Boomer Hate Thread

Well 2017 is coming to an end Anons. It's been a year of ups and downs, victories and defeats. The momentum is in our favor and victory will be inevitable.

But lets not forget that terrible generation, the worst generation, the boomer.

There is absolutely no peer in history of a generation being given so much, and then leaving the next generation so little. They didn't just spend all their money; they spend all our money and all our kids money as well.

Then they took a country that was 90 percent white and decided to turn it into le 56 percent hell hole. Niggers rape our white women daily and the Jew media ignores it.

Young white men; talented and smart, get their jobs outsourced to shitskins in India who do half the job for half the price. So many intelligent young men who should have careers, houses and families instead stay at home playing vidya as Jamal infects three white 17 year old girls a week with an STD.

They cuck to the Israelis like no generation ever has. They complain about their kids not moving out. My grandfather graduated from high school, got a job and put 8 kids through college.

My father graduated from college with no debt (He paid 350$ a semester for tuition) and was hired right out of school as an engineer. He didn't have to compete with a single shitskin for the job.
They also have jewed the housing market so bad that while boomers net worth increases, it is nearly impossible for young men to afford decent housing.

Also feminism, race cuckolding, living so goddamn long their last 10 years are spent in a hospital unconscious pissing in a bag at the meager rate of 4000 dollars a day. Guess who is picking up that bill?

They look down on the young generation as lazy and unmotivated. Imagine if the younger generation just said fuck you and all quit their jobs and stopped paying into the absolute fucking scam that is Social Security. They should be grateful we don't put them up against the wall.

Other urls found in this thread:

poison their cocoa with painkillers and sleeping tablets. Then fake a suicide: hang them, drown them in the bath etc

bumpidy bumb bump. Is this a boomer love board now?

ok just burn them alive

To paraphrase the words of Ivanka: There is a special place in hell for Boomers.

The level of destruction that they caused to Millennials and Gen Z cannot be expressed in words.

Just man up, its not that hard champ. If you work really hard you'll have a house in 2 years.

>Blames boomers for everything
>Mentions Jews once


>To paraphrase the words of Ivanka: There is a special place in hell for Boomers.


Jews are a minority. Boomers were the majority that allowed the Jews to Jew.



>divide and conquer faggot
You suck at your job

The original degenerates

If every boomer except Trump died, the world would be a better place.

t. Boomercuck.

t. MAGAfag.


No Problem, Trump is dismantling the child predator organizations, overwhelmingly run by Boomers, around the world. They are your teachers, coaches, charity organization staff, foster parents, etc. It's not the stranger danger with the creep in the van with candy. That is a distraction for the most part. That is part of the reason why they hate him so much.

Boomer here.
Look.. you kids.. I'm going to tell you something. You blame us for all the problems you are having but have you bothered to look in the mirror? Your degeneracy is legendary in terms of the cancers in this world that you have freely embrace: smartphones, social media, video games, rampant casual sex, and avoiding the responsibiity of young men to grow up, get a job, and make an honest woman of one of the many fine young ladies out there.

You accuse us of milking the system, of 'eating all the low hanging fruit', of sowing the seeds of degeneracy, but this is not a characteristic of boomers personalities; you would have done it too.

I wound encourage you young folk to stop playing video games, stop with the social media obsession, and grow up, get a good job, and start a family. Also.. people like me will be retiring soon so we need young folks on the payroll to pay into social security, as my generation did for the older folks in earlier generations.

The boomer bashing needs to stop, and instead, the young people here need to assess and consider, and take responsibility for their own lives. Only then can you mature and feel the pride that comes with being a hard working and dedicated citizen.

Please heed these words on this last day of the year, and in 2018, make a committment to stop this bashing, and focus on your own self improvement.

>700 sq ft single bedroom house now costs 1.2 million dollars but it can be purchased in two years making 57k a year.
>house that size suitable for a family

Go away retard.

>Young white men; talented and smart, get their jobs outsourced to shitskins in India who do half the job for half the price.

I work for a large investment company. We have a couple of locations in India. They actually get paid 1/3 off what we do, but only do about 1/4 the job we do. I still don't understand why we put up with them because they can't think outside of the box and fuck up our processing constantly.

oh dear a Boomer is raging. Surely, this is a limited case. Oh, wait. "Ya think you're hot shit, don'cha!one1?"

>Also.. people like me will be retiring soon so we need young folks on the payroll to pay into social security

Boomers have been a target of Sup Forums for a long as I can remember

I mean, can you even dispute a single thing that the OP said?

kike nose



This is true.. I would implore young people, and these so called 'neets' I read about here, to go pound the pavement looking for work, like we did. It is honorable to have a 8-5 job and contribute to society, and contribute to the older generations that came before you via payroll deductions from your paychecks. Someday, a later generation will do it for you as well.

