cross cultural boundaries effectively erasing them all and race mixing to the extent that all of these 'differences' disappear. Now they are truly equal: one mutt race, one shit religion, one gender (eunuch) and one ruling party (((pic related))).

They are always offended.

If you make a movie with people that are all super black, they'll complain that the ones with the largest noses don't have the same opportunities

It's obviously not, but it's hilarious nonetheless