Things that bear saying

A possibly large portion of people who are aligning with fascist ideals are doing so not necessarily because they wish to, but because they see no other choice.

As increasing amounts of pressure are heaped on the quiet, primarily white portions of the world, people are quickly finding whatever bastions of safety shrinking and under active attack. Initially this was very obvious, with changing city demographics, school curriculum and the like, but the slow creep in to entertainment is speeding up year by year. There are fewer places to stand, live, or laugh where you are not under the scrutiny of those who hold themselves to be the arbiters of the new era of decency.

Some hop to the fascist side because it chaps the ass of those above, but there are many who are all but pushed to it. If one loves their country, wants to feel safe at home and work, and generally wishes to be left alone, the roar of the media and the new lords of justice state that they are a nazi. There's pushback, sure, but eventually people throw up their hands and embrace it, if only to stop the argument.

Fascism isn't, by itself, wrong. I agree with many fascist ideals, but it's hard to just toss aside the core structure of one's own country. However, as the ideals of the west, and christianity, are eaten away at with the roaring cheers of those who hold themselves to be the lords of the future world, the quiet lurkers are forced to make a choice. Follow along, and vanish beneath the waves, or hold to anything that might give a chance to survive. Too many are forced to come to a simple, cold conclusion of logic:

We're dead anyway, why not try to go down fighting?

Other urls found in this thread:

There appears to be a large portion of the world that is being slowly galvanized into, if not direct action, at least a much louder and more violent form of expression, not because they actually care about any ideal, but because they want to be left alone.

I live in the midwest of the united states, in the dripping heart of the rust belt, so this may be more localized, but it seems a huge section of those here want simply to live their lives, raise children, live in relative comfort if not prosperity, and be left in peace if not seeking outside interaction. Whereas before this was all but the american dream, now it's become the warped, backward province of the "rural and suburban retards", and exists as an example of what must die to usher in the new world.

These people, who would otherwise watch with dispassion as the world burned far from their homes, are being pushed more and more to either change, fight, or die. The first and the last are often the same to those who wish to simply live as they wish, so they're being forced to pick the choice to fight. It's not that they hate what is happening to the world, at least not enough to actually express or even mobilze against it, but they feel there's no other choice.

What i am trying to get at is that much of the upswell being touted in the media of the rise of faschism, the right, and other buzzwords, has less to do with a changing or "freed" internal feeling, and more to do with people being sold a garbage deal and pushing back against it. I don't hate people for who they are, more what they do. However, if the choice comes between myself being able to live with my wife and children in peace, or being forced to accept and indoctrinate to even a portion of the new future...if there's no choice between nazism or genderqueer communisum...

Then i'll gladly put on red armband before red lipstick.

I enjoyed thus thought process. I think you are right.

It's just as w.churchil said the next facist will be the antifacists.

The divide has been drawn. People are looking for any reason to push you onto the other side. Dehumanise you by using terms, conditions and berating.

I am not facist/nazi even though any hint of pride, tradition or culture makes you one, these days.

Sympathy is the only quality sought. Empathy after this. Submission ultimately the goal.

To push back - simply unhuman (to them)

Very enjoyable, poop ding dong

There seems to be a overblown focus on the reasons behind black crime, rather then the fact that it happens.

Yes, the peoples of africa, at home and abroad have suffered. More or less then others, just or unjust, it doesn't matter, but it has indeed happened. However, the glaring issue is that, despite many statements, they are still human beings. They are invested with free will and the ability to make choices based on reflection and experience. They are not animate solely by animal instinct. Their hands are not chained, nor guns placed to their bodes to force action.

This means that they are responsible for their choices. When someone shoots, steals, beats, or otherwise breaks both the law and the base tenets of human decency, they do so because they chose to, not because they are forced. There is always a choice. No matter how bad, no matter how much pain, a choice is a choice. Blacks have suffered, yes, but this doesn't limit their choices. A choice is made to kill. A choice is made to steal. Any statement to the contrary is excuse or explanation, not justification.

