Jordan B Peterson Tells Jr High and High-School Students to Walk Out of Indoctrinating Classes!

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.. text beneath the video:

In this video, I make a radical suggestion, preceded by a careful, detailed argument that this suggestion is justified.

In short: I think students should (with the backing of their parents, if possible) leave their junior high and high school classes if any of the following topics arise.This means that they should stand up, note their objections to the content of the class ("This sounds like indoctrination to me, rather than education, so I'm leaving"), and then walk out. Perhaps they could encourage a classmate/friend to videotape their actions, and post it on YouTube. Topics warranting such a response?


(Conveniently, these form the acronym DIE, which is exactly what the philosophy underpinning their grouping and use should be encouraged to do.)

White Privilege
Systemic Racism

I am not claiming that there is nothing to be learned about such topics, or even that they shouldn’t be discussed. What I am saying is that if they are brought up in an elementary, junior high or high school classroom the odds are very high that the “lesson” to be learned will be one driven by ideological/propagandistic concerns, rather than one aimed at the inculcation of knowledge, wisdom or skill.

There will be mistakes made with such an approach. Some who discuss issues such as inclusivity and equity are going to be more reasonable than others, but that does not change the fact that the philosophy driving the pushing forward of such topics is essentially ideological and propagandistic. So I think such active resistance will get the point across very effectively. It is too bad that it has come to this, but it has. Think long and hard about it. My feeling is this: if effective action is not taken now to counteract the politicization of the public school curriculum, the need for such action will merely increase, and it will take much more to forestall the process later. Pick your poison.




POC are going to remake white society. Link, from the video:

Bumping for the US, Canadian, and South American morning crew:


... Great Leap Forward, lite.


A group defines it self by who it excludes. A group with complete inclusiveness is not a group at all. How can people look at this and not see it for what it is?

He also tells us to embrace multiculturalism as "western tradition". His idea of western civilization has nothing to do with actually having western people.

Original definition of multiculturalism in Canada meant pan European


Jordan Peterson is on a dark path. I hope he flips over to our side to find some comfort and community.

He's a mild Liberal shrink that runs a self-help business. He's not on any "path", which the incident with Faith Goldy has already shown.

Kids will end up thinking the exact opposite way by the time they leave school. Good job, Jews.

You should watch the video where he talks to another scientist about race and IQ. While the other man is completely casual about it, Jordan Peterson obviously has some inner daemons.

>"I wish the Iranian people God's grace and protection in their fight against ignorance, malevolence and tyranny. I don't consider them protestors. I consider them citizens who are claiming their rights."
You retards are still worshiping this kike.

my god this is one smug self righteous cunt

Guy at 24:34 sounds exactly like one would expect holy shit what a fucking faggot.

Got a link, or do you think it's searchable on 'peterson race iq'? Because I believe he's crypto on black IQ, and would love to see how he copes.

Well, it's pretty much true that The World Is Against Him, so you can't blame him.

And now Peterson literally runs around saying we need to make "our minorities successful" and "befriend moderate muslims because they have traditional values". His solutions end in no white people.

> ... citizens of /Iran/
What's yer beef? They have muslims in Bulgaria? Who knew?

he's a controlled opposition shill confusing people with half truths and mis- and dis-information

fuck him

pic related
peterson probably is a g-man

>he's a controlled opposition shill


>lobster RP

listen to what he says
the proof is in the pudding
for example:

Well, given that it's a democracy, it'd be nice if muslims would vote Conservative, no? And the minorites being successful would mean they don't suck us dry so much. He does not advocate /importing more/, in fact he's spoken, pretty brazenly, about how cultural xenophobia has its very real place.

Fuck off, kike.

>roughly speaking

> Is the book historically correct?

I.. is that a good thing, or bad? All the other bullet points are 'badnesses'. My God.

.. Tintin wouldn't fare well under these rules.