Okay, I’m confused, how the hell did autism became a epidemic/more common

I’m autsistic Myself, and I Too Question this, tell me how did this happend in the recent years, And is there a way to fix this?

(((Vaccines))) and (((Western Diets))) and (((Modern Socialisation)))

It’s contagious. Not as a virus or bacteria, but as a memetic thought pattern. You can catch it from Sup Forums.

Non aquired autism is from vaccines.
Remember thise wikileaks confirming this?

well for one it started actually being diagnosed beyond 'the town wierdo'

Really, vaccines, esp you Meaning vaccines are being hijaked, by who and how?,

>is your child energetic??
>is your child good with mathematics??
>can your child read at 2 years old??
>can your child play instruments at 3??
>is your child extremely social??

It's a way for (((them))) to discourage talent and individualism


Bad parenting + shitty diet = weird undeveloped kid

Well, vaccines are supposed to help prevent disease, but since there brung harm, (autism) to the generations, it’s like thre being jacked with-there stuff, I need some proof of that, aswell

This. Followed by
>looks like the only way we can fix this problem is by overmedicating your fucking spaz of a child. Hopefully this has no negative repercussions but then again everyone is on it so it must be fine

Autism is made up.

Now take your medication...

And why do you think you're autistic?

Autism doesn't mean stupid. Autistic people are only socially retarded. They're often smart.

race mixing. significantly higher cases of autism in race mixed mutts. like 40% in some cases. its also used as an excuse for bad parenting and jews push it for big pharmacy drugs on kids.

This .
Minus last 2 parts.
Look on Jew tube vaccine bad reactions.
Then get red pilled til you puke when you find out pharma falsified data to pollute entire newborn population.

Many, many reasons,

Well, guys these are great, but can I also be awnser with pics and vids aswell!,,

Says the guy in moms basement with weird parents eating a Happy Meal

People didnt know what autism was so it was not diagnosed.

proof on pharma falsifying data? (I mean it's highly possible, just would like more info)

More men using testosterone and more women being exposed to it while pregnant.


Autism used to be diagnosed only in the cases of anti-social cognitive disorder.

Then the nazi scientists expanded the range for autism with assburgers autism, and now all you normies think they are part of the master race.

Huge psych study about social cues and autism using "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf"
Virginia is degenerate Crazy feminist poster child and Auties can't/ don't make eye contact with her because socially awkward.

Hmm. Congressional hearings about 1study done involving Black kids autism rate was SO high they discounted data stating muh bad math thingy .
ALSO first months of Trump he Appointment a KENNEDY ( Dem )to head presidential overview board on vaccines .

I’m decently smart ( engineer fag here ) and pretty bad at social situations. May be autism, or may be I was just a weird kid who didn’t have “cool” friends. Who knows my nigga

Vaccines m8.

> Before
'Autism' was for kids that thrashed around and screamed and could barely speak.
'Eccentric' was for socially weird but high functioning.

> Now
'Eccentric' means fun quirky arty types with pink hair.
And 'Autistic' is a catch-all for anyone who's not well-adjusted.

People haven't changed. It's the labels.

You get a good feel for it when you read about inventors in history. Edison and Telsa were eccentric as fuck. Today they'd just be called 'autistic'.

>Who knows my nigga

>irresponsible dumbfucks make kid
>high IQ kid is too much to handle for dumbfuck parents
>dumbfuck parents go to dr Shekelstein who diagnose "autism" and prescribe goy-pills
>goy-pills turn high IQ kid into a mentally ill antisocial weirdo

This guy gets it.
Pink haired fucking trannies making eccentric bad.

Kennedy had done a large study/inquiry into the vaccine connection and was completely blown off by TPTB. Trump resurrected interest into this study and is giving Kennedy cred where cred is due. Kennedy is the good guy in this.

(((The pathologization of Autism)))

Man, I was (((diagnosed))), but in all actuality, I was just being an edgy 16-y/o that had played "To The Moon" and thought autism was cute.
Psychologists are easy to rtick, if you know the patterns of autism.
Fucking kek.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) covers too much. Its a social communicative disorder, which means there are deficits to these domains that can cause issues in social settings. This can be anywhere from not communicating to communicating too much and not recognizing the social cues others are giving you. Did you know Aspergers and ADHD are now under the umbrella of autism? Those are two behavioral disorders. Now autism covers 3 different domains, and others argue about including deficits within the cognitive domain. Autism is now being used to explain away deficits. What isn't being accounted for is that individuals develop differently. Some people just don't like talking. Others don't recognize nonverbal cues as quickly. Does that mean they have autism, or do they just have to work a little harder in these areas?

This. The trend of redefining everything and pretending the old and new definitions are the same.

it's just a proxy for wellfare
you see a poor kid, you say he has a disease you made up and now he gets autismbux and people don't think they're living in a socialist hellhole because hey, it's a disease

there you go

I'm a "diagnosed" sperg myself, and this thought has popped into my mind more than once when I compared how I was raised with how other kids were raised.

>What's the rate of autism diagnosis for children of single mothers?
Not to be overly presumptuous, but I think I know the answer to that one.

Roasties wait till they are dried up before getting kids

Not just autism, type 1 diabetes i believe as well

our g*vernment sold our state vaccine manufacturer some time ago, and basically put it under the holiest protection where they can't even be inspected, i believe that i got the disease from that, something which i will personally sentence them to eternal hell irl


I'm sure that's how you got it, fatso.

Out of curiosity:

Would you describe television, videogames, and/or a computer a heavy influence throughout your childhood?
About how many hours per day were you allowed?
Did your parents ever spank?
If no, how did your parents punish?
What would they do if you threw a tantrum?
About how many times per day on average did you throw tantrums, if at all?
Would you say your parents refused your requests more or less often than normal parents?
Did you attend daycare as an infant-toddler?
Were you homeschooled?
Would you describe your opportunities to interact with other people as a toddler more or less frequent than normal?

Really simple, dude. Vaccines. They induce the symptom to (sorry) dumb us down and make us easier to control. The good news is you are a "woke" autist. The bad news is you're still an autist and that's why you have a fucking meme flag and shitpost on Sup Forums.

This. The average age of women that bears kids in the west has risen by quite a few years in the past few decades. And everyone knows old eggs = higher risk for birth defects. Coupled with dr goldberg and his roving band of pill pushers and re-definitions of autism, more people get (((diagnosed))). None of this bullshit anti-vaccine """"facts""""