Do (((they))) eat the same shit they push on the goyim? I go to the grocery store and all I see is candy aisle...

Do (((they))) eat the same shit they push on the goyim? I go to the grocery store and all I see is candy aisle, cookie aisle, soda aisle, (((fruit juice))) aisle. Like every one else who's been iron pilled I'm just looking at this shit with disgust as I go for my chicken rice and whole milk, conveniently located all the way in the back

Do they eat this same bullshit or is this all just an attempt to poison the goyim and get them addicted to much more expensive per calorie bullshit?

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nigger you live in USA all you have to do is visit a kosher store or a kosher isle of your grocery store.

Yes they eat the same shit why do you think all the processed crap has kosher stamps on it.

I am actually a Jew and I can verify that all we eat are processed kelp and the blood of a toddler on Pesach, Ha'Shem willing.

>Euros will never have a high fructose corn syrup aisle like that

smart people eat healthy food stupid people eat unhealthy food
as you have noticed, there are more stupid than there are smart.

most stores have "foreign" sections and they usually have overpriced american suff

Ethnic Jew here. Short answer is yes, long answer is no.

Short answer: your average middle-class Jew probably eats the same shit as your average middle-class goy.

Long answer: Jews being disproportionately represented in the elite, those elite Jews eat the same food as elite goys, aka better food than us Proles.

That's a pretty cool display desu

LMAO at this meatcuck.

Chicken and Milk are just as bad for you as candy bars.

The average chicken in its lifetime produces over 1000 pentagrams of xenoestrogens. The same types found in plastic. This seeps gradually into the chicken skin which I am sure is your favourite part of your 'manly carnivore diet'.
The average chicken is raised on a diet of antibiotics. Antibiotics are synthesised from Estroshrooms which is the scientific name for the type of fungus that breasts are made of.
The average chicken egg increases cancer risk by 0.001%. If you eat 1000 eggs in a lifetime (most meatcucks eat this in a year) you have a 1% greater risk of cancer. Therefore if a meatcuck lives 100 years his chances of cancer are 100%.

Milk is just hilarious. It is produced by pus bacteria within the cows udders, and is so toxic to mammalian life that cows were on the verge of extinction before we selected them for agriculture. You are drinking poison

A plant based whole food vegan diet is the only way humans ate for the first 100,000 years of our history. There is no strong evidence of meat consumption in early Sapiens.

I can't speak for the super billionaire wealthy like the Rothschilds, but I know of extended family friends whose family net worth is in the tens-of-millions range and they're a part of a service where they have their food shipped to them and it's packaged in simple paper and all the meat is hunted, and all the vegetables are grown on private estates.

Yes, we eat the same shit just with kosher stamp

You must understand, even the Jews have an obvious caste system. The lower class ones are forced to shop at Wal-Mart and are used primarily to infiltrate the ranks of the goyim as "one of them". The higher castes can shop at upper-class places like Whole Foods or have five star meals delivered to them by their servants three times a day.

I'm pretty sure the carb-devil being so heavily pushed is not because of kikes, because kikes don't tend to be farmers. The reason carbs are pushed so heavily is farmers subsidies for shit like grains and corn.

Keto diet is your salvation. Stop eating rice. Start eating butter and cheese.

Jew bro. Redpill me on falafel and hummus. Is the Israeli versions the best? Is it worth visiting Israel for?

In Canada, we have candy isles full of sugar. I don't even know anything with Corn-Syrup in it unless it's literally home-baked and calls for it in the ingredients.

The Vegancuck has arrived. I think it's time to neck yourself.

We eat processed people
They only eat gourmet

I thought falafel was arabic

Funny you should ask...

Orthodox Jews and more serious Jews have VERY strict diet guidelines which prevents them from eating the majority of bullshit food. It's true. If you want to avoid the food jew, try to start your own garden, it's really easy, and grow without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Buy healthy food and stop eating jew junk food.

No, the elites eat "healthy."

Not healthy, but "healthy." They eat to display status, so the more expensive the fad, and the more material it gives them for their inevitable monologue about how great it is, the better.

t. trust fund kiddie.

This is very believable. Most of the proper rich almost certainly have their grocery shopping handled by a service like described.

It probably even comes almost completely ready to eat but not quite so they can even brag about how they "cooked" it.