Are blacks truly unable to make their own decisions and care for themselves as base humans? then they should not be allowed to function in society as if they can, for both their own safety and others.

Are they in fact able to make their own decisions of free will, whatever the trappings of past, present or future suffering? Then they should be held accountable for those choices, as all men, women, and children are.

If you are a child, and break the rules, you're punished. If you don't know the rules, you're expected to learn them swiftly, but this doesn't excuse your trespass. There should not be an allowance to one people, and not the other. All people have suffered. Slavery, genocide, the whole host of evil that man can do to man, from every shade of the rainbow to every shade...yet why is everyone expected to suck it up and move on but the blacks?

You think we are being pushed into this? I agree. Here is some new speak for you
>All of Canada is white supremacist.
> In order to make this claim work, academics have had to completely redefine the term "White supremacy" in a way that makes it unrecognisable to most people. In calling Canada a "White supremacist" country, academics don't mean that Canada is a country like Nazi Germany; what they mean is that, within Canada, White culture is "supreme", "systemic", and "institutionalized". That is, Western Civilisation is interwoven into the very fabric of what Canada is: our two official languages are European languages; we have a European legal system which is built on European philosophies of life and government; we have European architecture, European technology, European Holidays/Festivals, and not to mention, there are White people everywhere — in business, education, government, media etc. And this, according to the dominant ideology in our universities, is a problem. It is in this sense that academics call your multicultural Canada a "White supremacist" state.

I am a racist becuase I am white
I am privileged because I am white
I am a supremacist becuase I am white


It's not as prevalent as it seems, i'm sure, but it's true that once you see the beginnings of it, once you can see the corners of the weight that presses against you, it's very hard not to see it everywhere. I treasure peace and quiet, but even i feel moved to go into the street and shout out, to try and get people to see as well, if only to verify if what i see and feel is real or if i am in fact going mad.

I think another issue is that, like it or not, a vast majority of the west pulls much of its values from christendom, and a very classy, educated and upright section of the world keeps trying to kill god. How many times has it been said, trumpeted, that god is dead? Let's put aside a massive section of that whole debate and ask a simple question: why are so many, especially liberals, focused on the death of god?

It's simple, and you likely already know why: because liberals are the lords of doublethink, and the concept that someone, somewhere might actually bring them to task, lay their hearts bear, and not allow they to wriggle free fills them with such deep pits of dread they would rather embrace the empty oblivion then face even the suggestion that it's true.

Those trying to burn the west fear and loathe the god of the christians. Look, and you will see it is almost invariably true. I don't have much beyond this, but it's a icy, sobering thing to suddenly see.

More kino 8-bit gifs like these, please.

Holy mother. What lawyer was needed to sketch out that framework? Leafs, i'm sorry. I know we don't get along, and i don't plan to bury the hatchet, honestly. Many would say you brought it on yourselves...but mother of mercy, a man still flinches when he sees someone beaten and bloodied.

At a certain point, you just decide to say to hell with it. If i'm going to be blamed for the oppression, mistreatment, and degradation of others, then fuckitall, i'm going to damn well deserve it. I have to laugh, now and then, when i see people crying and moaning about oppression. The fact that you can even speak about it, that you're given a platform to do so, rather then being beaten, tortured, or executed for doing so means you don't know what real, serious oppression is.

One doesn't excuse the other, but to see people compare, say, bathroom rights with public lynching seems to cheapen and demean both.

I have a folder.

I apologize for the thread, in many ways. it'll likely be considered a slide thread at best, and that's ok. I don't use social media, twitter or what have you. I have a wife and four children, two of them autistic, one severely so. I don't get out much, both by inclination and need. Yet still, i'm a part of the world, and i see things i want to express. So i make a thread, speak my mind, and in a few hours it's as permanent as writing in the sand.

Maybe that's part of the issue. The rising need for validation. The death of just doing things for their own sake. making a lovely meal because you feel the need to do so, not to show others. Doing a good deed or exposing a bad one because it feels right, not for perceived future kudos. Is that the heart of it, the rising need for validation? Or is that just a symptom of an illness, and not the virus itself?