Polish and excomunist countrys boomers are absolutely the worst generation. They still have socialist and comunist mentality and thay also behave like entailment trash.
The best part are retirment funds, when comunist gov were paying for unprofitable jobs to keep 100% people employed. If they didn't work it would be fucking better.
Only about 30 years till the last of people poisoned by commis die.

That's a blackpill.

you didn't have to focus on shit
meanwhile you tell us we have to compete with Chinese slaves for jobs, and Chinese billionaires for housing? go fuck yourself

>I read about here, to go pound the pavement looking for work, like we did.

lmao so hard. Look at the establishment filled with blackmailed boomers. They were pounding something alright, but it certainly wasn't pavement. Eww brah.

>ruins the job market
>"just pound the pavement lol XD"

See Dory lanaja


I realize you are LARPing and this is a bait thread, but let me ask you for the sake of curiosity, if I may, why you didn't SAVE FOR YOUR OWN RETIREMENT?

Young man that is not the attitude that will allow you to succeed in life- blaming others. We had our own difficulties and challenges.. it was not all peaches and cream for us older folks. I think younger people want it too easy these days. Well, I can tell you can't feel proud that way.. you will have to meet the challenges of this time and overcome them, and from handling that adversity, you can feel proud about yourself and the obstacles you have dealt with.

I did save for my own retirement, contributed to my 401k for many years and IRAs, but I would like to go on more vacations and buy the better weed that exists now (in my day it was shitty compared to now), so I encourage young people to do the right thing and get on those payrolls, as future generations will do for you as well.

Also, some people today are complaining about lack of jobs. The thing is you could always volunteer. You can add value to society that way and feel yourself useful and productive. And it gives you experience so you could aquire the real job easier. It is true that kids these days are lazy and entitled, but if you are willing to self-improve and put your mind out there, good life is possible.

>living so goddamn long their last 10 years are spent in a hospital unconscious pissing in a bag at the meager rate of 4000 dollars a day. Guess who is picking up that bill?

I worked in a nursing home and can confirm, end of life care is one of the biggest scams currently draining our economy, and all I ever hear anybody talk about is what a marvel all this new medical technology is, how amazing it is that our lifespans are so much higher...

It doesn't really count as a lifespan to keep your pissing, shitting, pus-oozing body alive for 10, 15, 20 years past when your brains completely melted. I wiped those people's asses and I can assure you that they all begged for death on a daily basis.

It's usually the grief-stricken children who force their parents to live like this, "No, no, mother can never die, never! Please doctor, isn't there anything? Some new machine that can filter her fluids for her? Some new drug that will keep her alive just four more months but also cause her colon to wither up and die inside her?"

Because guess what? We have become exceedingly efficient at managing the horrific symptoms caused by all our ineffective cures. That's the real truth about all the "miracles of modern medicine" you hear about.

The newest miracle in woundcare is using honey. That's a treatment that was used for thousands of years, briefly discontinued in modern medicine, and only just recently have we been forced to admit, "Oh, I guess it is better than petroleum. Huh."

>but I would like
Well then, in the immortal words of one of the greatest bands of your shitty generation:
>pic related

Also, thanks for the replies you obvious shill. Here's my last (you) and your last 2c from me.

Many older boomers have come around since they are pretty conservative and mostly supported Trump. But its simply too little and too late. They started the decline and now it can hardly be stopped.

BS. I've only seen Boomers raging because Trump has been putting their cohort in Gitmo for child touching and crimes against humanity.


Boomers created everything you use on a daily basis.

You're welcome.

>buy the better weed that exists now (in my day it was shitty compared to now)

LOL, try again sweetie.

The shit nowadays has better marketing, phony thc ratings that are inflated if not fabricated completely out of thin air, ten million hybrid strains with fifty million cute little names to tickle your pickled brains, and it's all GMO crap that isn't even marijuana half the time.

Shit weed has always been the most prevalent and cheapest and arguably, the quality of shit weed has gone up marginally.

But you can't get good weed anymore, and if you think they sell you "really good shit" at the dope store, you're clowning yourself, Millenial.

Boomer here again.
Ok.. Ok.. I see your points. You young kids are at least trying to do your best. I give you that. But I don't think it is fair to blame my generation for the behavior that you too would have engaged in, were you born at the same time.
But still.. get on those payrolls when you can.

>being conned into working for free in hope of a job.

