Statism is Degeneracy

Say it with me Sup Forums:

"Statism is degeneracy"

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No, you say it with me.

If this were true then why is there a furry telling me about it?


go to Somalia fucking brainlet



Who fucking cares if there's a libertarian furry? There are statist furries also. Hell, there's even Nazi fur fags...

However, that doesn't change the fact that statism is inherently immoral and therefore degenerate.

Somalia is what it is now because of the failures of government. Hell, there's now more government there than ever before, because there's now a shit-ton of smaller governments and political factions.

>babyrape waterparks are a-okay, since its made private corp
>public health care is bad because its done by a national body
Morality was never the strong point of libertarians.

>babyrape waterparks literally violate the NAP
>public healthcare is immoral because the governmemt is using coercion to remove your freedom to choose whether or not you even want healthcare


>>public health care is bad because its done by a national body

>Real world view of current health care
>Pharmas over assign drugs
>Doctors get money from pharma and insurance de-incentivizing them to cure problems with real procedures
>People want drugs
>The government bans drugs, cracks down with overregulation
>People go to prison for commerce
>People are addicts and lives are destroyed through scarcity and criminalization of a problem the government is helping to create

Neither the government nor overly regulated medical industry (new pharmas, tech companies can't pass the regulatory barrier to entry) have been able to solve even the legal part of the drug problem.

The only solution to this downward spiral is technology and growth to replace drugs through capitalist development. Growth we can achieve only through less government.

We've been at the government war on drugs approaching forty years now and it's just expanded to insurance recently, fucking that up hard as well.

Anarcho-communists literally believe that property is theft and claim that capitalism is incompatible with libertarianism. Yet, voluntaryist anarcho-capitalism allows both capitalists and communists to form their private businesses/communes, so long as they are not committing violent acts of aggression towards others. This works out, because most people don't mind dedicating their labor towards a private business, and this gives communists the freedom to form communes with other communists that are willing to manage their labor in a way that better suits themselves.

However, in Ancommiestan, you would literally get murdered for holding private property. Hell, if you were to own a private business that employs workers through VOLUNTARY agreements, you would still get murdered for "committing theft".

Tell me, how is private propert even theft in the first place? If you claim a piece of unclaimed land, you're not stealing from anyone. You can't steal from the Earth, because the Earth is neither a person nor an individual of any sort.

Ancom bases itself around the village and warden model. just as was standard for all of human habitation throughout millenia. In village setting, property is majority shared, and workloads during harvests shared as well.

Privatization of property makes the commons into dependent on just the whims of a single person, and can be mismanaged and exploited for short term gain that a larger collective ownership would never allow.

ancap presumes everyone to be fully functioning and capable moral agents who cant do anything wrong, and that evil only seeps somehow in from "socialism", ignoring that the difference between a social worker and a private one is just one of employment. A shitty person is exactly the same person weather he works in the private or public sector.

Imagine you could build an Ancap society that does not eat itself up. Imagine you and your family together with like minded people live on a property that you own. You have rules, you enforce them. You have requirements, you enforce them. Suddenly you require people to pay fees to live on your property, because your shekels are running low. You enforce the fee.
What do you have ? A microstate.
Fuck off back to rebbid with your retarded delusion. Thank you.

It's a bit more than one or two

virgin part needs to be true for this meme to be funny. You just ruined it asshole.

Yeah look at Liberia or Somalia
>No state
>Paradise on earth

Are you even capable of reading user??? Read and stop being this mentally defective.

Just because they were socialist before doesn’t mean that they aren’t ancap now.

>Implying Nazi movement isn't plagued by Amerimutts and faggots
>Retarded enough to believe these harmless things are more degenerate than a state that enforces relatively petty moral principles

To be fair ancaps/libertarians will likely become the dominant ideology of the west. Of course this will crash very quickly and likely result in the ultimate triumph of marxism.

Government literally still exists in Somalia can't say that it's ancap without denying the objective facts of reality.

Consumerism is completely harmless
>destroys local environment
Deregulation works guys
>slurps on soy drink
We are totally libertarian
>hands over all the power to corporations

Also, a drastic and rushed transition twards any relatively new system is going to inevitably cause chaos, no matter how theoretically efficient it is.

In 2010 the government only controlled the local airport. >99 % of the country was ancap.

Classical Liberalism (early capitalist theory) came from Merchantilism.

