This is for all the white people here that find it difficult to believe in Christianity

This is for all the white people here that find it difficult to believe in Christianity.

I too was an atheist at one point. Would spend hours watching Dawkins and Hitchens destroy people in debates and I felt like logic and reason were on my side.

I mean the bible is ridiculous right? Just a bunch of Jewish nonsense to keep the goy in line. A fairy tale for children right? I had read the bible and found it ludicrous.

I then stumbled upon something that changed my perspective forever, and when I read the bible again my eyes were opened in a way that no redpill could ever open them.

Jesus was not a Jew. Jews are literally Satan's spawn and the bible tells us this over and over. Jesus died only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Who is this house of Israel? It is the white man. Only the white man fulfills all biblical prophecies put forth, the Jews fulfil ZERO. All other "people" are hybrid bastards in the eyes of the Lord. Only true whites will inherit the kingdom.

I implore you to read this:


If you have struggled to believe, if you have struggled with understanding, if you have doubt. Read that.

I love you all brothers. Good luck.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off with your cult bullshit you fucking cuck.




Religion is dying because the twenty first cenury gave people more information and therefore a larger collection of ideas.
It's cute though, you want your own little virgin safe space for your Christcuckery. That's not going to happen.

Jesus hates Jews. Truth hurts doesn't it?

>shows image of the ultimate snowflake

>When your mommy pumps so much religion into you that all you can do is speak in Sup Forums memes
Pretty pathetic desu

Religion is not about Race
Religion is all about if you are retarded enough to blindly believe in it and then, tell everyone about it like you held some secret Knowledge in your Vacuum-Bimbo-Head.
so fuck off and do what you want but shut up about it.

>the guy that people literally call "king of jews"
Nuff said, fatlard Christcuck :)

how dumb are you to not give a nigger with a gun your wallet

who the fuck gives a fuck about if he was jew or not? Jeesus fucking christ. Pun in-fucking-tended faggot.
For anyone not in dire need of the emotional crutch organised religion offers, it's evident thanks to the wealth of actual facts we all have infront of us nowdays that religion as we know it in the west is 100% means for control of a populace and nothing more. It's a dying meme.
Anything you feel you get from it is from yourself and can be got without the need to be involved in a cult.
I was once an xtian and even experienced the 'holy spirit' kek.
Turns out when I evolved into an athiest afterwards, I could summon that feeling at will through basic fuckin' meditation, go figure.


jesus was an african american you racist bigot

I don't believe your lies.

The Holy Spirit is more than some vague spiritual feeling. Non-denom baptists have turned the Spirit of God Himself into some generic feeling of religiosity, which can, like you said, be felt many ways. The Holy Spirit is God Himself made known to us, revealed through His Word and Sacraments. It's not the feeling of he "hands in the air Jesus is my boyfriend" worship style that's popular today

>thinks religion is dying
>larger collection of ideas
most of which are shit like your skin
>its cute though
>insert mommy references

>memeflag tries to tell people his opinion

> not being a gnostic and blindly believing other individuals in 2018
Will religions ever end?

Christianity is good for controlling low IQ unwashed massed, I'll give you that.

>Jesus died only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Who is this house of Israel? It is the white man.

Are you retarded?

The bitch sold ebt to thugs??? Toll equals paid, famalamadingdong.

>Only true whites will inherit the kingdom.
Only Christians will inheris the kingdom. Stop using random verses to fit your narrative.

I was an atheist and came full circle back to the church once i started researching matters for myself and not just believing things as presented by bill nye style (((scientists)))

When you look into actual historical accounts there are actual historical evidence in existence of things like noahs ark.

The first real red pill is realizing that most things presented as science are theories. Which are loudly proclaimed when some jew thinks up a plausible theory, then quietly dismissed when they are disproven years alter. For example the out of africa theory has been disproven. How many science worshiping atheists have used this as a way to discredit christianity smugly, now its proven complete bullshit. Yet there are no apologies or retaractions. They hardly even made public the fact that this theory is bullshit. Same as evolution. Look into it there is zero evidence that any species has ever transitioned into another distinct species yet somehow we think we evolved from a single cell amoeba. There is ZERO evidence for any of this yet it is taught as knowledge, and a basis for the disputing of christianity. Meanwhile may biblical accounts have been only backed up by evidence such as the flood myth, the existence of babylon, etc.