May I suggest dear sir, that you take your slave labour faggotry, turn it sideways and ram it up your ass with such force it throws you off Sup Forums?

>boomers let in millions of niggers and spics
>put parents in shittiest nursing home staffed with niggers and spics

This is the one pleasure I can take.

And muslims created numbers which you use on daily basis.

That's some good trolling.

I agree with what you posted OP but I have noticed there a lot of lazy millenials too or millenials who don't give a fuck about their job and treat it like it is nothing. Is this laziness and unappreciation for their job just a byproduct of boomers leaving a hopeless world or are we really that entitled?

lmao again. Millennials are not into that nearly as much as Boomers. Podesta and friends have some splainin to do. The reason is that Millennials are not narcissistic psychopaths. Good Luck explaining Boomer behavior when Trump tells the world the truth.

>be a boomer
>Trash the younger generations over drugs they aren't doing
>Start a drug war that spent billions of your childrens money.
>Then proceed to do drugs yourself while screaming about the "youth" drug problem.

I hate you boomers so fucking much, I can't wait until the day of the nursing home so I get to see you all drown in your own shit, while those Indian nurses you imported laugh at you.

The real danger in the nursing home is that the Millennials and Gen Z who have been severely wronged, discriminated against, and called incompetent by Boomers will be the care staff. Boomers forgot to plan ahead.

>Is this laziness and unappreciation for their job just a byproduct of boomers leaving a hopeless world

I think this is the main reason.

>boomers in the 60's
>boomers now
oh vey our kids demand too much wealth let's import millions of cheap shitskins instead

My kangaroo-impregnating friend.. I understand your feelings, but they are misplaced. I don't think that hating us will solve the current perceived problems that you have. Look in the mirror, and take responsibility for your own world and take actions to make it the world you want it to be. We did in my generation.. we changed things for the better..innovated, asked questions, and did not just listen to authority blindly. I ask that you do the same, and you can then feel proud when you have taken it upon yourself to make things better through your own hard work and perseverance.

>Boomers forgot to plan ahead.

Sums them up really.

you're now on a list. good luck next time you're in court pal

>take responsibility for your own world and take actions to make it the world you want it to be.

oh Trump is doing that for us. To Gitmo you go. Some get away. These Boomers had trouble with their staircase

Hey sport don't be so negative. You just gotta go in and ask to talk to the manager. Shoot, when I was your age I was just out of high school I walked in to my dad's friend Mr. Johnson's factory and said "hello Mr. Johnson, I was wondering if you had a position for me for the summer." Wouldn't you know it, I ended up staying and now I own the factory. So just keep your chin up and walk up to the owner and you'll have everything before you know it. The world's yours champ. You just gotta get out there.

Boomer here.
Well.. I got the response I expected. I leave you young kids with something to think about. Don't blame others for some of the problems in your world today. Everyone has done this throughout time, and it didn't effect the change that they wanted in their lives. Every generation has challenges.. when you look inside yourselves, you will find the strength to take the world as it is now, and shape it into something that you want it to be. I know you can do this. I leave you with thoughts of peace and friendship, from one generation to another.. an outstretched hand, one of respect, and also a kind of passing of the torch to you young kids, to find what you are looking for, and to look in the mirror and then start making the changes with yourself, that you want to see reflected in the world. It begins with you.. every day, committing to a better world, a world that you want to live in, and have a family in.

Fucking trolls.

*Indians, faggot.

Boomer story time.

>Be me.
>Start apprenticeship.
>Get underpaid by employer and rights all stomped on.
>Tell boomer foster parents
>Hurr, its your fault because you don't work hard enough and don't want to work around the clock.
>10 years later
>They are getting ripped off in their workplaces
>"Waaaaah where are the unions? and why won't the young people that work with us stand up and fight - user you'll help us out right?"
>And they wonder why I try not to have anything to do with them.

This. You should have seen my mother-in-law's face when her care residence started hiring certain people.

Of course we moved her to a better home.

Get cancer and die. Or kill yourself. Whatever fucking works you piece of shit.

fuck you dude, I can hardly get a job because I refuse to use a cell phone.. system is rigged as DJT said

Talking about cell phones.....

