Spot the difference


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There isn't one. Now, without using an emotional argument, tell me what's wrong with any of them.

All are manufactured in china.

Threads like this need to end and result in a ban.

nothing at all 3 of them are apart of american history and the last one is Nazi ss officer cap that's all i see

They seek the genocide of certain kinds of people.

People who wear them think that the amount of melanin in one's skin is a good way to judge them.

I- I can't. Its over
drumpf btfo'

The KKK mask isn't a hat. The rest are.


It's hard to see out of a hood.
All except the hood allow your ears to get sun-burnt on hot days.

Not as much as it sucks for you to be a dropout low-iq loser.


top left isnt supported by jews

3 are hats
1 is a hood

"one of these things is not like the others"

Don't worry. The million's Trump made off tax payers golfing at his own properties will be a lasting achievement in civic classes regarding government corruption.

>American Burka, Best Burka!

First is a hat worn by members of the secret service of the national socialist German reich, second is a mask worn by members of the Klu Klux Klan, third is a hat worn by soldiers of the Confederate States of America and fourth is a hat worn by supporters of the president of the United States of America.

my maga hat was made in usa

The Red Hat Isn't Racist really it's not

>when your post is so retarded it only earns itself a reddit reply

one is /fa/ as fuck

Everything. Now, without using an emotional argument, tell me what's right about any of them.

Sure it was.

First gasses the Jews
Second cleans after the Jews
Third resists the Jews
Fourth allies the Jews

1) Who did the confederates try to genocide? A dead slave is a worthless slave. And last I checked, they didnt kill them. They freed them. Hence the south being over-run with niggers.

2) Who is MAGA trying to kill? Closing your borders != genocide. I know you liberals dont understand how laws work, but confusing illegal and illegal immigration was a better stance than conflating immigration law with the mass murder of a group of people.

3) Aside from the complete retardation of your entire premise, what is wrong with genocide? Has worked well in the past. There cant be a war when the opposing side has been erased from existence.

"the president is golfing" is a euphemism for having been sequestered to some war room in preperation for america's freedom bombings. you're a retard if you think a news blurb showing the fat cunt on a course means thats what he's doing while his cia niggers are taking down iran and they're preparing china and russia for an invasion in north korea

As opposed to people actively advocating genocide on this board.

You're gonna have to turn down the retard if you expect anyone to fall for that bait.

Three are of US origin, while one is German
Two of them are military hats, but one is from a high-ranking position while the other is not
The two that are not military apparel have the difference of one being a cloth with eyeholes while the other is a hat

There is no style in the bottom right. What an ugly ass hat.

Why would the confederates want to kill blacks? Blacks were their SLAVES, dumbass - you can't work if you're fucking dead.

you cant drop out if you never were in school in the first place

Those hats are different shapes, sizes and colors, not even speaking of details. MAny differences.

We Southern boys don't like Nazis

Based Mexican

You can come over to our side of the Wall.

>a heavily pregnant Anne Frank and Peter van Pels will never emerge from their hiding spot to find a company of Confederate infantrymen resting on the side of the road, playing "Oh Susanna" on a harmonica. Perplexed at the strange square flag the color guard clutches tightly, cherishing it as if it were a sacred relic, Anne and Peter curiously reach out to touch it, which the soldiers allow. As they feel the wool banner run through their fingertips, they do not know its meaning, but can nonetheless sense the importance it has in the hearts those who carry it.


There's no bill on the hood. Durr.

Rare actual Mexican intellectual

1 doesn't have a visor.

The hood doesn’t have a bill.
Pretty easy for an autistof my caliber.


KKK and nazis hated each other

nazis dont like the kkk because the kkk supports democracy same with the confederates and the trumptard hat

>that /lit/fag who said he was writing a better version of Man in the High Castle where Anne Frank falls in love with a Nazi-killing Klansman and gives birth to his child never got back to us


>Now, without using an emotional argument

Expecting a leaf to know the distinction

the nazis were the only intelligent white supremacists due to being authentic born and bred europeans.

maybe if you inbred retards actually put an emphasis on education you could be just like the nazis, but you won't ever because you keep voting republican

Three of these are in my heritage, and one is just a fucking slogan.


> National Socialist
> Democrat
> Confederate
> Republican

>nazi hat
Fighting for the socialst right to work and support ones country.
>klan mask
The right to assemble
>confederate hat
States rights
>maga hat
How the electoral college works

top left is the best desu

>Top Left


>Top Right

White savior squads

>Bottom Left

Did nothing wrong

>Bottom Right


Wearing any of them makes you look like a Special Needs individual.