Yeah, heres one that hit me in the feels.
Its like she is speaking for me.
> even though it was a race baiting campaign put on by my city

The double standard is insane as well, and it's so blatant in media as well. How many people and characters have been turned "ethnic" to roaring applause of progress and diversity? It has less to do with racism, for me at least, and more to do with accuracy. Yet if it's brought up, you'll likely be told, if not shouted down as a racisit, that it doesn't matter and to not be so uptight.

Yet, should, say, a film about John Henry be cast with a musclebound nordic, you'd hear about it and the screams of protest the world over, for years and years to come. At what point did equality morph into simply stealing from white people?

>I have a folder.

Dump it in here.

I don't know, but i have checked for my privilege. And I couldn't find it.
It's all so tiresome and depresssing

Heres some more new speak. It's hard keeping up with the new definitions


Get things off your chest as well. Just things you want to state, even if they've been said a lot. It'll all be gone by tomarrow...what would you say to others, if you knew everyone was as a ghost, and would vanish, words and all, by the morning?

I think that's another slow poison of the modern world, the endless memory. Link your profiles and your comments, and suddenly anyone, anywhere, has a long list of everything you've said or done to knock you over the head with it. Privacy is needed, and so many just want to be left alone. I think part of the decay of the world has to do with being forced into the spotlight so much, even if people do it to themselves.

another flake of rubbish. I'm white, married, have kids. I'm between 18-35, the supposed most privileged of all. I had to trade 6 loaves of fresh baked bread to a friend to get my phone bill paid because we instead had to get the car fixed so my wife could work, along with apology, thanks, and shame. I'm white, so my struggle is either deserved or doesn't matter. Another is black, so theirs is either noble or excused. It's rubbish.



Thanks for the 8-bit art. For some reason it reminds me of a better time and makes me feel hopeful.

It's hard not to throw dictionaries at people sometimes. But the concept that racism is mistreatment or exclusion of a person or peoples based on race is nonsense, because then that would mean people that are against the agenda of the new world could be victims of racism, and we can't have that.

Remember, those of the left are significantly more racist then even the worst "gas the kikes, race war now" types here. They are the only ones capable of leading the poor savages to the light. They must be carefully cared for, because they are too dumb to do so themselves. They must be forgiven, because they're like children and know no better. I don't know about others, but i'd rather be kicked and abused then patronized.

Things were always better in the past, sadly. It has a lot to do with not being able to see the world the same way as a child as you do as an adult, but i think there's a grain of truth to it. Back in the day, things were more simple. You didn't have to worry as much about what would happen if you did...anything. Again, with social media, everyone knows everyone's's not just old ladies at the blinds, now they're following you on your walk, to the bathroom, everywhere. It puts everyone so much on edge.

One of the amusing bits about adolf, was his affinity for animals. Apparently he was the type who could walk up to wild deer and pet them.

I completely agree with you. His 8-bit art is deeply comfy.

> Again, with social media, everyone knows everyone's business...

I hear you, I was the last to find out my wife and kids were leaving me.

have a comfy folder as well. How sad is it that it's full mostly with dim, cluttered rooms, snowy vistas, and remote locals? When did the dream shift back from living in the resplendent spires of the modern age, to the dreams of self-sufficiency and far-off neighbors? Is it just a case of the grass being greener, or do we need to find a midpoint between hive city and subsistence farm life, instead of one or the other? Could it be that endless growth and progress for its own sake might be a bad idea?

I understand where you are getting at OP. I read all of your posts. As a father myself in California being white is definitely a minority. The left here is incredibly insane. I can't believe the nerve of these people who lack foresight and only care about their personal power and money. Not like there's anything I can do about it on a personal level except do what you do, vent out on the internet. I'm sick and tired of the left's double thinking and "activism". When will they realize that enough is enough? When all white people are gone? When all white people are poor? Then what at that point? What do they think will happen if people are demonizing white people and we reach a point where white people are legitimately in need of help as a minority? That's the tipping point where we bundle up and enforce the most fascist fucking thing this planet will see. I think white american's are and can be worse than the Germans when pressed up against. I hope it never happens but I can't see where it won't happen if they continue this narrative.

