Filthy subhumans washing assholes in sink

i'm done
whatever this online shopping meme was
i'm done
unless it's a ship-from store, order to pick up kinda deal, i am off anything that has been warehoused and robotized slash uses nigger migrants as labor
fuck this cancer infested shit
makes me retch
all amazon cardboard is going to smell like shit-ass rapefugee prolapse now

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if they're not literally pissing in our cereal (kelloggs) or shitting in our shitty lattes (starbucks) they're wiping their dirty subhuman assholes on the shit we buy online
fucking hell
goddamn shitskins

Bugs and slave labour?

Sounds like Auschwitz

no roller coasters though

that's only for UK Amazon right?

Thanks for the reminder I gotta go buy some stuff on amazon

is this amazon's fault or the shitskins' fault?

I mean, they had bed bugs and stink'd in the sink before they got hired right?

honest question:
how do you wash your asshole? I've always just rubbed it slightly while showering but I've seen anons claim that they finger their assholes a little bit to clean it thoroughly. Other anons claimed that they even wash their asshole throughout the day.

finger my asshole? lol tf is that,just grab the soap and put between the cheeks and rub it,i mean how hard is that? are you like 12 that you don't know how to wash your own body? just make sure you remove the hairs from the soap afterwards because its disgusting

Finger in the shower? No, I save that for when I'm applying preparation H

>stick a bar of soap up your ass to clean it

Maybe you should go work for Amazon, that's disgusting.

They should provide a squat toilet with hose. How are the immigrants supposed to clean themselves without a hose?

Detachable shower head.

>Sounds like Auschwitz
Where is the swimming pool?

>migrants washing

Fake news, mate.

warm, damp sponge with soap
wipe butt to finish after toilet paper
rinse sponge with warm water
use clean sponge to remove soap
dry moist butt with more toilet paper

No way. Zyklon B was for killing bugs.

I work for Prime Now and I wouldn't buy drinks like Gatorade or liter soda bottles from there. Plus tons of busted food boxes and the totes we ship stuff to other Amazon locations are dirty as hell.

started just buying books locally about a week ago
>the slamming
They don't even hide the mishandling of goods.

fucking communist

amazon is a shining example of American capitalism at work

take your bugshit infested package prepared by niggers and like it

little butt juice, no one cares.

depends on how messy my shits have been. usually just rub my slightly soapy hand between my cheeks. if i had an awful shit that blew out my ass i will finger it in the shower a couple of times with a bit of lube before scrubbing it


Which country is this article/location of incident from?

Is ebay paul approved?

Gotta get nice and clean for your boyfriend, right poofter?

there walking down the aisles rubbing there refugee bungholes on everything.

>eating pissed in kelloggs
>drinking shat in shitty starbucks lattes
>buying food online

when did you go full numale/soyboy?

>dry moist butt with more toilet paper

Enjoy your Dingle berries.

May be noy exactly this, but ive read such report from Britbong amazon center.

Fun thing is how Bezos and such still position themselves as progressive lefties. Old school Monopoly game looking oligarhs had more humanity and respect for the labor, they just failed to wear jeans and sweaters averywhere. What a dummies.

dingle berries are from the shit you didn't clean off

I take toilet paper, wet it a little and push it in just slightly, then take more paper and clean. Then I go to shower and with cold water and a little of soup in my hands I clean my balls, ass cheeks and anus.

Never shitted outside my house or after showering, never understood people shitting outside their house.

Why? What's up with the bottles?

I mean everyone should shit in the morning.

You've never lived if you haven't shit in a street filled with dozens of people.

I'm calling bullshit. I work in a distribution factory, we have floor robots that pick up everything from the shelves, bring it to the boxing department, and gives it to another robot which packages it.

The only human workers we have are customer service, management, technicians to maintain the robots, two janitors, and some guys to unload and load the trucks. That's it, there is only like 11 of us.

glad the hiring department is so rigorous

spread my cheeks with one hand, use jet attachment on showerhead with other.

>Work in warehouse
>Indians keep spitting in the sink
>Put up signs, "No Spitting in Sink!"
>Indians now spit in garbage; garbage now full of gunk
>They keep wiping their ass with pic related and flooding the toilets
>HR has to battle the old boomers who don't want to sit on the toilet seats and the Pajeets who don' know that this is not toilet paper
>We keep having meetings telling the Indians to stop flushing a whole bunch of toilet seat covers or we can no longer have them
>Indians do not understand
>Old boomer Jews start hooting about hygiene, the toilet seat covers are non-negotiable
>I'm just waiting on the 4th Reich

thats ok i rub my butt all over my computer before i send my order. das rite!

pajeet my son....

Awww little poo

Why not bare fuck your girlfriend on the way too? Or put a toilet in middle of the living room for your guests to use?

If you wanna be vanguard and transgressor I am all in, but there are some things, moments, actions that shouldn't be public or subject of sharing/talking at all. Like shitting or sex!

worked software at a state dept in Idaho for a while, they imported loads of poo n loos for tech bitch work. There was literally a feeling of war in the air due to the soon to retire boomers infuriated about the smell from too much cologne to them wrecking bathrooms like it was bangladesh.

Never laughed so hard in my life at the open frustration with grown people not understanding how to not stink a place up. One of the poo n loo chicks was fucking banging hot in a qt3.14 desu desu kind of way, but I couldn't bring myself to find out if she was one of the ones that figured out western toilets or not.

Amazon doesn't work that way. They have tons of pickers.

Use a bidet, you fucking barbarians.

gracias pedro, very insightful.