Neat trips. Also, the KKK is nothing but an FBI LARP with the occasional ATF faggot partaking in the fun.

nobody can be this stupid, just sage

Ah, that sounds awful lot like an emotional argument. But then again, what else can one expect from a kike cock sucking shill?

1. National Socialist German Workers' Party
2. Democrat, post 13th & 14 amandment
3. Democrat fighting for states rights away from big federal Gov't
4. conservative and or patriot fed up with big gov't pushing civil rights violations

Do you believe the only difference between the races is the amount of melanin in the skin?

>How the electoral college works

The same people that brought you this meme also brought us the phrase "not all Muslims".


>top left
Anti-illuminati. Cool guys wear them.
>top right
Mostly worn by faggots.
>bottom left
Worn by people involved in a war that didn't have a clearly defined 'good guys' side or 'bad guys' side. There was good and bad to both sides. So the hat was worn by good people, bad people, and morally gray people.
>bottom right
Kinda similar to the bottom left. Some wearers want change, want the fucked up status quo shaken up. Others are just faggots.

Post your address and I'll send you a KKK hat so you can show everybody how intelligent it makes you look like.

top right one covers your face.

>military (black)
>military (grey)

that the difference?

One of them won

Bottom right won.

I don't own a maga hat

First is from the paramilitar organization only loyal to the nazi party (not the army): fascism, big state on control, economy at service of the country, their money was backed by production (not gold or debt) and makes differences between white caucasians. They were born because commies wanted soviet revolution part 2: the next starvation.
Second Is a hood of a racist organization, doesn't make differences between white arian caucasians. Anti-commie, anti-semitic and anti-christianism too sometimes.
Third is the cap of the army loyal to the democratic party that wanted to keep the slavery because it was their livelihood in the south. They were lucky, they didn't know about communism at that time.
Four is a cap with the slogan MAGA of President Donald Trump, a pro-corporation-capitalist sionist that has all his kids married with jews but you keep calling him nazi, because everyone who doesn't think like you it's literally Hitler, and he made all those people that you call literally nazis (despite they don't want big government or a fascist state), vote for him.
Even fascist anti-semites voted for him, because you all are annoying little whinners, corrupt and twisted retards that name things because your feels and not facts.
Communism is the answer to: which is the worst economic-political system after total anarchy?
Now fuck off, grab a book, learn things and stop wasting your life, i can't keep educating you all my life. Get a job and take a shower too you dirty hippie.

Each of these head equipments have different stats

I'm not FBI so I don't feel the need to LARP.

We've been judging them by the content of their character for years. It our fault the results are the same?

National Socialist, believes in mixed economics and was authoritarian in practice and through it's goals.

Criminal vigilantes that acted as an entity that was not a state.

Confederation focused on state rights that wasn't Authoritarian and broke off because of that.reason.

A capitalist focused non Authoritarian that was legally elected.

>the most active and influential trumper forum on the internet just also happens to be a nazi image board
>total coincidence

Go to /thread

Controversial opinions are plentiful and this is the one place where you won't get blacklisted and banned for it. We're broadly right/center.

If you look at r/the_donald you'll find that "Good ol' GoP" that hates Nazis.

>spot the difference
>four fucking pictures
Have you ever even seen a fucking spot the difference before? At best this one is a "which of these things is not like the other" game. in that we could argue that the trump hat is the odd one out because it has writing on it, or because it is coloured while the rest are greyscale, then one could argue that the KKK hood is the odd one out because it isn't a hat, It's a hood.

One could argue a 3rd oddness in that the movement/whatever the trump ht represents is the only one to have won, and a 4th that it isn't part of a larger uniform/outfit.

When everyone's controversial opinion on here just so happens to be the same, and it's "the holocaust didn't happen, hitler did nothing wrong, gas the kikes, race war now" it's really hard to swallow the image of centrism.

>Spot the difference:

Nazi officer's hat is from National Socialism (European Right/US Left)

KKK hood is from post-Civil War Democrats who targeted Republicans and freed slaves

Johnny Reb hat is from the last time Democrats tried to separate themselves from Republicans and lost

MAGA hat from when a Republican legitimately won an election and actually came through on his promises.

Needs more burka and baclavas, plus youre a gay, and they would all kill you

Socialist, Democrat, Democrat, Republican