Likely due to it's relaxing nature, stress when working jobs we weren't built into doing naturally causes us wanting to escape into simpler times.

Sorry to hear that, honestly. I hope it didn't go too messily, as sad as that sounds. And another thing, while i'm on a roll: the death of compassion.

Why don't we care about eachother anymore? We let people suffer, and offer up little but lip service. It used to be that people looked after one another. The young, the elderly, the sick and the broken, it fell to family, community, and sometimes church to help. Now the state is nanny, nurse, teacher and, in many ways, parent. While aid is always good, it seems more and more of a person's ability to self-determine is being eaten away, bit by bit.

Overthrow the state? Force everyone out in the cold? no, but there has to be a midpoint between nanny state and anarchy. What that is, i don't know, but until I or someone does, i think a little more compassion goes a long way. Do you know your neighbors names? can you count on anyone to help who's within walking distance?

>I hope it never happens but I can't see where it won't happen if they continue this narrative.
Man this thread is can you guys take so long to wake up?

The decline of the church and the decline of an identity is what's the problem. I have addressed this when I was in high school white's were already a minority but not actively aggressive against like it is now. We stopped caring for each other once we lost our identity and can't relate with a middle eastern, chinese or black person as well as we can with other whites in similar living conditions. I suspected this on a primal level may have something to do with the white shooters problem.

Where does this image come from, anyone?

Didn't the powers that be out that way just legalize weed and force law enforcement to ignore ICE, among other things? I'm deeply sorry...the most i could suggest, pathetic as it is, is to run. Get out while you can, as cali looks more and more like a sinking ship.

I think it's funny, each time "calexit" comes up, that southern california thinks that norther california will come with them. Didn't they try a few times to make their own state, even recently? I think it might actually be beneficial, in a way. Once the state breaks free and, in 5-10 years once they've gone full communism, and how much they depended on the other states hits home, it would make a fair chunk of the left a bit more humble.

Everyone wants to think it'll never come for them. That somehow they'll survive in their own pocket. It's just now people are starting to listen when others shout that there is no pocket left. I think, whatever else you may feel, gamergate woke up a ton of people that would have otherwise been totally blind to all of this, for better or worse.

Where is this image from?

Christian values move the west. like it or not, support it or not, it's true, and part of the decline, i think, is people preying on those values. Understand, be kind, all these fine ideals are being perverted to basically shake down the west for whatever it's worth and expecting to be thanked for it.

we're breaking down. So many hopeless, so many pushed to the side, forgotten and isolated. People feel worthless and marginalized, so one day they pick up a gun and decide, even if it kills them, they are going to force the world to notice them.

I believe it's already starting to be honest but there's a lack of leadership to unwind this trend which is why Trump was elected on a subconscious level.

Yes they legalized weed and removed the felony status to someone purposely infecting people with HIV. ICE here is a joke, they are just regular government employees doing 9-5 and most I interacted with become very fragile when talking about illegals. I would think deportation would be something they want to talk about but they consider it taboo for some reason. Northern California wants out really badly. It's the best part of the state to be honest. But most people here don't want California to exist because everyone understands how bad this shithole will be. It will turn into Mexico 2.0 with "white flight" into neighboring countries. If the state ever leaves I can guarantee you you'll see a similar Germany 2.0 where waves of people leave the state with good terms or just a few bucks to their name.

no clue, honestly, nabbed from other threads over several years.

I like pixel art. Nostalgia, sure, but there is an intrinsic cozy vibe to it.

I'll admit I was one of the guys who was an atheist but held Christian values until mid last year. I was still a republican even as atheist and understood the left went full retard. But you are right, the constant attack at the values is definitely destroying what built this country. The constant nanny state is going to ruin what this country could be doing with itself. Why is there no public fight against "thug culture"?