>Are you a lying Jew?

It is known that there were races of man-like creatures in existence before the creation of Adam and Eve and the Rev. P. E. K. Victor Pearce, an anthropologist, in his book Who was Adam? has shown that these pre-Adamites were the Old Stone Age Men, the hunters and gatherers who are still in the world today.

These findings are in accord with ancient scriptures for in Genesis 1.24-25 we read:– “And God said, let the earth bring forth the living creature (Chay Eretz, Hebrew, ‘living creature of the earth’) after his kind, the cattle and creeping things and the beasts of the earth after their kind.”

Note the masculine gender in the passage above. The word translated “man” is Awdawm meaning one who shows a rosy blush in the face. There is only one race that can show a rosy blush in the face and that is the white race.

>9 month study
>conducted by
No wonder you believe in jebus, you are actually retarded.

>Jesus hates Jews
Not true.

Jews are literally subhuman mongrels from Cain.
Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, formed a relationship with a Chay Eretz, a pre-Adamite female (Genesis 4.7): “If thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.” The word Chay is a masculine word (Genesis 1.25); the Chay were made after his kind. In Genesis 2.16 we read:– “Thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee.” Therefore the desire of Cain’s consort would be to Cain and he would rule over her. The Apostle Jude refers to this in verses 7 and 11:– “Woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain... giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh.” Cain was afraid that he would be killed: who was going to kill him? The Chay Eretz. Cain married his consort and built a city; built a city for whom? And with whose help? The Chay Eretz, the pre-Adamite people.

>t. anglican

Even is not this retarded

People taking the bible literally and comparing it to "science" are the real idiots. The bible is simply a guide. Militant atheists are the fucking worst.

Why do you hate Jesus? Are you a sinner? Repent and be saved.

God bless you brother

Lord Jesus doesn't hate the Israelites.

Israelites =/= Jews.


jews aren't of israel. they are pharisees of khazar and of the synagogue of satan

do you happen to be jewish?

Real Jews are Israelites. The problem is we don't know who is and who isn't real.


>Whether to believe the universe is void of purpose or if there is purpose, justice, love and meaning
These are the questions that bring me to where I am.
>gifted to us by divine revelation
This part is hard for me to determine with any level of accuracy
And then I'm thinking "How could I know if the universe was gifted to us by the Abrahamic God or by any other force (demiurge, etc)"
>Do you believe the historicity of Jesus?
This one is interesting. I'm not really sure, I haven't looked into it. The fact that Islam recognizes Jesus as a historical/religious figure does a decent job of convincing me he at least existed.
>of the Crucifixion and Resurrection?
It is a good story, but I don't believe in Zeus' penis falling into the ocean and becoming Aphrodite either. It's not unlikely that the Jews killed Jesus. If convinced of the ultimate power of God I think I would believe Jesus died and came back.
>Do you think miracles are possible
I haven't seen one, so not really. If I were to see a miracle, and could say beyond a shadow of a doubt it was a miracle and not a coincidence, I would believe miracles are possible.
>matter is the only thing that exists and there's nothing outside the universe
Pretty much. I mean, nobody has ever seen and reported back of having been outside the universe. I'm open to exploration though.
>an ephemeral plane
Idk. I've been having some interesting experiences with lucid dreaming. Aside from that I can't really say with much certainty.

They are clearly marked for all to see.

>loook at my mspaint picture you guys
You just proved that Christianity makes you retarded.
Good job!

So if they are real Jews, how can they be the synagogue of Satan?

Sorry for bringing logic to ruin your hate parade.


if you believed in the new testament you would know that Christ denounced the (((oral teachings))). you cannot support judaism in any way, since they made the choice to keep with their own teachings, rather than believe in Christ. they've forsaken God

Dawkins and Hitchens are plebe level who use ad-homonim. You should really check outAlvin Plantinga if you want the best intellectual apologist in the modern era.

