Do you ever think that the only reason you hold racist views is because you're ignorant and afraid of people who are...

Do you ever think that the only reason you hold racist views is because you're ignorant and afraid of people who are different from you?

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Obsessing over race is a socialist issue.


Do you ever get tired of being a faggot?

Fuck off retarded newfag.


No, I'm racist because I've worked around beaners and niggers and given them many chances to not act like apes and mudbloods. They just insist on living up to my worst fears.

I've known and been friends with a few good people of every race, but it's because they transcended their racial characteristics. Most niggers are exactly what you expect if you understand how bad they are.
I've lived around them for three decades. How about you OP?



We're like this because we've met people who were different from us.

I find that a redneck boomer from arkansas and a redneck boomer from tenesee will find less in common than an urban middle eastern millenial from california and an urban half-indian millenial from london. The urbanite millenials share the same polititical opinions, eat the same foods, shop at the same stores, idolize the same actors singers and models, wear the same clothing brands, masturbate to the same internet models, and so on. They love the same 'diversity' and they both even hate rural racists just the same.

Perhaps they have sinply never been exposed to different points of view? Is that not the definition of ignorance?

On the contrary, when I was young I was a dumb naive liberal who thought we were all the same and equal, I literally wrote a paper called "one race, the human race"

I only became a racist after actually hanging around spics and niggers and realizing how shitty they are.

This, i wasnt racist until i knew how bad shitskins and libtards are firsthand

No I hold racist views because the media went too far and made me this way

You make the mistake of thinking that just because I'm skeptical of multiracialism on a societal level that I'm at all uncomfortable with any race on an individual level.

This point is so god damn simple but leftists in general refuse to fucking accept or understand it.

Kek you are so full of shit

Wrong, very wrong. It means anyone with brown skinned ancestry. Niggerblood or monkey blood would by synonymous.

You ARE a Horny Pedo fan though, or you wouldn't associate a standard insult that way

Exposure to niggers causes racism, faggot. There's a reason why white southerners are the most racist whites and SJWs are usually from rich bubbles.

Did you ever think that the reason we hold "racist" views is because we don't hate ourselves and our families and we actually quite like people similar to ourselves?

I hold racist views because I'm well informed about people who are different from me.

I'm not white and people who are different than me most likely don't like my ass. Shit, I have other Mexicans start shit with me for the dumbest shit, I'm sure whites deal with similar shit with other whites. Fuck off with your utopian bullshit, moloch.

t. commie soyboy who lives in an all white gated community

It would be nice if you were filled with arguments, but that's not happening for you, is it?

You're gay for mentioning Hardy Potter but the rest of what you said is not so bad. Not all blacks are niggers, but that's their default.

It's interesting how they revert to niggers in a group, like a negative hive mind.

>implying the races are fundamentally different

nice racist image bigot

I hold racist views because I live around blacks. Fuck off nigger.

>Do you ever think that the only reason you hold racist views is because you're ignorant and afraid of people who are different from you?

I used to be pro-diversity and only became racist when I started experiencing just how shitty and awful niggers are in real life.

Not really. You seem really naive and sheltered. I bet there are a lot of examples in your life that you actively turned a blind eye and ignored things that you could habe viewed in a racist way.

No. I don't mind Asians, and I like all the different European cultures.

No I hold racist views because I have travelled the world extensively, you ever wondered why Paco so many beaners try to jump the border into the US and not the other way?

Mexico is much like a prostitute, you pay to have your fun for the night but then you leave as soon as possible unless you want some gangbanger coming at you with a weapon of some sort.

My "racist" views about muslims stem from the islamic fondness for mass-murder and other acts of terrorism.

My racist views towards blacks are influenced by the simple reality of excessive black criminality.

I don't really know that much about other ethnic groups or religions so I don't comment much about them.

Sup Forums is not one person, you faggot.

OP, no, it's because we see how those people live in their natural habitat and that would also apply to rednecks. It's not about skin color as much as it's about them being degenerate!!!FACT!!!

Exposure to niggers made me racist, friend.

I didn't mention Homemade Porno. The other guy did and I attempted to correct it. Somehow you guys don't get that. Are you a nigger?

On the contrary. I grew up with star trek and babylon 5 and other sci-fi utopias that taught me everyone could get along and live in harmony. This was the world view i accepted and i had no reason to believe otherwise, until i started experiencing reality for myself.

This is not conditioning OP. I was conditioned to be as race neutral as possible. Nor is it desire. My desire would be those sci-fi utopias to be real! It would be great if they were, everyone could just get along and further humanities exploration of the stars. But its not possible, and this loss of promised utopia just adds even more bitterness.

>because you're ignorant
+40 years experience = ignorant
I should listen to the sage advice of 19 year olds who are Sophomores in college with LGBTD studies major and a meme flag

>1 Post by ID


I think most "racists" have lived a substantial amount of time overseas and understand the importance of preserving diversity through segregation and not attempting to mix us all into one color you fucking brain dead mong.

