The feminists are getting desperate guys. They want to label all men seeking the red pill as alt-right racist white guys that are scared of women taking over and enslaving all men once they are in power.

These insane women must be stopped before they ruin us all. Remember that going MGTOW does not mean you never have sex anymore. Just pump and dump.

We need to focus on taking our power back and rebuilding society before the crazy lefties, jews, feminists and women in general destroy us all.



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This thread must not die.

haha Sup Forums on the news, again
they're just jealous because they know they're going the way of the dinosaur

mgtow is for fucking faggots. This is a jewish psyop to prevent you fucking retards from having white babies. Good job you fuckin idiot.

All men need to be informed.

Every man should read through all the red pill and MGTOW information and stories even if you do not plan to MGTOW or pick up sluts.

Knowledge is power.

Have ant of you guys that hate on MGTOW ever read some of the stories these guys have and why they decided to do this?

Not all of them are virgin inches some had families or slept with many women before making the decision.

Every single man you will ever meet is your better in some regard and you can learn from them and their experience. Don't be so quick to discredit men that did everything in their power to save a marriage.

>Brainlets unironically think birthrates are important at this point.
Birthrates are a red herring, and white knight nationalists are the only people stupid enough to fall for it. Congratulations you utter moron.

It's true. They used to laugh and dismiss, now they're actually bothering to write up these massive wall-o-text tirades.

They're starting to feel the pressure and realistically, they're only responding to the first and smallest wave of MGTOW.

They haven't been hit by the real waves yet, in fact they haven't even seen what's really coming, remember, we joke about this place being an echo chamber, but go actually bear witness to the normiesphere, you'll realize that even their fake news comes to them through several layers and filters.

They only know about MGTOW through a few articles they've scanned the headlines of, decrying the movement as sexist and oppressive. They don't actually know what the movement is or what any of their arguments are except in strawman form.

They certainly have no fucking idea that the ideas have become so pervasive, it's not just the beta virgins they could always laugh at, it's men of all ages and backgrounds and financial and social status being exposed to these ideas and seeing it backed up not only with statistical evidence, but the evidence they see with their own eyes every day.

Even the most redpilled and aware women are only dimly aware of what kind of world they and their sisters and mothers and daughters are about to wake up in. A world where for the first time in female History, they really aren't protected, they really aren't special, and they really are treated just like a man: like dogshit.

We're already seeing the first waves of a female suicide epidemic. We always said, "If women had to live as men, they'd kill themselves." We're on the verge of seeing this proven true.

To me, the most important aspect of true MGTOW has nothing to do with women or sex at all, it's purely economic: Because I don't throw my money away on women, I don't throw my money away on the industries that enslave humanity through manipulating women's childish lusts.

Compared to that, eschewing females is a distant priority at best.

No, that's retarded. It's not good for the male psyche to write off woman.

MGTOW isn't writing off women, it's writing off marriage and serious relationships. Go read the MGTOW forums and learn what it actually IS before running your mouth.

>Even the most redpilled and aware women are only dimly aware of what kind of world they and their sisters and mothers and daughters are about to wake up in. A world where for the first time in female History, they really aren't protected, they really aren't special, and they really are treated just like a man: like dogshit.
Isn't this what the old feminists wanted?

Women write off men like it's sport you cuck.

>Isn't this what the old feminists wanted?
No, and people need to stop romanticizing "Old Feminism," considering some of their intellectual pioneers were LITERAL Communists.

Literally married to a decent woman, smart and with a good job, have one kid already. Not sure MGTOW is worth much.

MGTOW is white genocide.


It needs to be stated, that Reddit MGTOW isn't real MGTOW. It's a mixture of /Incel and speed seduction tards who are angry at their lack of success with women, and it's just an echo chamber for their bullshit. Real MGTOWs get banned from there, fast, I got banned in less than two days, for trying to explain what MGTOW really is, and why sitting around bitching about women isn't MGTOW.

The forums at MGTOW.com are where the real deal hang and post - and note, they won't put up with the Reddit shit there, and most of them are men who have given up after trying to deal with women in healthy ways, and have learned that the crapshoot isn't worth it. Many of them are divorced men with children. Most of them have been gut kicked by women for so long, and so hard, they've given up. (Me) Or they're young men who have seen the men in their live raped financially and emotionally by women, and have chosen not to marry. They still fuck women, but on their terms, and don't put up with any shit. Or try.
MGTOW is a reaction, not a movement. The forums are a clubhouse to clear your head, while you plan for your future alone, without a woman. Don't join if you have any plans on dating or marrying, but we'll be here for you when your life is burned to the ground, which is inevitable with women.

