If Russia hadn't defeated Nazi Germany America would've just nuked them

>If Russia hadn't defeated Nazi Germany America would've just nuked them
Is there any universe in which Germany wins the war?

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Probably a timeline where Germany isn't led by meth-addicted austrian stand up comedian

Germany doesn't stop to let their forces catch up while a few miles from the Kremlin and takes Moscow. Pre-1939 Germany supplies Italy with modern equipment and relocates a large number of German soldiers so they don't fuck up. Launch operation sea lion and dominate Britain. Stop the nips from bringing America into the war until its the last patch of resistance.

> hippie education
America was bombing nazi with regular bombs like there's no tomorrow


sometimes russians are retarded as hell but this is probably the most obvious thing people don't but should say about hitler


>like jus tak mosko duudeee l o l

Burgers like myself would've known we probably would've been seen as inferior and either killed off or in a constant state of discrimination as much as the ethnic poles and slavs did so it literally wouldn't have benefited for us at all, but it probably would've for the actual Europeans and probably wouldn't have affected Australian Cunts

Well if Russia is out of the war maybe Germany could focus Europe's resources on air superiority. The US had no rocket tech unlike Germany so they would need to get a plane deep into hostile airspace to drop the bomb

first answer... kek answer.
every thread

Meth (Pervitin) is not always bad. Some people run on it like it is high octane fuel, pic related.


I'd rather say the other way around would have been more manageable. With US out of the picture the Germans MAY have been able to grind the Russians to a standstill if they would have adopted a layered defence doctrine with opportunistic attacks against Russian supply lines instead of sacrificing most of your tank bataillons in gung-ho operations like Kursk. Lack of fuel would have been less of an issue too. Should have learned from Finns and how they did it during then Winter war.


If Soviets didn't stop Germany, the German nuclear program would proceed in full force. which, combined with newest bombers and rockets, would leave US in a baaaaad position.

The only reason the US managed to finish their bomb was because of the Soviet warfare that allowed them to loot German research facilities.

>not having to fight on 100 different fronts

>Launch operation sea lion
>Implying this wouldn't have been the biggest disaster in military history

>Launch operation sea lion
And watch 3/4 the invading German army sink into the English Channel from the British Navy.

Why didnt Russia just nuke Germany ?

There was no way that Op. Sea Lion could have succeded except if the whole war was planned around it, which it wasn't
And to don't fuck up in north africa it was just necessary to send up a couple more division to Afrika Corps
Also conquer the fucking Malta

>Every sentence you just said is wrong..
The Germans abandoned their nuclear program by 1942. Meanwhile the US had operational nuclear reactors by 1942.

Germany had no large bombers in mass production, and nothing even close to the B-29. The V2 could have been a threat but was far to small to carry atomic weapons at the time, that would take over 10 years later.

Hitler wasted resources on retarded shit like building WWI era superguns.

Not taking Britain was stupid and a big mistake. It provided the allies with a fallout base for air raids and the staging point for dday..

We had nukes ready to go pal

Not only that, but flying saucers too

All they needed was a alkaline battery and they could have made their sub torpedo's 1/3 the size of the lead acid ones and demolished any and all navy armatas. Second Hitler was a master propagandist hence all the mega weapons and defenses that where fake. Hitler was one of they worst military stagiest the ever lead a world power.

>Mushroom Cloud means nuclear bomb
One small problem, Germany had no way to produce plutonium, nor enrich uranium which took huge buildings and enormous amounts of power. Also if you set off a nuke, you get radiation. There's still radioactive material at the Trinity test site. So explain that Fritz.


At least when Gustav slapped your arse from 29 miles away you knew about it

If Churchill didn't go to war with Germany and Japan didn't attack the US, Germany would have won.

>If Churchill didn't go to war with Germany
So why did he? There must be some solid reason.

His jewish masters told him so because germany was becoming independent from the international banking cartell

Who were his Jewish masters? I think he did it for other reasons.

Churchill was in debt, and got paid out to go against Germany.

Coming from the highest meth using cuntry in the world that's a little rich mate

is there any universe in which jews don't get bent over and ass raped to the point of genocide?

or a universe where the CCCP doesnt gang rape women on a scale that had never been seen in human history before?

>Who were his Jewish masters?

