Jordan B Peterson Tells Jr High and High-School Students to Walk Out of Indoctrination

He tells them to walk out of class in the presence of indoctrination. Haven't watched it, it's long, but that's how he starts the video.

Other urls found in this thread: Resource Guide.pdf

Bumping my own thread because it's an actual semi-happening. See, he /is/ an ally.

have a bump

Kek approves
Depositing cocaine to threadbucks account

I walked out years ago Jordan... Can I have some of that sweet patreon gibbs you're raking in?

YouTube a Description:

In this video, I make a radical suggestion, preceded by a careful, detailed argument that this suggestion is justified.

In short: I think students should (with the backing of their parents, if possible) leave their junior high and high school classes if any of the following topics arise.This means that they should stand up, note their objections to the content of the class ("This sounds like indoctrination to me, rather than education, so I'm leaving"), and then walk out. Perhaps they could encourage a classmate/friend to videotape their actions, and post it on YouTube. Topics warranting such a response?


(Conveniently, these form the acronym DIE, which is exactly what the philosophy underpinning their grouping and use should be encouraged to do.)

White Privilege
Systemic Racism

I am not claiming that there is nothing to be learned about such topics, or even that they shouldn’t be discussed. What I am saying is that if they are brought up in an elementary, junior high or high school classroom the odds are very high that the “lesson” to be learned will be one driven by ideological/propagandistic concerns, rather than one aimed at the inculcation of knowledge, wisdom or skill.

There will be mistakes made with such an approach. Some who discuss issues such as inclusivity and equity are going to be more reasonable than others, but that does not change the fact that the philosophy driving the pushing forward of such topics is essentially ideological and propagandistic. So I think such active resistance will get the point across very effectively. It is too bad that it has come to this, but it has. Think long and hard about it. My feeling is this: if effective action is not taken now to counteract the politicization of the public school curriculum, the need for such action will merely increase, and it will take much more to forestall the process later. Pick your poison.

>meme flag
show your true colors.

I don't think there's much to discuss actually - apart from the initial statement, at 15 minutes in he's still just giving background.

I like Dr. Peterson. I like reading well thought out criticisms of him.

I don’t get how he can say that Jews have high IQs without his fans making the connection that blacks have low IQs.

Making this video is amazing. High school students probably look up to Jordan. He’s a man taking about masculinity and the differences between women and women. That’s suicide at a university.

People will read Jordan and go deeper.

Jordan is a good man who has helped a lot of men, including me. He lifts my spirits and encourages me to work hard.

Bump, Peterson is /ourguy/

Tch! Who hides behind a confederate flag? Geo location, for you. And I'm in the American South.

I'll note that I understand that California just enacted a forced-pronoun law, too.

>That it's time
>That it's time
>That it's time

meme flag ESL shill

You quibbling with the use of "it's"? It's short for "it is". Thanks for the bump.

Yep. But nothing quotable. And anyone who made that charge would have to reveal that /they/ believed that blacks have lower IQs, so, he's safe. It's the opposite of a Kafka Trap.

24mins in, it's still boring, just context / support material. A TV interview with gender weirdos.

So how much effect is this going to have? The first wave of kids will be martyrs. Nevertheless, people will do it, and it will make the news. Will this settle in, and become a thing? It might. Generation Z will eat this shit up.

Holy kek
Thanks for the laugh. Read that meme one more time THEN get back.

Oh ok, you got me.
@40 mins, he's still doing context. I don't know what I'm expecting - a rousing speech perhaps.

I really like Jordan but it seems like it would take him 20 minutes to order lunch at a restaurant. There is never a simple answer with him

He gets back to the topic at hand at: 47min 45s.

The 21st Century equivalent of Plato

It's actually good advice. You don't want that poison in your mind. It's why I have an adblocker and refuse to watch broadcast television, or anything on a computer without an adblocker installed.

I'm sending the video to my little brother and my parents so they can see someone calmly lay out all the shit that sets me off at family gatherings before I start ranting about the CIA.

... enh, then he's wandered into background stuff again.

You know, this could have legal ramifications. I wonder if he'd do this if he didn't feel safe behind his (last-publicly-known figure of $66K / month).

>White Privilege
>Systemic Racism

Jordan is a confusing character. I will not follow blindly, but this is a good thing .

He's already living on borrowed time until they drag him before a social justice tribunal and thrown the book at him. Everything he's been doing has been against the law from the moment C-16 was passed. Might as well inspire people before he goes.

I find it strange that a Canadian haven't heard of Pascal Bernardin and read Machiavel Pédagogue.
Walking out of class implies that the Student will realize when it's happening, they can't, it's already "stealth" inside the school material, questions, tests... it's all subversive.
If students follow his suggestion, the only thing that will happen is the student being ostracized and targeted by the teacher, this guy is, in my opinion, controlled opposition.
Other than homeschooling - and this also make the teachers on higher education target you, also the government - there's no way out.

He's not confusing, he's telling people to behave the way the teachers want them to if they're aware of the bullshit.
He could broaden reason to leave class including even Modern Physics if he knew what the fuck he was talking about.

Hah - maybe make that point to him. But that's probably why Peterson says to include the parents - they can let the kid know.

@1:05 ok he's /really/ back on-topic. He says that something has to be done, and that taking your kids out of public schools isn't enough.

does that gender unicorn have DNA helix as xir dick and hearts for tits?

Ok, really, finally, his plan, at 1:08:25 or so.