Is this /leftypol/ or paid shills? Or both? Or shit posters?
Whatever the case, I'm just a simple newfag.

Artificial womb technology.

>keep fucking as many shiksas as you want goys, you'll be happy when you're 65 yearsold with your awesome MGTOW lifestyle.

I hope you die. Kike

No it’s not, who gives a shit about birth rates? After we start the race war we’ll just destroy the subhuman menace and kill our genetic competition. We can slaughter the negro horde way faster than we can make babies

how many men reproduce has no bearing on population growth, only women can influence this. l2biology

Men don't crave female attention in the way women crave men's attention.

Men can feel perfectly fulfilled with hobbies and self improvement while women cannot.

Women suck the life out of men. You've all seen it. Monogamous relationships are to the detriment of all men because we possess all real value and all women now have to offer is used up worn out holes

No, you dumb fucking cunt. Marriage is the closest to an actual plot by jews to enslave men and take their money by the courts. If you marry a woman, the odds are in favor of you giving most of your money to A. a woman, and B. a Jewish lawyer.

Get it right, and stop posting nonsense. Marriage is not viable in today's world. Getting raped financially and emotionally, and your children raised by a mother on the cock carousel and beaten by "boyfriends" and estranged from you is not how you save the white race, you shareblue cunt.

Wait until she starts saying she's not happy and blows your life up to go get some new dick.

It is almost statistically certain.

You know the Chinese proverb, "Be careful what you wish for..."

Women need that advice one hundred trillion times more than men. And I'm not stupid enough to be saying that men don't have our own crippling blindspots. Of course the human species was designed to work as a unit, man and woman, us against the world. Because we both have our strengths and weaknesses.

I'm just saying women's biggest weakness is that they have such a superficial view of everything that they want childish things, in childish ways, for childish reasons, well into adulthood.

It sounds incongruous because it's men who have the popular stereotype of being the more childish. And that's because as with anything else, women persecute and vilify men the most for the crimes that women themselves are most egregiously guilty of.

>implying women want to share a man

oy vey got stop living in the real reality online and stay in constructed reality we have created in (((society))) for you!

Does not exist.

Old, childless men can't do shit.

>Does not exist.

>Does not exist.

>Old, childless men can't do shit.
They can lives lives of happiness and contentment. Without women.

If you think you NEED a woman, you're not a man. You're a simp, and an ATM for a woman.

MGTOW sucks. So does marrying some non-virgin woman who is likely to divorce you, rob you and take your kids away from you. We're in a shitty situation all around and you lose no matter what you do. I'd rather make women lose too. Either way, "personal happiness" isn't relevant to your initial claim about birthrates.

thred theme

Besides, pump and dump sounds a lot like Sub-Saharan Africa, and that place is, more or less, complete and utter shit: youtube.com/watch?v=ZRuSS0iiFyo.
Why not focus on fixing relationships, marriage, etc., instead, if they indeed are broken? Of course, you could also "fix" them if you want to break them instead of fixing them, of course, if you feel like sacrificing the world. But if you feel like sacrificing the world, why not just become an hero?

How many members of the MGTOW community made the decision not to have sex with women voluntarily? Who had a girlfriend/fuckbuddy/wife and turned it down voluntarily? Fucking no one that is who.

MGTOW is the quickest route to dismantling the fucked up society we currently have.

2. Stop working, live off long term bitcoin gains, paying 0% fed income tax. You live off < 40k/year, which is a piece of cake when not having to support a roastie and her children, and your lifestyle is correct.
3. Eat a steak every day and watch as govt. crumbles under the weight of welfare requirements to keep women and niggers alive, which you no longer pay any part of.

Again with the absolute generalizations.
There's really no arguing with you guys. You just want an organized boycott, no matter how irrational it is. You think it'll hurt women. But it won't. Society always reorganizes to protect women. Even if it leads to self-destruction in the long run.
If you were just trying to warn men to be careful about women that'd be great (because there's really some need for that and even that is taboo nowadays) but you're pushing this too far.

>Why not focus on fixing relationships, marriage, etc., instead, if they indeed are broken?
Because women keep breaking them, and will continue to break them as long as they have social power.

MGTOW isn't giving up sex, just relationships.

>You think it'll hurt women. But it won't.
It will, though. I would suggest you take a look at those sociopolitical outlets/lifestyle blogs that are targeted towards urban career women in their late 20s (You know the ones). They do nothing but write article after article moaning about:
>Guys that don't want to commit
>Guys that don't have the motivation to climb the economic ladder
>Guys that would rather go drinking with the mates than take them out
If you pay attention to author names, you can actually watch them go from "Young, wild and carefree" to "wanting to settle down" to "increasingly worried about the lack of 'good men'" to "bitter, single reject."

