Be Sup Forums

>be Sup Forums
>believe jews control the government
>police defend said government
>be a bootlicker anyway like a good goy

How can you believe our government is compromised but unconditionally love the police at the same time? Is this the ultimate cuckoldry? Its like believing in /x/ tier conspiracy theories but throwing a temper tantrum whenever someone questions the holocaust.

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally nobody on the board supports the police.

Theres non stop "look at me im tough" threads where everyone circle jerks about how much they love the police.

Claims made without proof can be dismissed without proof.

The entirety of rightwing propaganda is the political equivalent of MPD.

>We have to get rid of the jews and all their influence while passing jewish sharia to make sure nobody doesn't follow a jewish religion and we have to blow up the entire middle east for israel because it's the only "democracy" in the middle east and jewish economics MUST dominate and you're a jewish communist if you disagree because capitalism only rewards those people most deserving of wealth, which is mostly jews who control all finance

Yeah, the contradictions are getting ridiculous
>we have to worship a jew to beat the jews
>we need to support the military and fight israel's enemies to defeat the jews
>we need to support the police who defend jewish interests to stop jewish interests
>eating healthy foods makes you weak, only red meat and beer makes you a man
>we hate niggers but watching niggerball makes you more masculine

This is what happens when you let plebs air their opinions instead of bashing their teeth out.

>thinks Sup Forums supports police
>posts junk tier meme in which chad's back isn't even straight
>imagine my surprise
OP is a faggot


I wouldn't say everyone, but a large number of people on Sup Forums overtly hate police.

There's only one way to drain the swamp. And that's by increasing the probability that we have /our guys/ on the inside. But I agree it's good to keep reality in mind.

Once the left wing terrorist organizations such as blm and antifa slip up, the police are going to be on the front lines legally democratizing these fools.

>Any day now the state will support me so its okay that they are currently gunning down unarmed people and get rewarded with paid leave for doing that
Being a cop must be an easy job
>I want a vacation
>Used up all of my vacation days
>Shoot a random man and claim it looked like he was reaching for a gun
>Get paid vacation

Law enforcement is a necessary feature of civilization.

Seriously, what other occupation allows this? You get to kill people and never pay for it, then get a free paid vacation. It's completely insane.

If cops main goal is killing people, they are grossly inefficient at it.

You're right.

Black lives matter was manufactured by (((them))) to convince right-wingers into becoming boot lickers.

Law enforcement agencies recruit officers from the general population and just like the general population there are some sociopaths that slip through the vetting process.

That's actually not a terrible theory. It would be the exact same thing as the southern strategy. Use low IQ vicious whites' rabid race hatred to co-opt them into supporting shit that's bad for them so you can turn them into useful idiots.

Who would you call if your car is stolen, if there are no police ?

Who do you call when the police steal everything in your car through civil forfeiture?

Its a little naive to think that, if the correct form of government or economy was enacted that crime would magically disappear, or there would no longer be a need for law enforcement.

A lawyer

That may be, but the fact is our government and it's guard dogs have become enemies of the people and soon they will have to be stopped.

Good luck with that. I've never heard of it working even once.

your buddys you cuck. why was your car stolen? take measurements to prevent your car from being stolen next time instead of expecting tax payers to pay for a militarized goon squad to find the shit you failed to keep secure yourself

What do you propose as a realistic solution to this problem ? A Robes Pierre, reign of terror, style of anarchy does not appeal to me very much.

I think civilizations created law enforcement because there was public support and a demonstrated need for it to come into existence.

If a cop tries to steal something from your vehicle, you have to either choose to lose your property or kill a cop. You don't have any other options. It's literally legalized theft.

>just like the general population
Thats exactly the problem. The general population has gone crazy, so naturally the police have gone insane along with them.

There are plenty of bootlickers around here.

Sure, but they should be held to appropriate standards. If a police officer guns someone down they should be tried for murder just like if a civilian had gunned someone down. Instead when a cop guns down an unarmed man he just needs to say "I thought he was reaching for a gun" and suddenly everyone will jump up and say "being a police officer is the hardest job ever, you don't know what he has to go through on a daily basis."

In 2016 64 police officers were killed by guns. Just 64, in a country of over 300,000,000 people. Meanwhile police shot and killed 963 people in that year, of which 48 were unarmed and 133 were undetermined. This whole thin blue line narrative is retarded, the odds of being killed by a gun as a police officer are incredibly low, only 512 of the people shot and killed by police were armed with guns. That means out of all fatal police shootings in 2016 46% didn't involve the perpetrator having a gun.