Woah, that's great stuff.

I admit I might have been too hard on him. Sure he's a tremendous faggot when it comes to ethnonationalism and individualism, but I guess he's more useful in turning centrists to anti-marxist by playing the way he does.

I came to post my favorite Peterson.

... and, I got my inspiring speech.

Anyone would have to admit this guy is a man.

He has cognitive dissonance. Pretty much everyone does about one topic or another (the majority of Sup Forums regarding Christianity for example). The solution to cognitive dissonance isn't to throw someone to the dogs, it's to educate them.
Jordan Peterson is clever and well educated, he's just too much of a pussy to actually do more than bend the norms. I say fair enough, you can't expect one guy to do everything alone.

That's actually a useful action.

This right here. Collectivism is an inborn trait, and the current system funnels collectivists to Marxism. You can't make collectivists, they are born. Peterson is only a benefit. He diverts collectivists from Marxism and he makes individualists more intolerant of Marxism.

It's not, he's the equivalent of a right-wing shill in the middle of a comparison to Sup Forums on a system of education who was totally corrupted by UNESCO, the clever guys who control the system of education worldwide, the geniuses responsible for common core in your country, as an example.

And he's got the reach, now, for it to mean something.

Yeah, I guess it's that. I've not realized it before but you're right, christianity is the one subject that triggers cog. dissonance in many Sup Forumsacks. I guess it's enough if they feel that the bible supports their views on racialism, inequality and other stuff, but I personally find it a bit too inconsistent.

Even if he were to eventually understand the ethnonationalist position, it wouldn't be in his advantage in the crusade against Marxism to reveal it.

Are there studies for collectivism being inborn or is that a guess?

A healthy sense of the individual being part of a larger whole should be part of everyone. The far-right doesn't advocate for communist-tier collectivism where the individual is an expendable cog and should have no self-interest, because it simply goes against fundamental human nature.


The right always says the left loves to eat itself. It's the exact opposite. Communists will support liberals in order to normalize their ideas. Sup Forums could learn something from them.

The curriculum documents he links in the video description are truly terrifying Resource Guide.pdf

Canada is literally indoctrinating its grade school children.




>Jordan B Peterson Tells Jr High and High-School Students to Walk Out of Indoctrination
that's DOCTOR Peterson for you, bucko!


Save canada jordan.
Next we save the world

>taking your kids out of school isn't enough.

No he says that by removing yourself from that environment you allow it to flourish. That's also why he ranted for so long about the universities, because their current approach is to attack those who even want to understand the point and not follow it blindly. This is why Peterson suggests to keep your kids in school. Once people realise that they can't even ask questions they will realise they're part of a crumbling system.
I work in education and teachers, especially those who focus on education theory are lazy. Thinking they're more important than they really are. That's why a terrible teacher will always rationalise their failures as "I didn't need to teach you what to learn I had to teach them HOW to learn".
Annoys me more than anything because that isn't their fucking job, that is my job as a librarian. I teach them how to learn and how to find the information.

>I guess it's enough if they feel that the bible supports their views on racialism, inequality and other stuff, but I personally find it a bit too inconsistent.

That isn't it at all. In my understanding of it is that religious thought represents a release for the intricacy of the human brain. The personification of infinity through god, duality of thought/man, archetypical thought and probably plenty of other shit aren't really recognised in general life and especially not in the simple terms that religious texts confront. They also represent the history of western identity and thought in many ways, with one of the most important parts being the renaissance understanding of christianity. That understanding is actually what elevates christianity, the religion is malleable enough but still founded in high western ethical value. That is the primary issue with Islam, in it's current state it represents ethical value only to islamic culture and attempts to harm any other culture. Christianity has a better approach to individualism and Islam is so overbearing that it forces everyone to be a collective.


>Islam is so overbearing that it forces everyone to be a collective
In islam everyone police everyone, when they preach their propaganda everywhere they talk about "4 pillars" of islam and the qur'an, but forget to mention the sunnah, and the fact that their other sects obey a person (ayatollah), some propagandists also try to preach "sufism", claim it is non-violent, which is a lie.
There's a simple dilemma here.
There are jews in the board, same as pagans, same as socialists playing their D&C, same way there are islamophiles, and you need to be aware of nuance and their propaganda.
The job of all those listed is to empty Christianity and magically transplant it's achievements to others.
You will get called "worshipper of kike on a stick" or whatever, but it's because it's not in the interest of other people the fact that some are Christians.

>renaissance understanding of christianity
You're wrong.
The most important Bibliography and understanding of Christianity started with Tertullian, went to Boethius and Saint Thomas Aquina, came to the Status Quaestionis more or less with Eric Voegelin, Jean Borella, Wolfgang Smith - Pascal Bernardin in regards to the crucifixion of the Church happening at the moment.

At least the comintern had the problem of shooting you in the back of the head and sending you to a Gulag, this level of kikery and social engineering belonged to their wildest dreams.

Alright alright alright

I’m going to stop bashing this guy for 2018. He’s obviously doing some real shit here.

We should rally around him for this. I know he’s a bit of a cuck, but this is some good stuff right here. He has such a cult, he could get some stuff going for real.

The government is going to lock him up, and he knows it. He is being careful, but he knows the story, and how it ends. I think he is the only thing I admire about Canada.

Alex Jones is a stand up comedian who changed his name in order to create a new persona that made him a lot of money.

Good stuff Jordan.