No. Fuck off.

This, I had the same delusions of helping each other climb to the stars but they just don't have it in them to meet up with us.

Dude I've lived with, paid bills with, argued, drank and fought with more people from more countries than you've ever visited. I can stumble my way through conversations in a number of languages. I interact with people daily from every portion of the planet. The only people who ever post this shit are 18 year olds who are seeing brown people for the first time.

The reason I am racist is because a case can be made to link the colored's inferior performance with their inferior genetics. Which is good enough for me because I just want to fucking kill people.

Do you ever think that the only reason you have 1 post by this ID is because you are a shill?

libs are the least likely people to interact with people who are different from them. They stay with the clique (either upper middle class sheltered college types or fucked up white trash SJW's) for life. For reference I went to a top 10 uni in a high crime city and I was probably one of maybe

It's racist to know things first hand. Just internalize the narrative and celebrate anything that strengthens the lie. Watch the movies, buy the music, adopt black babies and definitely don't have your own kids. Cut off your cock and give your paycheck to a local mosque. Bake the cake. Stunning and brave, not vehicular manslaughter.



Maybe. I grew up as a white person in an area with 90%+ hispanics who regularly beat me up and stole my lunch money, my bike, and spray painted our fence with gang shit every week for multiple decades, smashed our mailbox, etc.

I suppose my racist views are a result of a lifetime of first hand experience.

Yeah but the Nazis shoved 25cm of wood up my ass so fuck you!

Haha UPenn. Libs are the same people who think the solution to racism is removing the bulletproof plexiglass from corner stores as well. Or affirmative action.

Did you enjoy it?


>ignorant and afraid of
No. I'm disappointed and disgusted with not only how awful savages treat benevolent white people, but also with how awful they treat each other.

If white people did not clothe them and invent guns, these niggers would be killing each other still, only naked and with pointy sticks.

haha I wish, actually JHU

>nothing is more important than a life of continuous hedonistic thrills
no one who seeks only satisfaction will find it for long

Honestly few POCs these days are cool with hanging with random white guys. Cultmarx social pressure makes it uncomfortable for them and you definitely pick up a vibe that makes favoring your own kind more pleasant.

>implying that racism is a two way street.

Brother, you are not alone.

give me one good reason not to be afraid of non whites

pro tip: you can't. they are literal animals

>one post by ID
Saged and reported

>White people are boring clones that all share the same personalities and look exactly the same.
Go fuck yourself kike.

Your picture is horseshit kikery. Have some reality.

Ain't that the truth.

Shit I thought I definitely nailed it. NYC fag here though and literally every race self segregates in this city, down to literally one block as a border in many areas. Liberals love to say only white people can be racist. It's definitely impossible that white people are solely responsible for putting people into such neatly compartmentalized neighborhoods based on race.

You are projecting here.

As a non white you are scared of us. And with good reason. Whites will bend over backward to accommodate minoritys. Until we dont.
White have a natural disgust toward the lesser races. Even the libs. They think even less of you. They think you need every opportunity to even come close to equality. Racist like ourselves dont believe you can even fit into our societies and want you to stay in your own countrys. We are more honest.
You fear us.
You digust us.

>to prevent
>life offers

Does idiocy truly know no bounds? I expect to live to see a leftist unironically anthropomorphize chunks of granite.

Well 40% of whites in the US are German.
>implying the holocaust happened

I used to be an "anti-racist" leftist. I was a chronically depressed shut-in. Becoming a racist was the thing that improved my life most for the better.

ill stop being a racist when blacks stop shooting dirty looks and driving like they fucking own the roads.

It's not so much misdirection as people not realizing the right and left hands share the same body. Some see only the right hand, some see only the left hand but they are both real and they are both operating with the same intellect to screw you.

Why is anti mage in the top left their

>1 post by this ID
We've been bamboozled.

Sage goes in all fields

Nigga, I hold racist views because I've lived with lots of people of different races. People are different. The lie is that we can possibly (statistically) be the same.

I can interact with English, Scots, Germans, Irish, French, Norwegians, Swedes, Finns, Dutch, Danes, Russians, Serbs, Croats, Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Lithuanians, Estonians, Latvians, Slovenians, and every combination of those. That's all the variety and diversity I need.

So what would you say to someone who says races are different. This is why diversity is great.

I learn a lot from people my own race. The (((schools))) teach me about other cultures to the point of boredom. Maybe that's why?

the guys on the right look a lot happier

people naturally self-segregate. if you went to public high school you'd know this.

>nobody likes to be bored, right?

lol that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard

plenty of people would love to be nothing but bored, having no surprises in their shitty chaotic lives, it's called being an adult