There are some criminal cops, but i think they are not the majority of leo s

Cops don’t write the laws

Sticks and stones

Perhaps. But the majority of them do back up the dirty cops, and all cops are assholes. And most importantly, too many police are becoming a danger to the people.

Cops enforce the laws

These officer involved shootings do go to court. Stop telling lies

And the laws serve the rich, almost exclusively. If you're homeless, for example, you have absolutely no excuse to not spree kill police officers, because the law actively discriminates against you.

a better solution is to not have nanny state enabling things, like a police force for every fucking podunk town in the country. These are a waste of money and have to be propped up by extorting anyone they can with high ticket fines for speeding and often pop out of towners for things they didn't even do because they know they can't take the time to contest the ticket anyways. I can see a use for it around niggers, but the problem is cops don't do nearly enough about niggers and vigilante based nigger control via groups like the KKK kept the violence and control over the niggers more effectively. All these laws have done is allow niggers to explode more than ever because the bottom line is THEY AREN'T CONTROLLING THE NIGGERS THEY AVOID THEM AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. and it shows in how much they breed and how violent they act. I can also argue some towns do not need a police force at all, a sheriff and deputy would suffice. My town has a low crime rate but we have TWO and sometimes THREE(the city financed one with our tax money, the county has one, and of course the state's) different police forces paroling looking to give people speeding tickets as there is nothing else to do. You can not go a mile without seeing a fucking cop and we are paying for this waste of resource to give people tickets for going 5-10 over the limit, its bad especially in the beginning of the month because there is a race to meet quota so they can pay for the fucking gas alone.

Police need to have a death penalty for abuse in power that result in the death of an innocent civilian, this would tempt a lot less bugmen to join the force who do so to wave a big gun at goyim.

How often are they convicted of executing a civlian? What punishment do these cops tend to get? If a civilian kills a cop they generally get the death penalty, if the reverse happens how often do cops get the death penalty?

civilization created law enforcement because it enabled lazy habits and a ninny minded thought process. You chose comfort and safety over freedom, you deserve neither.

Sometimes I think the only infinite thing in the universe is the number of unique dumb wojaks

going to court !=conviction of a crime, often they are "punished" with a paid leave. those that are legit kicked off are very often able to find work in another state or county and are back on the force

All city people voted for Hillary
Only rural rednecks and suburban retards voted for Trump

With no police, maybe home and business owners should kill the homeless because they piss, shit and do drugs in public causing a nuicense

>Cops should just let civies stab them to death. It's safer and what most people want.
>t. Some libertarian memeflagger, who is in reality some basic USA nigger

There will not be very much freedom in a state of lawless chaos, or anarcho whatever you call it.

Whatcha sliding schlomo?

Good post describing der ewige boomer.

>mom's home cooked meals


Or, more rightly, the poor should kill the rich and you, their guard dogs.

Chad doesn't eat his Mom's home cooked meals?
What does he eat?
A friend wants to know.

>Hey a guy is on the ground with his hands on his head should we just cuff him?
>Nah lets have him crawl over without using his hands
>His pants fell down and he is instinctively pulling them back up should we let him pull them back up?
>Nah lets gun him down

Also cops are armed with tasers. I'm not saying "LOL cops should just let themselves be stabbed to death" but in many cases they are killing people who are either unarmed or of little to no threat. Cops should be held to higher standards instead of justifying what amounts to public executions by saying "well police officers are under a lot of stress."

Im not jealous of the rich, and have no desire to take what doesnt belong to me.

>I'm not jealous of the class I serve
You don't fucking say...

That video is so incredibly fucked up, it amazes me that people will defend that piece of shit cop after seeing the video.

if there are more officers than potentially armed suspects at the scene then why does one officer not provide cover with their firearm as another announces they are swapping to a taser, or some other non-lethal neutralizing agent? Do our police receive any real training?? I've never served in any kind of armed force so I know nothing about 'effective' operating, but this seems like a simple, memorable exercise that could be practiced in training. In many of the shootings we see involving 2+ cops and 1 suspect, tension grows out of control due to the police sitting there, with their guns out, expecting the arrest to take place for them. They should be taught to take initiative in those moments of tension quickly and concisely.

An example: A suspect trips over in a chase and his firearm is clearly visible tucked into his rear waistband. Both officers draw their weapons and deliver the usual "don't move" warnings. Rather than sit there with weapons drawn, panicking, just WAITING for the perp to believe he has a way out and reach for his gun, one officer should almost immediately take initiative, draw his tazer as his partner provides cover, and approach the suspect, making the arrest.


everyone on this board supports the police.

Police shooting niggers is the opposite of a problem

Niggers shooting police is part of the solution.