V4 is going full Sup Forums


Never heard of V4. Hungary is pro-white.

>and LQBGT rights
Isn't he a fruit? Did they just throw that part in out of habit?

>american education

also milo is a degenerate not worth any pro-white nations time.

Controlled opposition is boring.

>Sup Forums
he's peak (((civic nationalist)))

>a homosexual degenerate civic nationalist kike is full Sup Forums

Fuck it, we’ll get some use out of him.A cuck telling other cucks that the V4 is in fact a non racist non homophobic union of sorts. What a time to be alive.

No it's true. He sees his lifestyle as just him being naughty and self-indulgent. He has said that Christians/Catholics are superior to other people so I'm guessing that's why he's okay with his own homosexuality put on a lower run in the values scale.

>Hungary is pro-white.
then what the fuck are they doing inviting milo to speak ?

>Milo Yiannopoulos
>Far right
Top lel

>yfw when homos afraid moslem extremism end up saving the west

What is V4?

Visegrad Group. Use google from time to time you stupid mutt.

I've heard of the Visegrad Group, but I've never seen the abbreviation. If they're letting e-celebs speak to them this undermines my beliefs in their competence.

Visegrad Group of 4 Nations, they are trying to form their own better version of the EU

We’re being accused of bad things. Having a cuck speak for us is beneficial.


>LGBT rights
Kek, he is gonna get booed, same shit happened recently at some christian big family rally, where a german guest speaker started going there, they had cancel the rest of his speech.

>tedious faggot
>Sup Forums
Sounds about right

Having a fag speak for a right wing cause causes leftist brains to short circuit

yeah you need more BASED black men and gays to redpill the normies.

type of inner combustion engine, it's like V8 but in half

Whatever, as long as you all fuck off and leave us alone.

what's up with the increase of v4 threads lately?

the black thing does not fly here, we did not enslave them

>Harry Pozzer triggering libshits
I'll allow it

Chad Orban vs ...
> vs Who? You tell me.

This faggot will get beaten when nobody is looking