The ones who gained most of the wealth of Britain after Napoleon lost.

The only chance for americans to drop a nuke on mainland Europe is from England, and that seems fairly unlikely if the soviets lost.

Yes, yes there is.

And its beautiful.


Yes. Because of outreach efforts in the United States during the 1920s (not just germany) the US converts to NS when the great depression hits because its a better way to manage financial assets. Might take until the mid 30s but the US would certainly jump on board.
> NS is unprecidented pretty much, and its the cure for communism, so it has that appeal.

Also in that timeline Hitler refused to be as heavily coached and isolated by his subordinates (who as history proves were real sickos and had their own agendas and misrepresented what his forces were doing).

It is true that Hitler made a deal with the rothschilds and the 'families for support but he fully intended to double cross them in the end.

The only war would have been with Russia, and with America backing up Germany the communist regime may have crumbled from the inside. There may not have been much of a war actually.

the one where they didnt expand to 6 gorrillion fronts

The one where Hitler didn't make it a 3 front war.

Yeah the one where they aren't a bunch of Nazi faggots. They didn't develop the atomic bomb because many of the leading scientists working on it were Jewish and Hitler was a fucking methed-out tweaker who was high for the duration of the war.

Another thing about NS and Hitler that people don't understand is that it is NOT a war doctrine. Its a way of managing society just like any other government. The need for war and militarization is only there as much as their security is threatened.

So the High Castle example of a successful germany is somewhat inaccurate. It would have the same glorious home centered lifestyle, the same focus on being productive and making your country great. But their Military budget would go down significantly after everything was all set and secure.

But Japan yknow, they wouldn't have had a need to expand as an empire. Tons of other countries would become closed doors with their own form of NS because it just plain werks. Japan might have skirmished over all the islands in the pacific, but like everyone else everyone would have honored their borders and right to their own culture.

Hitler may have been known as a war mastermind for any conflicts that were necessary, but in the end he would have been much more heavily valued as a genius of Administration and Domestic Prosperity.

Another thing people dont realize is there'd be no elitist families to hold back Technological development. I can tell you point blank that they wouldn't be flying Concordes in the 1960s... not with all the shit Tesla invented that would have jumped the fence.
> Trump has those notes
> We would have regular travel to the moon by 1960 and would be mining asteroids by 1970.

Yeah bud it would also have the same mindless statism, totalitarian dictatorship, violent oppression of free speech or dissenting views, the same secret police, the same racism, etc..

Why do you fag larpers only see a tiny side of the whole? That's exactly what the Commies do when they ignore the horrific reality of their beliefs to shill them for the 10^320498 time.


>Launch operation sea lion and dominate Britain.
Even if the Regia Marina broke out of the Med and helped the Kriegsmarine, an invasion of the British Isles would have failed because the RN was simply too powerful.

Have you ever tried holding a speech while sitting.

> somehow this is different than having elitist corporations shutting down technological progress and giving people deals they cant refuse
> while the intelligence agencies are maintained to continue the farce of international intrigue when really they're the ones causing all the problems.
> and the press continues to lie to the public and misreport or fail to report on the truth

Sounds the same to me, its just the oppression is behind closed doors and never gets reported.

It's gotten worse over time, but the basis of freedom is what's holding us together. That's the most powerful weapon which is why the fucking Republic is the answer - the rule of law.

I know you just pointed out three ways where that law is completely shit on and ignored, but I think the people still have the power. In a Natsoc state, there is no power but the state. If you disagree they just kick down your door and fucking kill you for "the good of the state."

Have you ever tried staying staying still on meth?
And it's actually hard to keep the idea through your speech while you speaking under influence.

Germany had already won but then these two blunders happened:
Germany didn't invade Russia
Japan didn't attack the USA

Don’t forget he only had a right testical

The US chose for the nuke because of the direct attack on US soil.
Germany did no such thing.

And even WITH a direct attack it's still a fucking overreaction to start wiping out cities.

1. If anything, USSR kept Germany busy from making the nukes.
2. Few nukes wouldn't win the war. You'd need many to cover Europe and USSR (assuming Nazis would win).
3. Bombers with nukes would need to get through enemy's defenses.
4. So assuming US had enough nukes and delivery methods, Europe could have been turned into wasteland.