Keep going this is the only good thread in days or weeks. They're painting us into a corner on purpose I suspect. There are no real mobsters to fight anymore so the left is shit stirring. In no time in human history have we ever had it so well. We're not biologically adapted to this much prosperity. I think this maybe helped lead to ww1.

Checked, and the HIV thing still baffles me. It was the fact that, apparently, the man pushing it said it was a homophobic law, with a straight face, and nobody called him out for being a sexist bastard. It just amazes me.

Northern cali is, i believe, mostly farmland and such, correct? Might want to try the midwest, if things go belly up. It's cold, sure, but it's lovely country, lots of parks, and a great place to be left alone. Most coasties just call us flyover states, they'd never dream of pushing too much here. Just keep away from the big cities, for the love of god. Too many years of liberals pouring in their pet minorities to try and keep them away from their enclaves...

Black President
Black AG
Black governor
Black mayor
Black chief of police
Black cop
Shoots black thug
Dad rayzist we ain't got no power we slaves and sheeeit.

>Why is there no public fight against "thug culture"?

it requires the powers that be in the high halls of social justice to admit there is a problem. There seems to be too much a focus on excuse and justification, as opposed to actually addressing the problem. Who cares the reasons behind why someone's stealing bread, how do we stop it? If we need to look back and see why, then fine, but it should always be from a stance of trying to fix the overall issue, not to explain or excuse it.

Humanity likes to kill. We're some of the few creatures who do it for fun. Individuals are alright, but as a species we're more like the expansive warmongers then the peacemakers of science fiction. We need something to push against, or we push against eachother. Maybe regan was right, we do need a good, solid invasion to sort us out a bit.

It is what it is.
Work slowed down, bills piled up, went into a deep depression and monumental anxiety while the house was foreclosed.

I look back and see nothing but mistakes and misteps. Yet at my peak I felt success and growth. It took losing everything to learn what is important.
Its all gone now and im left with a family I visit from time to time. Thankful I at least have that.
At this point its either going to get better or not. I have decided to roll with the punches and see where it leads.

police are accused of being trigger happy. It's never mentioned how much they get shot at. Why maybe it's a good idea to not play games with one's own life.

Wife is a firefighter. She works with people who have worked on Detroit Fire Department. People will start fires, then lie in wait to shoot fire and ems because, if they have flashing lights, they're part of the police. body armor is required for paramedics. You can expect to make nearly double the national average for fire and ems jobs, because the risk of dying in the line of duty is several decimal places higher then anywhere else. The metro area is having issues insuring its workers because the turnover due to death or maiming is so high.

A man walking a street where people may randomly shoot you for being an enemy isn't police work, it's war. It's not that police are militant, it's that the forces they're up against in the big cities are shifting from thugs with guns to informal armies.

this particular gif is not nearly as cozy as the others, it's borderline creepy. but, all the other ones are pretty nice, thank you.

Something to be said for endurance. Sometimes you don't learn anything during a rise, or fall, but during that bounce at the end. You're still alive, so that's something.

Always something more out there, even if it's just batting the shitpost ball back and forth on the internet. Take up a bad habit, garden, try to do something that leaves a mark, however small. One depressive to another, it helps. Ever try writing? it's fun. Reading, too.

Sometimes you have to burn the woods down and just start over, no matter what fruit was on the branch. Cold comfort all the same.

I collect a broad mix. you're welcome...maybe not for these two though.

Interesting essay, but I have little to add.

Yes, it's becoming apparent that the "we just want equality" types want anything but equality, they want to annihilate the "old world" and usher in destruction for all, fuck them.

There aren't a large number of people aligning with fascist ideals.

(It's become apparent that pointing out the obvious is the easiest way to troll Sup Forums so I'm just getting lazier lately.)

It's true. The general idea is that those on the other side of the equality race don't necessarily want the opposite, they just don't want the "equality" that their being sold. Growth and progress for its own sake.

I think the loss of passion is an issue as well. It's so unfashionable to be actually passionate about anything. You have to be ironic or willing to joke about anything, and everything. You need to be at least part nihilist to make any headway it seems.