Jesus doesn't hate anyone, He hates sin and devil. Even fags can get salvation if they ask God to cure their inner faggotry.

Do they have to stop becoming fags though?

>This is for all the white people here that find it difficult to believe in Christianity.
The fuck are you talking about? White people have ZERO connection to Christianity.

Know yourself, know your ancestors, know your gods.

Fedoras don't breed.

Christ is Lord.

>boiling down the Christianity into some ethnocentric sperging that is incompatible with Scripture
kek, do I have to remind you over 50% on Sup Forums aren't white?

Yes, homosexuality is a sin. They need to be healed first.

only because you don't understand it, doesn't mean it's not correct.


>when you drift so much to flame but never back up anything you post


>Pilpul is the Talmudic term used to describe a rhetorical process that the Sages used to formulate their legal decisions. The word is used as a verb: one engages in the process of pilpul in order to formulate a legal point. It marks the process of understanding legal ideas, texts, and interpretations.

We know the tares from the wheat. Jewish crypsis is no longer a defense.

LARPagans are fags.

Christianity will win, as it's written.

>have kids so you can brainwash them into Christianity
Try actually reading.


>look at me guys I post funny pictures

Wow and not ONE of them is a photo of god.
It's almost like your mommy and daddy forced you into cuckianity, and your too brainlet to think for yourself.

In Genesis 9.20-29 we see that Noah cursed Canaan the younger son of Ham for a sin that Ham committed, making Canaan and his people after him servants to their brethren. Why did he not curse Ham who was the culprit? Because Ham had copulated with a Chay Eretz female saved in the ark and Canaan and his breed were hybrids.

All through the Old Testament the Israelites were warned not to interbreed with the people about them; the Canaanites were a mongrel breed of degenerates whom the Israelites were instructed to destroy. Sodom and Gomorrah were degenerates and were destroyed. Archaeologists have found evidence of syphilis in the bones found at the site of Jericho and Joshua destroyed Jericho. Phinehas was praised because he drove his javelin through the bodies of the Israelite prince Zimri and the Midianite woman Cozbi found copulating (Numbers 25.1 and 10-13). Balaam was slain for advocating the racial integration of Israel with the Canaanites and this is referred to in 2 Peter 2.15 and Jude 11.

We read in Deuteronomy 23.2:– “A mamzer (hybrid) shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even unto his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.” In Jeremiah 16.17-18 we read: “And first I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double; because they have defiled my land; they have filled my inheritance (Israel: Jeremiah 10.16; 51.19, Isaiah 19.25) with the carcasses of their detestable and abominable things (hybrids).” In Ezra 9.2 we read:– “For they have taken their daughters for themselves and for their sons: so that the Holy Seed (of Adam) have mingled themselves with the people of those lands.”

>thinks of himself as a white nationalist
Fedoras are quite literally the dumbest people on the planet. Thank God they do not breed.



>when your argument revolves of criticism of the picture posts of another user, not their argument
not an argument. kys cuck.


>you are a white nationalist
Christians are actually THIS stupid?hahahaahahahaahaha
oh fuck, that's rich.



We will see who will have the last laugh. Now accept Jesus as your savior and save yourself too, you ignorant blasphemer.

Christianity has weakened the west and made a virtue of surrender to our enemies. Fuck you and fuck your kike on a stick.

Image related.


To show the lack of biblical knowledge of even Bishops and Archbishops of the established church, they quote Leviticus 19.33-34 in support of multi-racialism in Britain:– “If a stranger lives among you in your land do not molest him. You must count him as one of your own countrymen and love him as yourselves for you were strangers in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.” The word translated “stranger” in this passage is Ger. These people were of the same racial stock as the Israelites. They were Hebrews. To become citizens they had to circumcise their males, keep the Feast of the Passover and obey all the laws of Israel. Moreover this text refers to a stranger in the singular, and cannot be interpreted to justify the invasion of one’s native land by way of mass immigration by aliens.

What argument did you have again?
Try leaving your parents basement.

Theories presented without evidence are not science.

I have a degree in history and the more i read, the more i realized that we dont really know accurately what happened on this earht beyond about 400 years or so. I do undertsand the theories of evolution and others but that still doesnt provide any evidence that these theories are true.