>Another boomer boss
>Screams about young people and how they all have mobiles.
>Calls his staff 24 fucking 7 on said cells and bitches about tiny workplace stuff
>I pretend to lose my mobile because I can't fucking stand the calls at 3 am in the morning
>Two weeks later he enters the workplace and forces a mobile into my hands and tells me to go buy a sim for it and that its a condition of my employment to listen to him ranting whatever time of the day it is.
>Still to this day bitches about young people on mobiles.

who's clowning themselves? I'll agree the stuff they sell out in Colorado is not top-tier, even the expensive stuff. But to say that good bud doesn't exist, you're like some kind of shithead

I believe it. One big reason I dropped out of college, there's very little paper homework anymore, for math class we had to log onto some shitty website that didn't work half the time, this technology is not making people smarter or better

I really hope you nigger faggots get better talking points next month

Even the amerimutt shit was less tedious

looks like that tard who thinks he's superhuman

Why do you think were boomers such a screw-ups? Could it at least in part be the fault of the preceding generation - that they failed to sufficiently redpill them? Shitty people generally receive shitty upbringing..

I'm a young woman and I'm glad there are opportunities for me. Why should I not like what feminism paved the way for me to do?

I'm just glad I had a loving and giving family that understood the economy. Many people graduate debt free today and do own homes. Many young people also have connections to the jobs they want.

>most boomers suddenly die in a 10 year span with apprently no explenation in homes.

refusing to use a cell phone means you will always fail. Don't fight change.. embrace it. Trust me on this.

I don't think the laziness is wrong. If today are bad times it's the time to have fun the time to travel the time to explore the places around you. Otherwise you can wake up with your youth wasted.

>I'm a young woman and I'm glad there are opportunities for me. Why should I not like what feminism paved the way for me to do?

Welcome to Sup Forums, this is a friendly reminder that in order for a femanon to post she is required to provide a picture of her tits and a timestamp or GET THE FUCK OUT.

Let me get back to you on that.

always fail based on someone else's idea of success. All I want is to go off grid and be as close to self-sufficient as I can be. A cell phone isn't going to add to that, sure I need to save a little cash and i'll go get a phone if it will help, but for the long haul you're just throwing your money away on things like cell phones. Nobody understands the value of a dollar anymore. A gallon of gas isn't worth 2 dollars to me, so I piss away money on gas as little as possible. Having a phone isn't worth $50 dollars a month to me, and having a vehicle is worthless when you have to work just to afford to use it.

>you didn’t use enough buzzwords in your post so now I’m going to call you a Jew so anonymous weebs will approve of me

The problem is democracy and human rights. Democracy and Human Rights. You wanna win a democratic election? You gotta appeal to the highest number of people. What does most people want? The basic necessities of life, food and housing. Because they are too stupid to fix these things themselves. You promise them food and housing and you win the election. You have to appeal to literal retards to win a democratic election, and literal retards MULTIPLY, just look at Africa. The west is sending millions in food aid to Africa because "muh human rights", and africa is exporting their surplus population to Europe. This is all due to democracy and human rights. You wanna know the truth? Democracy (in the modern sense) leads to chaos in society. Human rights leads to overpopulation of inferior races (which care not for family values and instead multiply like wild beasts). The end is near.

I'm a boomer and we are baste.

and by baste you mean that we are like a warm baste of sweet hope to the younger generations that look to use for guidance and wise council as they navigate their lives.

this fucking tryhard
listen senpai, the only rule on Sup Forums is that you're allowed to cry bitch tears whenever we post without tits and whine and drag a thread off topic, thus proving your inferiority.

yeah theyre called jews
we swam to shore on (((crocodiles))) back with feminism. that doesn't mean we should be living ontop of a crocodile. the left will eat us too.

Boomers don't like to use technology. It is in their own best interest not to. They get in trouble with it too often and see each other fail with it.

>this fucking tryhard
>listen senpai, the only rule on Sup Forums is that you're allowed to cry bitch tears whenever we post without tits and whine and drag a thread off topic, thus proving your inferiority.

Nice proxy user, you switched to one in record time.

seeAnd promptly kill yourself.

yeah for real man. that was some dedicated LARPing.

I want to keep living on shore so I will use whatever tactic I have to. If the crocodile tries to bite I will jump on something else so I don't have to suffer from previous generations or my own generation.

I had generous parents who were pro union, anti outsourcing, ant illegal immigration, anti visa program, and understood the modern economy including the housing prices and college prices.

Because I had parents who put me first I see why this makes me such a good person compared to the people around me.

ha, I just turned 30. I don't use a cell phone because I'm happier when I don't have some dumbass little tracking device in my pocket radiating my nutsack 24/7. If I want to call someone i'll use a phone

Most large companies and technological advancements were created at the turn of the century, 50 years before you were born and fucked everything up.

Reminder that the only feasible way to save the white race is open revolt and mass executions.
It will take a river of blood to repair this situation, if it can even be repaired.

>we moved her

The preceeding generations were too busy fucking killing each other to do much else

yes yes, this