Another virgin who can't imagine turning down sex, lol.

It's adorable. Have fun getting raped by women, loser.

>Become a genetic dead end
LOL go for it faggot.

>They want to label all men seeking the red pill as alt-right racist white guys that are scared of women taking over and enslaving all men once they are in power.

Because thats exactly what we are and what its all about.

They don't care dude.

They would rather share the top 20% that fuck with the lower 80%

The only way we can fix marriage is a brutal and bloody war against liberals and shitskins. I’m all for it but it seems like most men prefer to just abandon relationships and try to starve women out of sluttiness. It won’t work but it’s better than cucking out and supporting some whore. We only have three choices: we can be cucks, we can be lonely, or we can slaughter our enemies that corrupted out women.

MGTOW is not a boycott, it's a decision. It's also not an argument, especially with a fat cunt like you, SoyLeaf.

By 'fixing', I include changing/restoring laws, traditions, etc.

Yeah it's an uphill fight we know already.

Women are perfectly content to share a chad, trust me. Most primitive societies are polygynous and that's how humans have operated up until recently

Good point and I'm glad you ask, and here's the answer:

Because your wife is one in a million, and there's 999,999 guys out there just like you for every one of your wife.

And that might just make you the luckiest bastard born under the luckiest star, you old dog, but unfortunately for you and especially your children, you still have to live in the society where for every one of you, there's 999,999 guys with no hope and no hope of ever having any hope, who have no place in the world and no investment in any form of a future beyond the next ounce of weed, who even if you could write them off as losers, are still wrecking the economy by working dead-end jobs and watching Dragon Ball Z in their rooms well into their 30's.

And don't forget, you also have to deal with 999,999 degenerate sluts who will spread their legs for the immigrants and worship themselves as heroes for doing it.

You're not wrestling against flesh and blood, user, but against trends and demographics that are ushering in total economic collapse within our generation . . . .

. . . .

. . . . if not sooner.

We're fucked either way mate. The jews have already rigged it so white women wont breed with us. They dont care we are dropping out.

My siblings procreated, I don't give a flying fuck, HitlerYouth.

MGTOWs are less of a threat to whites then Race-mixers. I rather have a homogeneus country with low birth rates then a mixed hellhole with african-tier ones.

Still having tons of white kids though

Most women have no trouble with this. These ones will get married when they actually want it and lower their standards and possibly put some effort into it. They just need to accept that feminism means that women can't all marry up anymore. If they don't get married it's because they don't really want to.

No, they would rather have the top 20% for themselves. Women are incredibly jealous.

FIx women? Do you understand how impossible that is? We can't fix women. They are who they are, and this behavior isn't new. Men have been complaining about the same shit since we invented writing - it's just in the past, they didn't have the media and more importantly the courts stacked against us like they are now.
What needs to change is family law, and getting rid of no-fault divorce. Good luck with either one - change family law, and women will be living on the streets in droves, and the legal lobbyists will never allow no-fault to be taken away.
The problem isn't what we're not doing, it's what women are doing, and who's supporting them.

Women were perfectly fine with not having rights up until the last century. Like rights, women have gotten used to having their own man. They won't give that up easily.

Dude, more than half of all women are totally fine being in a harem for the right stud, and they only have to convince themselves that they're "his favorite" to feel absolutely no qualms.

Every married guy I ever met thinks he found the one good woman.

Thats why so many of them kill themselves after divorce: they finally see that they were suckers all along.

Good the future doesn't want your genes. I'm happy that the DNA that created MGTOWS wont last till the next generation.

>Le alt right
>CNN reports on a made up group made by CNN

Doesn't really matter how women react to mgtow. Women are not taken into concideration as this is something for the benefit of the man only. What women do or what happens to them is ultimately irrelevant.

>MGTOW is not a boycott
It is though.
For some people it's just a personal decision. And that's fine. They're not trying to convince everyone else to do the same.
But MGTOW as a "movement" also exists. There's a lot of shilling, trolling and memeing. It's downright subversion.


You need sons you fucking retard.

You mean having their own beta orbiter

MGTOW is a biological response initaited within an intelligent social organism, working it's way through all relevant social strata. It is, in a distilled sense, mother nature forcing a hard reset.

>Implying most of us aren't divorced men who already have children but the whore took 50% of our things and the children

Fuck off faggot.