This is the typical (((science))) response to any questioning of their theories. You dont knowenough and dont understand the way our (((scientists))) do and what they say is infallible right? Well we have numerous of accepted theories completely disproven yet becasue some smart scientist said so it must be true right? Maybe read some things for yourself instead of just accepting what bill nye and neil degrasse tyson say?

Fellow white people, I bring you the message of GOD. Paganism has always been Jewish. The only way not to be pagan, and therefore Jewish, is to have faith in the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ, who was in no way Jewish. That is the only way to know GOD and to defeat the Jews.

Pagans, like Jews, worship trees. But GOD has said that you are not to worship a tree, but instead a piece of timber with a crossbeam, on which the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ, was sacrificed by GOD. This was not a human sacrifice, like those practiced by the pagan Jews, because Jesus Christ the Son of GOD was in fact GOD sacrificing his Son, Jesus Christ the son of GOD, to GOD.

If you have faith in this, then you too can be spiritually circumcised. Truly GOD is merciful, Amen.

Do you support the Pope?

How much you get paid for shitposting the same picture 20 times a day?

I wonder if that man is enjoying the pits of hell right now?

>actually going to a Child Molester Center

Papacy is heresy

>Who is this house of Israel? It is the white man.

I thought this thread was serious.


>religion is dying
yet atheists reproduce at lower rates than christians who are already low.
>"you want your own little virgin safe space for your Christcuckery"
Even after western Rome fell the Gothic, Germanic, and Visigothic Kings in Hispania converted the populations they conquered to christianity. Christianity on earth is the hammer of God and a call to war against the physical satan of the other races.
What are you gonna do faggot? Wear a condom on your dick or in your ass? You're the ones dying out.

Wow you believe in hell too? What a coincidence! So does my autistic 5 year old niece.
You both seem equal, mentally.

Christianity being run by the Jews isn't why I don't believe in it. I don't believe in it because it doesn't make sense.

Jews don't believe in an afterlife and have no souls.

Using west boro as an actual arugment.

I win. Bye kid.

This pasta is shit.
>Jesus was not a Jew
Yes, he was. He read the jew prophets, he taught in the jew synagogues, he was circumcised in the jew tradition, practiced the jew holidays. By all accounts he was a very devout jew who looked around at the traditions of his people and said "I could make this shit about me".
>Who is this house of Israel? It is the white man.
Oh, fuck no, fuck off with this shit. Not only does this shit fly in the face of history and genetics not to mention linguistics but why the fuck would you want to associate your people with those bastards? They were nothing but a bunch of slimy liars and cheats(just like they are today). Their ancestral hero from which they derive their name was a lying backstabbing rat who deceived his father to steal everything from his brother who was generally the better man.

There is literally no evidence that proves the existence of god, let alone your sand people god

Even after western Europe fell the Moorish, Arab, and Nubian Kings in Germania converted the populations they conquered to Islam. Islam on earth is the hammer of Allah and a call to war against the physical Shaitan of the other races.
What are you gonna do kaffir? Wear a condom on your dick or in your ass? You're the ones dying out.

>still searches for an argument
>finds none
>"muh west boro!"

There is literally no evidence that disproves the existence of God.

If you follow any Abrahamic faith, you have been jewed. No two way about it.
Anybody who loves nature can see there is some intelligent design, there is some type of greater being...HOWEVER:
It does not give a fuck about you.
Nature is our gift

Read and weep. You'll die like an animal, for a Jew death is oblivion forever.

Is There A Jewish Afterlife?

Judaism is famously ambiguous about what happens when we die.

>Thinks there is zero evidence for evolution

>Unironically believes the story of the arc.

Let's ignore the flood part, there is evidence of a great flood. Do you really think he fit 2 of every animal on a boat and kept them all from eating each other?

Then when they landed and all the plants were dead they just started breeding without a food source(only food source for predators would have been the last breeding pair of animals on the boat), and they didn't end up horribly inbred?

>lmao atheists are not breeding
>now I post ms paint comics I made last night
I win.

Thanks to the baltic crusades, noone around these regions will never even consider christianity.