Mexico will elect a communist to take on The Donald

Say it with me, Sup Forums: Señor Presidente.

>In Mexico, leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is leading in the polls for the July 1 presidential vote. If he wins, perhaps helped by a nationalist reaction to President Donald Trump’s anti-Mexican rants, the United States may for the first time in recent history have a detached — if not hostile — neighbor.

>That could hurt the United States badly, because Mexico is the third-largest U.S. trading partner, and its government’s cooperation is key to fighting trans-national drug cartels and organized crime. Furthermore, the United States would lose a key regional ally in its efforts to restore democracy in Venezuela.

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Mexico will destroy itself from within

Communism never worked and never will. Only idiot vote communist and Mexico is a nation of retards.
HAHA! The Mexican government is the biggest fucking bunch of drug deal stooges the world has ever seen.

The wall can't be built soon enough

Fuck yeah Cold War II

can I move to Chile?

im pretty sure mexico would lose more should the 2 countries turn hostile to each other

Fuck yes!

good, and bad, mexicans will flood everywhere, more than they already are

how subverted are the spics?
How many Jews do they have in their system?
Commies = Kikes


we are already subverted, dont forget that we are already socialists, this is the final step to go full Venezuela

and sadly it's needed.
lol captcha: MEXICO AVENNUE

Tons, if you watch who owns most of the major Spanish news networks, it's the same kikes that run English ones. Many of the celebrities also have a Jewish-heritage, and on YouTube, many Hispanic YouTubers like Flama's Joanna claim that they are Jewish-Hispanic. The same goes for some faggot "hispanic" that showed up on their channel and on the #proudtobe campaign on Youtube. The media on telemundo, univision, etc. are extremely biased, and will purposely misrepresent information. Such as claiming 90% of Hispanics supported Hillary in their polls when in reality it was way less. Remember older Hispanics are very simple-minded people in the sense that they do not care much about politics and will absorb anything they watch from
>telenovelas (Spanish soap operas)
>social media
Yes I'm a Hispanic (not Mexican), and the older people in my family are somewhat apolitical with republican leanings, but will sometimes vote for Democrats because their Spanish channels shill for them because of muh immigration, evil racist drumpf, blah blah blah.

If you thought Jews were pushing propaganda hard on whites, it's even worst with hispanics.

This is actually bad - if Mexican nationalism is gonna turn into communism, expect America to turn communist based on Hispanic voting alone.

they have a strong anti communism sentiment so you better bring that taco

You don't interact with Mexican Americans do you? Most of them actually hate Mexico, especially the older ones. The only pro Mexico legals here are millennials.

>its government’s cooperation is key to fighting trans-national drug cartels and organized crime
horseshit, they need us way more than we need them.

>hostile Mexico
Wow. We are so scared. Not the scary Mexicans!

I live in California. All of my Mexican friends are socialist, and many here are nationalistic. After Trump won many Hispanic households flew the US flag upside down and the Mexican flag above it.

Frankly, there are way more young Mexicans coming in than old ones. This is gonna be hell, because of them outbreeding us.

if the mexican government stops cooperating with us, we need to eradicate all cartel activity within the US with extreme prejudice and force them back to their shit hole. seriously, build that wall.

Of course, Cali. Mexicans here beat up people from cali. They say shit like LA means loving Arizona, call them all calicaca. Funny shit to watch.

>socialist and nationalistic
Perfect time for them to go back should ALO win