Where are we now ?


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Crossing over from Weak men to Hard Times.

Weak men, I guess. It's for the west
For the east I'd say "hard times"

Your ass.

We struggling to go from red to blue. There's just never enough helicopters.

weak men

once another economic depression develops, it's gonna be hard times



Good times flipping to weak men.

Trump and the current reactionary backlash is okay but the overall trend is clear.

The West is to rich for its own good and it makes us complacent and likely to fall

this. Its just begun.

This might be more right since the emergence of the nu-male.

Mexico betwen hard times and strong men.
Hard times because violence.
Strong men because americans elected a republican and want the wall because they can't compete with mexicans in handwork. Instead of just workig harder and showing that their race can be strong as well as mexican.


>tfw will be old tired hardened man by the time I'm old if I even make it to old age

Walking into hard times, famalam.

Simplistic bullshit. By your logic places like Balkans or Afghanistan, full of ''strong men'', should have good times. Yet both places were shitholes last several centuries.

Sometimes you don't make it past strong men. It's a western thing. You wouldn't understand.

So why are you presenting it as something universal?
It's a shit theory. It's not even true for West.

can u see the swastika?


The boomers were the harsh start to the era of weak men. I give us another decade of easy living, maximum, before shit really hits the fan. The problems of today are nothing compared to what we're about to see--
>US and others can't sustain debt/deficit
>Africans keep breeding at record pace
>cure for aids and malaria
>explosion in African population becomes unchecked by disease
>climate refugees flood Europe
>widespread tax evasion by cryptocurrencies
>welfare riots when gibs run out
>gov needing gibs becomes police state
>sterility or very high infertility rates among most city dwellers
>destruction of US constitution "not apt for our modern problems"
>economies propped up on "new debt" (immigrants) collapse
>economies dependent on population growth collapse

we are at the good times

If I imported 50 million Americans into Mexico you would be whining, so shut up. Why are they fleeing your shit country anyways if it is so great?

>can't compete
Mexican labor is the lowest of the low. The only reason you can get by in the states is you're willing to take shit for pay and their youth are too busy playing vidya to do the low skill jobs you're occupying.

Not even that. We are still very rich, still have social mobility, and most of us don't have to worry about mass riots breaking out in what ever region we live. I'd say we'd be somewhere either mid, or slightly right in the green zone. Our leaders are weak idiots attempting to create utopias with the West's extraordinary wealth.

>tfw born in era of good times/weak men
>tfw approaching hard times
In one way it is unfortunate but hopefully destiny will have me make a strong man out of myself

A "Craft" that normally demands middle class pay can't compete with hordes of parasites that are willing to live like niggers for poverty-tier wages. I don't think most people have an issue with mexicans, its mexicans bringing their slave-nigger economics here and fucking up a good thing - built here. We are resisting and by your and many others reactions (and actual stats) to the opposition of a mexishit flood - its working well.

Man I used to accept gays, they even can bantz but after all this jewry fake ass shit it's the goddamn gas chambers for you fags and no I don't mean Jamals poohole you degenerate fuck

>that pic


Good times.
>no world wars
>no other wars in general (europe always constantly had wars before the WWII)
>not living under oppressive monarchies and dictators
>have great tech
>live longer
>great medicine
>can call people who are far away
there's no starving class
>children aren't forced into child labour
>women can work and have say

The thread you posted literally proves this image true, faggot.

>Debunking a generalized historical perspectives prior to foresight, by numerous historians, philosophers and historical texts
>bitching on some chan thread that specific timeframes and dates of these things don't match up like a autism clock

Pick 1 Jamal. Circular history isn't a math equation or transit system showing up on time when you expect it.

I'd say we're actually moving into strong men. A lot of studies predicting the white race's extinction fail to take into account the growing popularity of right wing thought among white youth. For every tranny kid ridden with AIDS from promiscuity, I'd say there are seven more looking to build strong families and strong careers in the future.

>implying all these things are good

Go on and elaborate..


The illustration is in error. It sounds clever, but "weak men" bring good times, while "strong men" bring hard ones. The reason is that "weak men" care about the wealth that truly matters: correctness. "Strong men" consider themselves "correct" as soon as they can enforce social reality.

>no wars
A sign we have nothing worth fighting for. Worldwide apathy is what I see.
>no monarchy
Monarchy keeps power in the hands of those who have an interest in preserving the nation.
>have great tech
Being /comfy/ has led us to being individualistic and growing unsustainably
>working women
Is worse for families. All these things you take for granted as inherently good are trade offs.

Plus dictatorships not inherently bad. The Shah was way better for Iraq than their current theocracy.

the true redpill

I thought they were building the wall to keep all the head chopping where it belongs?

Hard to say... I would say somewhere in the hard times area since many are waking up it but many are still asleep I would put us in the beginning stages of hard times.

>what is Africa
>what is the Soviet Union
>what is Switzerland


I can find a trillion more examples like this, and this faggot's opinions aren't anywhere considered to be dangerous. So, is this weak man's stance correct, or is he just another "strong man"?

