I quit the alt-right today

I quit the alt-right today.

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It was never real. Congrats. You played yourself.

You were never in the secret inner circle. And you never will shill

What was the reason user?

there never was such a thing as an 'alt-right' my dude. you've been duped

I joined the alt-right today

pol is the bad guys.
, the swamp/establishment
, tyranny

Flag checks out.

So HE did his job, wonderful.

Go to bed Schlomo.

To see if I still feel

>it's that buttmad faggot who thinks anything any normie has heard of is a cia mossad pizzagate shill op false flag crisis actor

op is a faggot
>in all fields

No retard killing the poor to save the rich and defending government corruption makes us the good guys

When is your demasculization operation?


I focus on the pain..

1 post by this ID

Good for you OP! Join us on the 4 x 2 chan /leftypol/, we'd love to have you there!

Jesus Christ, why the fuck did you do that? Did you hand in your ring? Of course not, what am I saying, Glorious Leader wouldn't have let you out of the clubhouse were that the case...you know you can't just walk away, right? That's what the fifth oath means, and you swore it like the rest of us. Expect a visit from you know who.

Alt right is just a pseudo slander term the mainstream media came up with to marginalize and pidgeonhole trump supporters.

Same. I learned it is run by the Jews just like everything else.

Good on you for losing those worthless neckbeards. Let’s hope that both the far-left and far-right will die on their own.

Is it cause you read this?


I personally look forward to being a minority in a country that crumbles and fractures because of the idealistic naivety of liberalism