I'm just amazed that a migrant thought to wash their ass

>goddamn shitskins
Gadsden flag
won't blame capitalism for creating inhumane work conditions in the 21st century in order to maximize profits

white nigga please

>There was literally a feeling of war in the air due to the soon to retire boomers infuriated about the smell from too much cologne to them wrecking bathrooms like it was bangladesh

Portugal just went into space. My sides.

>I'm done
Fuck outta here with that. I love these slave drivers. I get paid $180 an hour as a USPS highway contractor during December then I pay retards $15 an hour to do my job for me

This is the only correct answer

What would the locals think if a foreigner came in and started shitting everywhere? Would it be like "there goes the neighborhood" or something?

>Libshits think all this labor is done by "automation" and high-tech computers
>It's actually a bunch of child slaves in a dirty warehouse

Right we blame kikes & enablers

>work conditions were dope pre 21st century

when do we get to start murdering commies to the sound of cheers?

last year I half-heartedly filled out an application for an amazon warehouse, included was a questionnaire that made it clear that I would be working for someone of a different race. It had multiple questions all asking the same thing, how do you feel about working under someone from a different background? etc.

go work for amazon and they will have you working under some nigger with bed bugs


Ye it's not the fault of Amazon hiring these monkeys to save a few shekels.

checked and rekt. the future is here user

I use my house or my private bathroom in my office. Had to emergency shit at Sam's club recently. Took the hottest shower of my life when I got home

it's well known that Amazon turns people into self-exploiting Amabots.
it became a thing, a meme.
they could afford to provide showers or work breaks, but they won't.

>yfw have the job of Amazon slave driver

Regular bidet use

However, in the shower I lather my hand a lot. Then cup my hand so it's a bit like a plunger then do that vacuum motion between my ass cheek to deeply spread the lather.
Than I switch shower hose to its hard spray and wash all away. The key is the gooch area and the side hairy walls.

Wait, that thing flaps outward? I always wondered about that. It hits the water and sucks the whole thing in before you can sit. I always just lined with TP

Why not just buy a special sponge for your ass you fags?

>emergency shit
Check your diet m8.

>american reporting

We ate Olive garden and went to Sam's club

>59 football fields
>image shows 6x4 grid of football fields
who's fault is it, the internet that had to photoshop that or the guy that made up the number?

And yet lice and other diseases were rampant


Also work in prime I’ll Tell you the reason why those sort of items get messed up is because upper management is too lazy to give us ways of boxing them and our regular packaging doesn’t mesh too well with them plus we are the rush mentality we have you end with fucked up shit coming your way.(half black taped Gatorade or ridiculously ripped boxes)
Honestly I hate working on 8 pack gatorades the most.

Auschwitz probably smelt better

check 'em!
met a black guy recently, was done drinking on a beer and offered him the mostly full can, nigger looked at me like I was subhuman. He said "I don't even kiss my girlfriend man" yet he reeks of piss and shit


Bidet, the problem with that thing is that I forgot how to wipe my ass so I try as hard as possible not to shit in a place with no bidet.

lol i dont put my hands in between my ass cheeks. thats fucking gross

>shipping and returns are free
Surprise, surprise: They achieve this only by slave-like working conditions.
So you should only order from stores that charge 7,95 for packaging and shipping. Only nobody does, and the exponential growth of the order by mail business is only due to the fact that you often don't pay for the poor guys who put it in a box or drive it to your home.

you don't wash your ass with a wash cloth?

> drinking with niggers
You're the biggest nigger here.


>Never shitted outside my house or after showering, never understood people shitting outside their house.

When I was in high school and college I have diarrhorea all the time, sometimes I shit ten times a day. I shitted in almost every toilet on the campus, in public toilets at the train station and in train toilets itselves. I even street shit once.

What did you expect from a company created by the guy with the crazy eye...

>Amazon is capitalism
lmao no nigger, it's socialism. Amazon made negative profits for its first 20 years, they kept getting funding by outside sources because those same sources knew they could eventually get government subsidies (socialism) to help corner the market and cover costs. Amazon does not pay market rate for postage, if they did they would die.

But in America as in every other country the prices of the state mail are fixed by a government committee.
That's why our state Bundespost had to fusion with DHL and expand internationally to make a buck.

I'll forever stand by this fucking wallstreet kike if he returns the post office to power.

Much better than retail

>you often don't pay for the poor guys who put it in a box or drive it to your home
It's hidden in the price of the product, dipshit.

Amazon is very labor heavy. The meme drone was a step to correct their image but the truth of the inner working of the company is out.
I still buy lots of non-food stuff there.

Judging by the size of parking lots I would say the guy with numbers fucked up.

All businesses get different rates than the public. If you've ever tried to sell on ebay you'll know that it's impossible to undercut large sellers on items worth less than $10 because you'd literally be paying them to take your stuff.

Ditto, some great deals this time of year

hey niggers come out of the woodwork sometimes and I'm a man of the people

I work construction, and had to do some work on one of the roofs in one of their ware houses.
Can confirm the only white people there were woman, and the only white men were people in management.
Like 80% darkies. We would get weird looks actually for being the only white guys around.

Oh, I see you are not an academic. Well then, a glorious future in the world of personal logistics awaits you! Go and earn all that hidden cost money as a delivery driver.

>Tfw you’re posting this using a computer built with metals that were mined by children.

>No swimming pool?
It's not even as good as Auschwitz.

At least their asshole is clean

>Go and earn all that hidden cost money as a delivery driver.
delivery drivers are paid by their employer - even pizza delivery drivers

man how fucking naive are you bro?
everyone puts their dirty unwashed hands all over your precious shit, even you.

its been this way since the dawn of time.

humans are dirty animals man.