When was the last time you didn't say something you felt truly passionate about because you were afraid of what others might say?

True (likely on both counts...), but the point being many of the "fascists" have nothing to do with the actual political ideology, and just bear the title by virtue of being against, or even just not supporting, the current leftist party line.

The problem becomes that the left seems to have a over-exaggerated presence in the media, so a lot of otherwise unaffiliated folks are being labeled nazi. The issue is, this is forcing a portion of them into ACTUALLY becoming nazis.

They are, they just don't realize that's what it is they're believing.

I'm only a natzi to terrify lefties, nationalists who are white need to band together and get fucking ripped and demonically violent, the jew and the arab have no place in our society but first we must crush anti-fa and the commies and all the slutty female orbiters. Look at eastern Europe, proud and strong. This is how it's done folks.

Sadly that may be what it comes to. I like peace and quiet, but if it becomes impossible to be neutral, to stand outside or aside from the rising left/right conflict, i'm going to fight like hell for me and mine before i try to make another outsider's life more cozy.

It's not that i hate, it's just if pressed, i'm going to make choices that many followers of the new wave of justice are not going to like, and i have a strong suspicion i'm not alone.

White supremacy = Brown inferiority

I don't even have to try, you pissed me off though now you oughta die

Large numbers arent needed in order to bring the winds of change.

If i had to chose between a fascist dictatorship and a communist dictatorship, it would be a simple choice.
Even one worth fighting for.

Good to know a fellow Saskatoon-bro sees the bullshit.

It's not sad, we've been slaughtering Arabs for thousands of years, it is a glorious thing to defile the pig god, all they do is take, they litter, cause misery and breed ad nausea

Is it that brown and black people are just that deeply insecure, or is it more the media attention that is at fault? both, maybe, or neither?

it's the cold reality a lot of people are having to look down the barrel of. We see in the US how the last "damned on both sides" choice for many worked out, i'm surprised there's so many still pushing for communism, knowing how it may pan out if they fail.

Recently watched Tainted Heroes, a record of the fall of south africa, it was interesting seeing some echos between the SJW movement and the early african movements...

That billboard race baiting campaign was the main reason I went out on Halloween and put up the iotbw posters.

White people make terrible slaves

I guess i just wish the old things we were taught as kids, that everyone is the same, that people will get along if given a chance, and that good will in time win, were true. So many do, i think.

The sad reality is there are just things we cannot get along with. What's more, there are too many trying to actively destroy what the west has, and taking advantage of those base christian values to do so, while in the same breath mocking them. A muslum is mayor of london. Go back a few hundred years and say that, and if you were lucky they'd just laugh at you. It's madness.

it's just humor, nobody here is serious

that's bullshit. Fascism is the larpiest ideology ever and supporters are circlejerk-radicals who have almost no understanding of what they advocate. Kill the X! There are no Y under fascism! Emotionally juvenile bullshit fed by the media bubble where tiny sectarian camps fights for supremacy in the batttle for nothing. Everything is hyperbolic and it's all posturing

it's true, in most cases. Another thing that's hard to bring up...why is it, no matter the nation, outsiders took africans as slaves? Asian, european, whatever, everyone who found africa immediately found the best application for its people was as slave labor.

Is this a reflection on the whole of humanity? Or is it possible that there may be a lack of direction inharent to some people that makes them more likely, even welcoming, of being led about by others?

The uncomfortable next step is wonder why the powers that be would favor a predisposed slave race over those who helped support and place them in power...

All that good stuff is real and what we bring to the table, this is just temporary there is nothing racist about killing your enemy. Commies/Jews/Islam it's gotta go, literally everyone else is wonderful

They were for sale and not particularly intelligent, we are adapted to long term planning and tight organisational skills from 1000s of winters past

Nothing's perfect, and to call any ideology flawless is insane, but it's too easy to just dismiss each in turn. It's too easy to just embrace sarcasm and nihilism, holding oneself about it all. You pick elements that work and roll with it, the issue is by forcing a label on someone, especially a negative one, you run the very real chance of actually making people into said label. No, there are not hordes of brownshirts doorkicking homes for degenerates, but if the idea keeps being pushed, it's more and more likely that it may become a reality.

