ITT: Characters that are literally you

ITT: Characters that are literally you

n-no bully

I wouldn't say literally, but it seems we're a lot alike!

Literally (Me).






hey cutie want a date?




Clever, nihilistic, and scared out of his mind right now.







rip contentawaresatan


Any skeleton mode anime characters?



That's the majority of bishounens, man.



I'm so sorry.




I'm a blonde haired blue eyed skeleton mode bishounen with long hair myself, but I'm so fucking boring and have such an uneventful past and current life, there's no one I could possibly be like. I would say I'm one of those background characters you see walking around the streets, but I don't go outside and haven't for most of my life. I'm not a character, I'm just an observer. Nothing likable or hateable about me, I'm not nice or mean, I just am, barely.


This man is too relateable


Clever, nihilistic, and a WICKED appetite for grubs and beetles.


