When will he get around to stopping the jews

When will he get around to stopping the jews

he IS a jew you fat amerisraeli mongrel

What are Israel's interests? There are three.
1: Expand Greater Israel.
2: Prevent Iran from achieving nuclear power.
3: Dismantle and disrupt coherent secular Muslim countries in the region.

Trump has already destroyed two of these interests. By vetoing any war against Iran and Syria, he has completely ruined Israel's path to success on point 2 and 3. Syria is the backbone of anti-zionist resistance in the Middle East, and Iran is the brain stem. So long as those two states are intact, Iran will achieve nuclear weapons by 2030. When Iran has nukes, Israel is fucked. They will be rolled back to their heartland and continue to suffer demographic decline until they cease to exist, or they will be nuked. There is no win strategy for Israel once Iran is nuclear. Trump could "renegotiate" the Iran deal 500 times, there is no way to prevent them from arming without physically destabilizing the country, and that requires boots on the ground or CIA intervention which the Russians will prevent. It took years of effort and enormous amounts of money to spark the puny uprising in Syria and that has already begun to collapse now that Hillary has been disabled

Point 1 has also been handled perfectly. Obama has stuck in the knife, and Trump doesn't need to twist it, he just needs not to pull it out--and he won't. Trump will seek to "negotiate" something with the Palestinians. Israel doesn't want negotiation they want submission. Without it their efforts will be hampered and they will be unable to extend their reach to Iran

Now let us look at this from the Israeli side. The UN has turned against them. They were expecting a bought-and-paid-for stooge like Hillary to back their interests by destroying Syria and giving them a route to seize the South and to infiltrate Iran.

Instead they get Trump, who is nominally on their side but who in reality has already ruined their last-ditch effort to bring down Assad. This is the problem: They cannot chastize Trump for anything he does because he is the only one who is even NOMINALLY on his side. They have to take whatever table scraps he throws them and smile, or else he might turn on them. The problem here is that there's nothing he will do for them that will solve their problems.

Here is the key: Israel is living on borrowed time. Every minute that we are not actively hacking away at Iran's buffer of stable states is a minute that the Iranians get to work on their nuclear program while pretending to be building reactors or whatever. Trump will "renegotiate" the deal with them but he'll focus on the money we gave them, rather than taking actual steps to fuck with their programs, because Trump has prioritized positive relations with Putin over positive relations with Israel.

Putin's geopolitical interests do not align perfectly with ours in most regards, but in THIS regard they do, and Israel is the eternal fucking albatross around our neck that needs to be thrown into the sea. If Trump steers the course he will be a disaster for Israel and our problems in the Middle East will reach a timely, pleasant conclusion.

The short version: Trump is a poison pill for the ZOG machine. They needed a Hillary or a Romney or a Bush but they got Trump, and it's going to destroy them.

his to "senior" advisers are top fucking jews (jewanka included)
he shill for jews 25/8

fuck you and fuck that fat twitter-trained orangutan jew cumdumpster

He was given a simple choice. White or Kike.

He chose kike.

I can't believe it, but it looks like he did round up the (((CEOs))) and put them in Gitmo. I'm shocked. Jews were scared he would round them up. I thought it was nonsense. I was wrong.

Wait until Mueller officially says that Israel killed JFK.


You mad Rabbi?

you know as well as i do america wouldn't be nearly as powerful without the jews

Israel didn't kill JFK. JFK was a mountain of a man if you know the real culprit. Trump learned from JFKs (and Lincoln, and McKinley) errors and waited for the right moment.

Rabbi is in the WH

Israel killed JFK.

Give free ham and confuse them?

Sad but deep down, we all know it's true

Trump is the best thing to ever happen to the Jews and ZOG ,are you even paying attention?

When will Trump deport his daughter Ivanka for marrying a Jewish man and converting to Judaism and having Jewish children?

No No they didn't

Trump loves the Jews

>White or Kike.
same thing

>almost 2 years ago Sup Forums worshipped Trump and now we all hate him

Jesus times change

It's not us who changed tho. It's Trump

Never liked him. Never took him serious and did not expect a comedian scam artist to become the leader of the free world.

All of this is blatantly wrong though. If there's anything we know about Trump, it's that there is no method to his madness and he's not some sort of Machiavellian genius. He's brilliant at branding and getting publicity, but somehow thinking he's actually pulling a fast one on the jews even though 1. his entire family is made up of them 2. his top advisors are jews 3. he was mentored by a jew and grew up doing business and forming relationships with them 4. he's a fucking baby boomer who time and time again professes love for israel is fucking stupid and you are probably a kike yourself.

Trump loves Jews and Israel. His son in law is Jewish.