
>these transparent as fuck questions

Other urls found in this thread:


>just make a comment explaining it

Yea, those wont be criticized as if they're thorough and robust justifcations, rather than youtube comments

I want This Year in Stupid, not Traut & Tears 2.

>make 5 minute video
>do 2 and a half hour follow up video


he is so salty over Kraut, and why quiz Woes over the policy of the ethnostate? Why not Ryan Fau- answered my own question

Sargon is an opportunistic hack.

Didnt watch video but id say
>What do you mean by the media? Yes public news
>Control economy is also vague but yes some input, anti monopoly laws etc
>Roundabout ass question, i guess

he also acted like Woes wasnt talking about students who get tuition when he said "people shouldnt leave"

fuck missed the last one
>sure do whatever you want, women should be encouraged to do anything they want besides being a fucking whore

Its funny you say opportunistic hack, his views and outlook are so horribly consistent I stopped watching him years ago. I can predict his view on any situation prior to him commenting.

I didn't watch the whole thing. You're right though, he's predictable. I'm sure at some point he said "You're not being reasonable!"

pretty much exactly the same as you, except:

4. The state should mandate a basic core of education but leave everything else alone

Im losing my respect for this pseudofag very fast..

Nice datamining operation you have there Sargoy. Don't forget to answer those questions using your real name goyim

that can't be real

a few questions for you sketpics(tm) and civnats

Are SJWs and "corrupt journalists" from the msm oppressing you? You constantly complain about them being against you, don't you think that's just a victim complex? Sounds a lot like the "patriachy" and "systemic racism" to me.

You and the "alt-right" see the same problems but came to different solutions, why do you think that "multi cultural radical individualism" is going to work this time, after having constantly failed till now? Is it because real multi culturalism and radical individualism hasn't been tried yet?

Why do you think that SJWs are the "alt-rights" natural allies considering that SJWs are "civnats" aka multi culturalists like you and not ethno nationalists? Why do you confuse black nationalists with SJWs and the progressive stack? Do you know the difference?

what does government education have to do with ethno-nationalism?

what does government control over the economy have to do with ethno-nationalism?

>Highly complicated question
>Can only answer yes or no
This goy isn't very smart.

Why not ask Ryan Dawson these questions, Re: Palestine?

Also threw in a couple false dichotomies there. He loves that shit.

>Should kids be taught to be alt-right in school, rather than critical thinkers?
wow the intellectual honesty
this will go over well, seems like Sargon stuck to his old playbook

Why should we care about Sargon's latest fart cloud?

Sup Forums approved

This is the guy Molymeme pussied out to interview about 9/11 mossad plot

Woes plays with kid gloves with sargon
when he does dumb shit

What he doesn't understand is that intent matters. Consider for a moment a ban on pornography. A right wing rationale to ban pornography would focus around how it is destructive to the family and encourages immoral/harmful practices. A left wing rationale would state that it benefits men at the expense of women. Both groups when lobbying for this ban would use different appeals, when enacted they would appoint different executors, and would enforce it differently. What at first glance appears to be one law becomes two. Horseshoe theory notes only the intersection of two value systems without asking what road they're on.

ps refute this shit Sargon.

I feel like I'm living in a fucking bizarro world. How are media this fucking successful in pulling the wool over people's eyes?

The only people who are actually "alt right" are Spencer and Jared Taylor followers. Most of these fucking questions have been answered by Jared Taylor. I'm don't even agree with these people or follow them frequently but for fucks sake, how fucking difficult is to just listen to what they say if you're in the political sphere?

From what I've heard from Jared Taylor:
1. Taylor seems pretty down with the Jews. Don't know if he thinks there's a Jewish conspiracy.
2. No. Just stop government forcing integration and legalize free association. Social change can come in the form of not constantly condemning whites and demonizing those who don't constantly interact with non-whites.
3. No.
4. States already have curriculum that must be met. I'm pretty sure Taylor is hard libertarian so his opinion would most likely be that communities should be allowed to freely choose their own curriculum at a local level for schooling
5. No. Never once heard anybody suggest this. In fact, Taylor is incredibly against government control of media, such as the BBC in Britain, because government is used as a tool to demonize whites and push integration propaganda
6. No.
7. Taylor wants to preserve the existence of his race and does not wish to force people to make decisions. This obviously means he must convince white people to make decisions he deems to be beneficial. Taylor is in the job of argumenting to change people's minds so obviously he believes the decisions these whites make influence the goal of a white nation and securing a future for whites.


If he was interested in learning all of that would be obvious. He's interested in Classical Liberal Theology wherein the claims of muh Enlightenment are gospel. Any evidence to the contrary is categorically invalid. Sargon effectively can't reason, which is ironic for a self-proclaimed rationalist.

How has the alt-right been accepted by mainstream?

The term itself has become so defamatory that anyone with any controversial beliefs are labelled alt-right in an attempt to turn them into the enemy of the public.


remember goy acording to sargon communism was also white

I just grabbed an image that said Sargon. The big point being that Sargon can't countenance an anti-Enlightenment idea as possibly true because to him it is deeply immoral even heretical.

I understand that there are genuine criticisms of white nationalism and you could probably get in to the nitty gritty of how important race matters, but ultimately while we sit around trying to figure out these matters, our countries are being subverted and destroyed, and we are being outbred. I've been backpacking around the UK for the past year and this place is in an absolute state. The only pure white place I've seen was this tiny fuck island off the coast of Scotland. Sargon and the skeptics provide ideas, but the alt right provides a solution. And we need a solution right fucking now.

I think you are too kind. Skeptics provide ignorance and the Alt-Right provide some ideas. No viable solutions exist for either group because one can't think and the other can't be heard.

So Sargon and other gurus of the alt-right are murderously anti-German and want us all dead. Great.

You understand that his entire career hinges on making sure the leftist companies (youtube and patreon) not see him as a threat right?

I've heard the term "alt-right" used over and over and over again for the past year and I still have no idea what it means and who really is alt-right.

It seems like some kind of manipulation of narrative technique or something.

I love how the jew question is phrased in a jewy as fuck way.

Sargon is intellectually dishonest as fuck.
He doesn't dare ask the question in a way that will field real answers.

Yep, you've got his number.
He's literally projecting his own dishonesty.

He chose a bunch of very loaded terms, rather than general ones, because he
wanted room to "misinterpret" the responses or create a "So when did you
stop beating your wife?" language trap.

These are Gamergate era SJW tactics and he's happily using them.

sargon fucking germans, for a sceptic(tm) he us a full blown racist

Sargon is so darn

Soygon is a piece of shit, don't bother.