...well if you just want to take the direct approach, then sure.

Meanwhile, i must say that i am adoring the current weather in the midwest. Nothing like the harsh bite of cold with the warm of the sun to make you feel like...well, either getting things done or curling up inside. I'm posting here, so draw your own conclusions...

You know my english is not on your level but if I could say what ever I wanted and it would be forgiven or forgotten? I would scream why did they not care, why did they ignore everything happing as it was a dream and the hatred I feel, not to enemies but to those that should have known better never letting it all happen in the first place.

I advocate for a single party system, with the core principle that the state should serve the people and encourage self improvement of the individual through infrastructure and a hand up when necessary.
Private property rights
Social welfare
Education not indoctrination
Strengthening the family unit
Religious freedom
Taxation is not theft
Democracy is degenerate

These are some of the beliefs I hold.
None of these beliefs include murder, deportation, racism or any of those misleading arguments you rattled off.

Doesn't sound too bad. Yet say this in the wrong way, in the wrong light, or even in the wrong place, and you could lose your family, job, reputation, even your freedom. What's more, it'll all likely be very public and observed by thousands, many who would happily comment about how much you deserve it and their wish for it to happen to others.

Its true, these things would be used to demonize me. However persecution and condemnation won't change what I believe. I will die knowing I am not the 'evil' that they label me with. I will face my true judgement in the afterlife.

Amusingly, i've run out of things to say, for the moment. Still, it seems people dig the pixel art, so for a bit longer, then...

It's because it's the background from a fighting game.

I don't think I'm in the minority here when I say that we're not willing to give up the world's beauty so freely. Godspeed user, thanks for a real and honest thread.

I love when these threads show up on pol

That was YOU?

Cheers, mate. Its fun pissing people off

And by pissing them off, I mean by just putting up innocuous posters with five simple words. You paid like what, 10 cents per page as opposed to taxpayer money put into those billboards.

I was tempted to do it myself


I've always been adversarial, and enjoy the adrenaline rush during confrontation. I like to argue and fight, I always join the underdog or weak because I love being at the ground level of building something STRONG.

What can I say?
>I love a good fight.

Cool thread OP, thanks.

One thing I'd like to bring up is the internal struggle brought on us by trying to adapt to what modern society deems "normal" or "moral". Misinformation, corruption and insanity give way to these untruths and immoral values we see spread throughout society, social media, TV etc. and we're told that "this is the way to act", "this is what you should believe". If we do not assimilate to this behavior, we're seen as outcasts, fascists, racists, nazis etc. and are regarded as irredeemable. But the problem is, most people know deep in their hearts what is true or just.

Deep down, we all know when we cause pain, cheat, neglect or deceive someone on a physical, emotional or spiritual level. Deep down, we all know who is responsible for the violence in the world, pedophilia, corruption, etc. But the problem is that people are hypnotized into believing in a false reality and a false way of thinking. Our media and our scrambled brain are telling us to be careless, lazy, bitter, depressed, ironic and thoughtless while our heart is still pumping out the good shit in opposition: compassion, justice, kindness, mindfulness, integrity, respect, truth.

The point I'm trying to make is that society is submerged in an internal struggle at the personal and social level. Our surroundings tell us one thing while our insides tell us the opposite. Engaging with people out and about is like seeing an old friend who ditched you for the "cool crowd" pass by you in school; they have this sad look on their face as if they know they're bullshit and you're the only one who notices.

Unless we learn to break free, we'll be forever stuck in an emotional tailspin. Maybe one day everyone else will wake up and learn to point the fingers in the right direction.

ooh, a pixel art i don't have...

I hope you're right. I hope the world is full of people willing to fight to the death for the beauty of the world...and hope that it won't come to it. Odd, but i know how bloody and painful a struggle like that can's good to be prepared for, but still best to hope it doesn't need to come to it.

all that being said, sometimes it just takes a few scrappy people to make a sizable difference. What is it, every revolution begins with a single act of defiance? I hate confrontation myself, but tend to take the same tact as General Sherman: if forced to fight, do so to such a horrific extent nobody wants to do so ever again.

