Why are these fat hypocrite americans and so on defending the iranian protests?

Why are these fat hypocrite americans and so on defending the iranian protests?

>go for it iranian people, freedom woohoo you can do it! You will be free!

in truth, if there would be a revolution we all know iran would be destroyed and everybody would die there and it would become another middle east shithole like other countries there and a bunch of iranian would run into europe as refugees.

I say this because I've been in Iran and it's a pretty chill place, just sayin would be a shame if it gets fucked.

inb4 all the retarded comments about how bad iran is.

John Candy is alive?

America was settled by degenerate contrarians in the first place, who do nothing but promote chaos and anarchy and filth in the lands which their fathers called home.

Why do you care what we think? Oh, is it because we built a nation which is exponentially more potent than yours? Ever wonder why no one in America talks about Austria?

So stupid

Super Kek achieved.

>Ever wonder why no one in America talks about Austria?

I don't care what you think about my country nor anybidy else, we are humble, we are one of the safest countries in the world and we are chilling everyday and drink beer all night and sing. Meanwhile your people kill each other with guns.

we love it that nobody cares or talks about us, this means no terrorist attacks in my place because nobody cares. It's a great place to live.

Hmmm It’s almost as if we benefit from promoting chaos in countries we invade to liberate

There won't be a revolution in Iran.

Iranian people know exactly that if they start a revolution, their people including their country is fucked forever. Their IQ is very high , unlike Syrians.

And on the homefront, Tyrone pumps his chaos up the cunts of those brave boys the empire sends to far off lands to die and bleed and burn in the name of the dark god of democracy.

CuZ John McCain LUVZ THE MEK! Yeeee-haw!



Because instead of replacing it with Islamists like Obama tries to do, we'll be replacing it (hopefully) with actual moderates.

I thought it was great that despite Obongos insistence Egypt should flip to the Muslim Bros, the people and army stood up and put a man of integrity in power. I hope Iran is capable of the same.

I'm very cynical when anyone speaks words like "moderate" or "democracy" about the middle eastern muslim states.

Iran too would remain a battleground for years after the war was won since the countryside is reactionary (even in 70's rural Iranians were for hardline islam). As the conflict prolongs, you might very well just lose the peace again like you've done several times. Those insurgents hiding in mountains with ancient assault rifles have time, they could wait for the political winds to turn to their advantage for years like they did in Afghanistan and like they're doing in Iraq.

Umm no sweetie, the People's Mujahideen of Iran is a terrorist Marxist-Islamic cult.

Iran is governed under Sharia Law, a primitive and extreme rule of law that would be contested under the current protests. By removing their Hijabs, Iranian women are breaking away from a backwards ideology that treats dissension with death. Yes, life is peaceful, but life would be peaceful anywhere when death was so easily thrown around for going against the system.

More importantly, by supporting the current regime (the one being protested), you are therefore pro female subjugation and, by extension, pro slavery given Slavery is still legal under sharia law.

Defend that position faggot, I dare you.

Remove hijab and replace with red napkin and communist coat please

WTF I love gender equality now!

Sure thing mutt

Wtf where do all the Austrian shitposters suddenly come from?!

Because America is Israels bitch and are all to happy to kill themselves and everybody who stands in the way of their Jewish overloads.

Australian ya tosser