Terraformars makes my black friend uncomfortable.


Where's my Season 3?
Wasn't there an OVA coming soon?



As long as he is not a turk.

Terraformars ended right around when they were leaving Mars. Joseph's death, or so, was the final chapter. And there were never any aliens on Earth, that didn't happen.


Jooji ?

joseph being evil was so obvious that I never thought it would be true, I thought it was false flagging to the max but nope just predictable shit

I got stuck at the main tewm winning against the chinks and sending the message, did it get better?

Not really, but there were some likeable moments. Asimov does some cool stuff, and Liu Yiwu becomes super-cool for a while, before he dies.

please don't elaborate tell your black friend stop being a bitch nigga all though I must say the top of their heads look like fades when I first saw them I thought they all looked like Bill Cosby

Yeah, I thought the same although I never expected for him to be so laughably evil.

Did any Johj cross themselves with a cockroach yet cause that needs to happen.

Everything is on hiatus because the writer is sick.

>terra formars wikia
Isn't that run by idiots?

Can't the roaches win already?

He was the true good guy all along

Heh, "good guy" Joseph was nice while he lasted.

They have only 2 individuals that can count as characters and one of them is villainous as fuck and sucked Chinese and Supermen dicks for those ~20 years he was on Earth.

Post the ones we could not save.

What's with the human anatomy? It looks so alien-ish.

Stopped reading after they found that big pyramid thing and the fight with the chinks; what have I missed out on?

We wuz cockroach kangz n shiet

that could be justified since that nigger is supposed to be "the perfect human" and everyone else is some kind of bug or weird animal.

He was a cuck, poor Adolf.