What a crock of shit youve just posted.
Look at the life-death cycle of all societies in history.


it's always someone else's fault

hard times


Lmao sanders is too old to run next cycle let alone in 2028

>living another 8 years

The jewish commie is gonna croak at the first sign of something huge in the next 3 years. I'd be surprised if he actually lived for the rest of Trump's term.

Where is Jeb!?

Last cycle:

>Hard men
WW2 era

>Good times
Post WW2 , economic boom , babyboom , entertainment industry became huge

>Weak men
Post Reagan era. Hippie culture invected universiteit and now those universiteit infect the milenials. The weak men hate the fact that they're men.

>Hard times
Soon shit will go down with Israel , Iran , North Korea and Russia.

>Strong men
Men who will be the victims of these hard times while they try to fix it.

not even, this is the beginning

>A sign we have nothing worth fighting for. Worldwide apathy is what I see.
Wars are not worth fighting. There are many things you can live for that isn't dying in a war. Do you have a family?

>Monarchy keeps power in the hands of those who have an interest in preserving the nation.
It's backwards and any idiot can become a monarch. It's against the peoples interests

>Being /comfy/ has led us to being individualistic and growing unsustainably
Explain?Tech has helped us is many ways.

>Is worse for families. All these things you take for granted as inherently good are trade offs.
How is it bad for families? Also, women can go out and earn money, plus do things that help their own interests instead of relying on someone

The strong men get weaker with each cycle. WWII "strong" men grew up in the decadent 20s and if they lived through the war spent the rest of the lives in comfort.


I'd say leaving weak men and entering hard times.

just kill me

You mean Iran, right?

And the 1% controls all of the men and women


You'll make it

Is the 4th turning now a redpilled sociology book? Is that why you guys constantly bring up generational theory memes?

I wonder if we will see the strong men or even the good times within our life span, would be funny as hell to see how people from these eras see the current days.

We're at the weak men stage, heading into hard times. Fear not, but prepare for the worst.

>Who is Oswald Spengler

This but 1 centimeter further into Hard Times. There's much more debt than wealth. Good Times were post WW2 and practically all of that wealth has been squandered by boomers

>>no wars
>A sign we have nothing worth fighting for. Worldwide apathy is what I see.

Retard, force are fought over scarcity. Less wars means less scarcity, which is not bad

Stop jerking off to Call of Dooty and Mel Gibson and look out your window.

so accurate

crossing over from hard times to strong men

>wars are not worth fighting
You have a modern bias. When your country was on the brink of invasion by Germany you can be damn sure they felt the war was worth fighting. Why? Precisely because they had families.
>monarchy sucks!!
Your description of monarchy sounds an awful lot like what we have today. Really makes me think.
Look at the world and tell me families are stronger than ever, divorce rates and adultery and infertility aren't at their height.
Look at the amount of gray on any map today compared to 10 years ago or 50 and extrapolate to see if our way of life can continue another few hundred years. Nobody thinks so. When is the last time anything was built to last over a century?

This is unfortunately the tip of the iceberg but I gtg

Dis xD we're so fugged :DDD


[pic related]

Here, OP!


like norm macdonald once said, "what doesn't kill you doesn't make you stronger, it only makes you very weak"

same thing with this bullshit. The times just seem better because they are relative to those that came before, the men are the same

this kills the beaner


>we are so fucked
top kek
crossing over on weak men.

some strong men still live

just like with hitler

germany fell upon some pretty hard times because of him

wait no that means that Hitler was a weak man

>t. exp*t


we aren’t even close to hard times. We are in the lower left corner mate. lowest unemployment for decades, no wars, buggest degeneracy, political correctness indoctrination, metrosexuality, cuckness.

hatd times will come with the downfall of capitalism

Yes we are born at the worst time. Probably gonna get drafted for war.

Between good times and weak men aka Decadence.

Right about to cross over to hard times


Better stay home and fight your real enemies

The Jew will try to draft all white men and leave the rapist niggers behind with your women

This explains the rise of conservatism

Yeah this is true

we are still in good times. you guys have no idea how bad things will have to get before we enter "strong men"

We are transitioning from good times to weak men

Nowhere because this whole concept is blatantly false.
>WW1 was hard times
>The great depression was hard times
>WW2 was hard times
>Hard times lasted 3 generations
>The 1950s were good times
>As were the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, and 10s
>The good times have currently lasted 5ish generations
Seems more like hard times make strong men who make hard times who make strong men who make hard times who make strong men who make good times.

This whole idea could be summed up as "things are good until they aren't."

there isnt any set time how long the cycle takes and there can be multiple cycles going at different places in the world

the larger cycle has been "good times" even through both world wars.

Which makes it pointless. The the bad times aren't what makes the strong men or else the good times wouldn't last for multiple generations, on the other hand the weak men aren't what creates the bad times or else the first generation of strong men would create good times. It makes the whole concept meaningless, leading to it being boiled down to "things are good until they aren't."

yeah i know, its similar to the whole "r/K concept" its a layman framework

Its more like a retarded interpretation of people's history.


We've only just entered the green square. If you guys honestly think we're in the red square, you have no idea how bad things can get.

Weak to Hard transition