Can this be reversed?

Can we actually make America and Canada properly white again? Can she be saved?

The demographics of Providence, RI show that the city was 89% white in 1970. Today, it's only 37% non Hispanic white.

The fuck do we Do? I live in a mixed race shithole and I'm warning y'all. Even if we deported every single one, you'd have to root out the mixed mutts who'd pollute the gene pool. The process seems so daunting.

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Check that out.

If Israel can do it surely we can?

Mixed race will still be hard to root out. Extensive genetic testing would have to be done to make sure every trace is eliminated.

Not really.

You can spot a mixed race person a mile away even if they got 1% nonwhite DNA.

I've always found it funny that people chastise whites for having "fragile" recessive DNA.

It's actually natures ultimate purity tester.

Besides even if you couldn't tell with the naked eye DNA testing is quite cheap and effective these days.

Can you really though? Thomas Jefferson's descendants via Hemmings assimilated into White society (thanks Tom...). Even one non white ancestor, unless they're east Asian, is a danger.

Let's see a pic of this person and see for ourselves.

I have accepted it we are going to be mexico soon .

there is no hope for this country especially now that harper jr is running the opposition to justin

this faggot wants to bring in even more brown people then justin is .

white rural people outside of the 5 big citys don't give a fuck about politics cause everyone outside of these cities still live in 95% white towns

this is the guy thats going to give the 2019 election to justin

well by that metric I am already out of the white ethnostate being 10/15% huron

Instead putting all your concern on the proportions of the population, give some consideration to population size and power. The population of non-Hispanic whites is still increasing at a healthy rate and there’s no question that they still hold the majority of power and wealth.

Be more concerned about blocking social policies that aim to reduce inequality. Be concerned about maintaining community so that we aren’t dissolved into the tide.

We're going to become Brazil/Venezuela/Mexico and it's irreversible.

People complain so much about the negroes, but it's the spics. People embrace them for some reason.

They are a primitive people who have never accomplished anything. Sure, they're less violent than blacks, but IQ studies have found that they're similar to blacks.

The future "white" man will be stupid and brown, and the future people will marvel how "whites" once built anything.

remember that fbi user mentioned that trump is preparing for civil conflict

there is going to be bloodshed. don't doubt it for a second

Here's what you do, set up vaccine shops in black/Mexican communities with CIA niggers administering the vaccinations. Inside those vaccinations, put a sterilizing agent.

No politician is ever going to run on an anti-immigration platform in this country. It will never happen.

Kanye West? wtf?

Jeff, is that you? Quick fucking chicks in the butt.

Native Americans seem pretty fine outside of the alcoholism. They originated in eastern Asia after all. Hispanic violence is probably due to the African bits.

I live in Brazil where most of the mixed race people here are black-white mixes, very few native ones so I don't have much experience with actual natives. Considering Chile's success and Brazil's awful crime, I think it's definitely the African blood.

The US could never just become Brazil. That would imply that economic development would be turned back by 20 years, which could only really happen if if there is total societal collapse. Brazil is racially mixed because it’s Caucasian communities have never had the financial means to insulate themselves.

*40 years

Srry Br

We can't give up..The USA and Canada was built by and for the sons and daughters of Britain, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands and France. We can't allow these welfare whores to desecrate the land. For the love of god, don't become like Brazil it's awful here.

God fucking damn it Spain and Portugal, why didn't you kill them all?

OP, you dont seem to realize why whites are currently on the decline. Essentially, whites put themselves at the top of the socio-economic food chain and became complacent, having achieved a life of relative ease. High paying jobs, low stress life styles and the primordial urge to perpetually acquire basic necessities (food, shelter, warmth, etc) rendered moot. In short, the average whites is so well off, they no longer feel the need to progress their bloodline. In times past, people had children so they could have a "better life" and the "life they never had". Well, those children (millenials and Gen Z) are now living out that life their grandparents never had. Who wants to spend a fortune raising money vaccuums when you could go on a cruise to the Bahamas or buy yourself the latest video game console.

The lesser races dont have that luxury. Either they are continuing to have children to get their family that better life or they act in primitive urges (muh dik) without regard for consequences and let the welfare state handle the rest. Personally, I dont see any possible way in the world to incentivize young white people to reproduce more and make the prospect of child rearing seem like less of a burden.

We do have racially isolated communities of Germans, Italians and Portuguese. Problem is, the damn Arabs are a huge diaspora here, and they pass as white. They're Christian, but still...

Then sterilization is the only way.

We have to get these fucking people castrated before it's too late. For God's sake man, 89% white in 1970 and only 37% in 2010?! English people settled the area fucking 400 years ago and they're already a miniscule minority (less than 10% have English ancestry).


100% agreed

I'm 2% native American and 1% Indian. No fucking way you could tell.

You are a delusional fucktard. People as stupid as you, deservedly should die broke, alone, and discredited.