He isn't an Almondman

>he isn't an Almondman

Enjoy your testosterone depleting soy milk and estrogen-pumped cows milk numales

Almonds = Milked

really activated my almonds

>not drinking solely cashew milk
Fucking pleb nu/pol/

drink water you milk chugging faggots

He's already ahead of you on that one. He just hasn't checked the ingredient portions yet to know it.

>being so low T you need to actively watch what foods you eat as it might cause hormonal imbalance

Lactose intolerance is most common in East Asians. Those who consume soy the most. Anyone who doesn't consume dairy products is a fucking soy chink faggot.

Is that what you tell yourself soyboy?

Dairy is literally a Jewish trick to turn you into an estrogen femboy you absolute goy.

Almond milk has been /ourdrink/ since aught nine and no amount of buzzwords is going to chameleon you here reddirt.

>Almond milk

that's silly, almonds don't have nipples.

>Almond Breeze
dis nigga gets it

>thinks he has to drink some milk-resembling liquid
Drink water you bloody twat.

Also, eat almonds.

Oat milk is 2018

I enjoy almond milk more than regular milk, the only reason i dont drink it as much is it gives me sharts.

Mixing protein shakes with water is gross

Eat real food.

same, i just do like half a glass of water and almond milk.
or just drink water like nature fucking intended..

Chocolate covered almonds are pretty gud.

i'm allergic to dairy so nothing but the finest nut milk for this guy.


>estrogen-pumped cows milk numales
This is what vegan faggots actually believe.

There is a legal limit to the puss your milk can contain because they can't filter it all out.
(It mostly happens because even if the cow has fucked up tities they'll still milk it, thanks to modern farming on a large scale.)
Mmmmh, cow puss.

i'm so fucking scared

>There is a legal limit to the puss your milk can contain because they can't filter it all out.
So fucking what?

were the almonds activated before being milked?

No, they're the bad kind of almonds.
The deactivated kind.