Merchantilism was a Jewish invention.

The Jews and Modern Capitalism by Werner Sombart

(Note: I don't hate Jews. Nor do I believe in a 'Jew World Order'. However Jewish Nepotism and Supremacism seem to be real.)

>believes some kind of state will not emerge from the top tier corporates

So, are you an agorist then?

You might as well reason with a baboon. They're more intelligent than ancaps.

You’re hardly going to find any economic system with no jewish influence. Hell even the nazis were influenced by jews.

I don’t know what is it but I’ve noticed that ancaps tend to be incredibly impolite and spam adhom.

tellem perkele

>destroys local environment
Violates property rights, no one would have the right to do this under anarcho-capitalism without goneing killed
>slurps on soy drink
Fuck, why should any government dictate what you have to drink?
>Hands over all power to corporations
Well, corporations would merely be a harmlesd consequence of having the maximum amount of freedom for everyone. When you max out freedom, it does not matter who has more "power". Hell, I bet tte buying power of money would be worth more than gold in Ancapistan, so it's not like the poor would really be poor in the wider context of the world anyways. Plus, you would still have the right to voluntarily support legitimate businesses/corporations.

>Ancaps think having a shitton of money will make them better humans
Communism is for retards , capitalism is for selfish pricks.

say it with me

"meme ideology"

And both are the same shit with different front ends, mind you.

I'm not talking about influence.

Literally Classical Liberal theory was based on applying Merchantilism to the entire nation. Merchanitilism was comparmentalized within a feudal system, classical liberalism was appling Merchanitilist principles to the entire economy/nation.

Also, Classical Liberalism was a precursor to contemporary standard capitalist theory.

The most influential capitalists in the 20th century are:

Murray Rothbard
Ludwig Von Mises
Ayn Rand
Milton Friedman
Robert Nozick

All Jewish.

Jews have been the backbone for capitalist theory, since the beginning.

(Again... I don't hate Jews. But being alt-right and pro-capitalist is mental gymnastics.)

Fuck, that's a lot of typos...

So you're not an ancap who believes that incorporation (which are literal immortal persons under law) is an illegimate imposition and creation of the state, and shouldn't be allowed?

Have you looked into Agorism?

Do you even understand what mercantilism is?

Also, refer back to

No way, some sort of supreme leader will arise that is above the physical laws that govern this reality.

I already answered the post you are referring to.

This is the only way i could see this world being saved. The elite is to strong to defeat , and they would probably rather eredicate humanity than losing.

You do know that an uncap society would have unrestrained immigration right?

NAP would only apply if it was inside your propriety. In fact corporations would push for more immigration, because 'technically not slavery' cheap manpower.

Nobody owns the sky or seas so under ancap they’d get polluted to shit. Just look at countries where corporations are free to do anything. If you want to live in a country full of sub 70 iq soyboys be my quest, but I doubt such country would exist for long.

I don’t know enough about early capitalism to comment. It is however really amusing that most anti semites really love capitalism.


libertarianism will never lead to anything

Ancapism is the most brainlet ideology I know of, except for things like anarcho-feminism and ideologies of that nature

I'm going to let a snapshot of some Plebvit posts sum this up, because I'm to seep deprived to properly type at this point.

Also, sorry if I came off as an asshole earlier. I'm going to have to get some sleep to wipe off this temporary mental diarrhea.

Sure, no one may directly own the sky or seas (I mean, you could technically buy airspace, but I'll just go along with your assertion), but the fact that pollution can spread and be inhaled by people residing on their own private property would mean that the producer of the pollution is violating both the rights of property owners and the NAP.




Ancap isn’t brainlet; it’s autistic in a literal sense. It is the product of intelligent minds thinking that life would be great if everyone thought and acted just as rationally as they did. They aren’t around others enough to realize that most people (whites included, since it is the white majority that willingly swallows poz) are too stupid to self-govern.

By the way, I’m on mobile.

National Anarchism is the only way forward.

I'm going to get some sleep now. Later, faggots.

Meme country
Scheiss bergjude

You mean national trotskyism?

Then you end up in the ridiclous scenario where brething co2 out will break the NAP. [insert meme image] Regardless single induviduals are in no position to oppose a megacorporations. And that’s assuming that they care!

Stop arguing AnCapism if you haven't even read Hoppe. It's still a flawed ideology but 99% of the things Sup Forums points out have been solidly rebutted.