This is all painfully correct. we're lost, all of us, fed something counter to what we know, somehow, to be correct and told that we're the ones in the wrong. it's a toxin that has been fed in slow doses and is only now starting to show the full symptoms.

It was different, in the past, i think. Information moved slower, and not everyone was up in everyone else's business. We could have a public face, but also a private one. What's more, we didn't have to be as careful about that public face. Now, everything is connected everywhere, and what was once just bantering while working on a car in a garage can quickly become a legally defined hate crime almost before you're finished tightening the bolts. It's forcing people to either turn wishy-washy, lie to themselves, or double down and fully embrace a casual hatred where as before it was just a offhand comment.

As fun as it may be, i swear social media is turning what would normally amount to no more then a crabby old lady on the block into a full, mass-media embraced movement. Shifting a case of civilization flu into a full plague. It's not even that nobody knows what to think, or is's that so many are so deeply scared to even think about expressing it.

Hell, it's almost a sin to even take a strong stance on anything, even if it is indeed pushed by the masses. There's still good folks around, and good hearts, but this focus on being a good, faceless member of a hive city seems to be doing nobody any good.

Sooner rather than later hopefully. Starting to get a little long in the tooth. Hope to live to see the day of the traitors heads on pikes. Glory to the West.

Yeah all together I put up 50 posters over october 31st and november 1st.
Walking around downtown and the university campus all night made me appreciate the beauty of our city and the people in it. I ended up sitting and talking to some homeless and chatted with a drunk that had stolen a bike.

It costed 45$ fuel to make the round trip to stoon and back twice.
I will remember that night for along time.


...i'm...not sure i follow, but i'm reasonably sure you're not using that meme right.

thank you for the comfy gifs

Very welcome. Things are likely to get worse before they get better, but a little comfort can help, now and again.

Hats off to you, man. Toontown has its problem but its a nice quiet little place. Hope it doesn't grow up too fast.

we never should have fought, I have been stuck on this for three years now, can't seem to get passed it.

have some more user

>but still best to hope it doesn't need to come to it

I agree wholeheartedly user

good luck brothers

>Things are likely to get worse before they get better
I've no fear of the decline, the pendulum has been pushed so far this time that the swing back will be of such force it could smash the cycle forever.
In the past, the parasites have always been able to hide and remain dormant, where they would lie in wait for a host to rise but I think technically we have gone beyond the point where thats possible today. Without real historical documentation on the factors that lead to a societies subversion and subsequent rebellion, all they had to do was move on to the next city, country or continent.
This time theres nowhere to go, the information network is global, everything is being archived and is available to everyone, nobody is the gatekeeper to real history anymore.
They know it, they know theyve dropped the ball hard with the internet and our punishment will could be brutal. Its why we have seen massive acceleration in their attempts to culturally destroy and bankrupt the west, without the internet their multicult plan was probably supposed to take 100 years, enough time to condition the native populations into acceptance. They havent had that time though and now we are past the point the genii can be put back in the bottle, they will in the coming years attempt their final rolls of the dice, a display of seemingly impossible technology to scare us all into submission (bluebeam) and when that fails all out nuclear destruction as punishment.

I welcome the carnage, the truth and a better future will rise from ashes, of that I am 100% certain.

But would there even be enough manpower to fight such a war? I don't know how many redpilled people are around, since we all where told that all humans are equal and raised without learning to fight or face hardship.
I see success only at an individual level, but what would be necessary to really band together?

>I don't think I'm in the minority here when I say that we're not willing to give up the world's beauty so freely.

Yeah I am going to post on the internet about it.


All we're going to get out of this is a slightly more repressive police state corporatocracy

what would you suggest as an alternative?

when the shit hits the fan, people return to their tribes

You know there is only one answer to this but you don't want to accept it.

I understand you have kids etc...