If you haven't married, you have no fucking say in this. MGTOW is the solution.

Nobody cares what you think, HitlerYouth, lol. Just go away. You're not even amusing. I;m not risking my life and my money because some spastic little Hitler fanboi is judging me, lol. Get the fuck out of here, you little slug.

It isn't, SoyLeaf.

I don't want sons, HitlerYouth. My family is full of alcoholics and drug addicts, and I'd rather not pass on more of our crap genetics. Take your Hitler rally bullshit somewhere else.


I think the shills/trolls in this thread are doing very well. Good sounding arguments (though horribly superficial and insincere), good manipulation. I think we will see many more of these threads in the future, MGTOW seems like a good base for them.
I wonder; is there a link between Jews on one hand and Bantus in Africa on the other? Both tend to appreciate circumcision... and I recall having read some writings regarding Jews having Sub-Saharan African admixture. Did the Jews preserve (through traditions and "discarding" certain of their non-desired children) some (modified) Bantu ways of doing things?

Can a woman stay in a harem after they hit the wall?

>red pillers and MGTOWs arent all fat neckbeards living on welfare in their mothers basement


>implying I have to be in a relationship to reproduce
Have impregnated and ditched literally dozens of women at this point.

at least do something meaningful with your life.

Their own ATM.

Brother there's gonna be so many orphaned boys and girls in the wars to come, trust me motherfucker, we're going to have a shortage of parents, NOT children.

I mean, yeah, like now, only WORSE! Much worse!

>Muh white genocide
>doesn't give a shit about how white males are treated


Youre part of the problem you degenerate. You are the ((guy)) that stacey has her fun with before she comes running back to us.

Or maybe the jews influenced the bantu.

That's for nobody to decide but himself. You do realise that nobody fucking cares about impressing their neighbours anymore because society is a fucking trash heap with no hope because we have been completely usurped by (((them))). You can go and fight the good fight. But don't expect anyone to give a shit because to be frank, even if we could fix this shit, it's nobodies responsibility and

there is no incentive anymore.

>Just pump and dump.

No, you gonna convert some of these women to feminism. If a woman wants babys leave her alone if you don't want

>Or maybe the jews influenced the bantu.
Ah, but my Jewish friend, unreliable sources I quickly skimmed through on the internet says that the Bantus may have started this tradition some 5000-7000 years ago. Does that not predate the Jews?
Anyways, the fireworks have died down here, so I am off to bed. Good night, and happy new years.

Congratulations, you're a nigger.

>We need to focus on taking our power back and rebuilding society before the crazy lefties, jews, feminists and women in general destroy us all.

why, let them destroy it, just rebuild after they starve themselves out.

I'd feel the same way if I lived in the UK to be honest

Most aren't you dipshit

>jews created mgtow


>your ass

It's interesting, they transition as they age, first they say, "Well, he likes his pretty new thing, but I'm more experienced, he's just like a boy with his new toy, but I'm the one who knows all his buttons, and besides, he says he loves sliding it all the way up my ass. The new girl can't do that yet, I'll bet."

To, "Well, he hardly ever comes around anymore and when he does, he's always so rough now! Gosh! And I told him the doctor said I shouldn't do it like that anymore, this time he really tore something! God it hurts so much. But that's why he loves me, he can come to me when he really needs that primal release, I'm the only one who can handle him at his darkest. Oh, it really hurts though! And besides, he knows that I can keep the other stupid little sluts in line. They are so immature."

In like, no time flat.

You shouldn't give a fuck what they think, live life on your terms, accept what comes with it, good and bad.

Have ant of you guys that hate on MGTOW ever read some of the stories these guys have and why they decided to do this?

Not all of them are virgin inches some had families or slept with many women before making the decision.

Every single man you will ever meet is your better in some regard and you can learn from them and their experience. Don't be so quick to discredit men that did everything in their power to save a marriage.

I'm not naive enough to think that I'm better than all these other men with failed marriages

>It's not good for the male psyche to write off woman.

says who?

Stacy will never run back to you.

Yeah they can rationalize literally anything

the problem is men chasing women is the only thing that keeps society running

> Monogamous relationships are to the detriment of all men because we possess all real value and all women now have to offer is used up worn out holes

because men want women who put it out easily. You just wrote MGTOW s about not having relationship but having sex.
That equals: Having sex with a variety of women.
That equals: Women who have sex with a variety of different men
That equals: "worn out holes"
you can't criticize if women meet a demand

It's actually better for men.

Women fuck with our heads. Dopamine is a hell of a drug.

>It's actually better for men.

says who, and how?