Woah... paranoid right wingers btfo

woah... paranoid right wingers btfo...

Antipathy towards Transgenic Products is a retarded liberal thing, though

>not true
>don't know what that is
>not true
>not true
>don't know what that is
>not true
>not true
>not sure
what fucking moron wrote that?

>alkaline diets
>golbal warming
nice try kikes, mixing truth with lies

I fucking despise fedoras so much.

>GMOs are safe


yeah this was weak

>t. bilderberg

6 of those are left wing beliefs though.

>Lyme disease

are you fucking kidding me?

Most of those are liberal retarded superstition.

Pay with credit.

Eat packaged meals.

Drink fluoride.

Ignore chemtrails.

Vaccinate your children.

>Ignore chemtrails.
Please tell me you dont believe this

But that's all wrong.

It's completely dependant on context, except for the earth, the earth it's always flat.

all of these are things that lefties believe, not "paranoid right-wingers"

>organic food isn’t healthier
It’s smaller and tastes better, faggot.
>humans are causing global warming
Exacerbating? Maybe. But blame non-whites because whites are the only race that wants to help.
>alkaline, homeopathy, GMO, vaccines, acupuncture
This is all either apolitical or mainly promoted by liberals. I don’t see many secular/Eastern mysticists on the right wing at all.
>chronic Lyme disease
I’m not educated about this. Quick rundown?

Shariablue out in full force today

>what is that, eating batteries?
>true but it doesn't matter
>false but I'm being ironic

Britooth writes that Homeopathy is water and GMO not a problem, organic is bullshit....YET...his beloved royal family swear by homeopathy and don't serve GMO food in their palaces, only organic crops and meat/dairy


Gmos are about copyrighting the food we eat so you have to pay royalties for growing your own food. The health risks are secondary and may or may not be true depending on what your discussing about gmos

Organic food is a leftist thing fucking retard. You ever been to Seattle?

Chronic Lyme is a thing. Your immune system can't fight off Lyme. In fact, after about 6 months it stops trying and you no longer bother to produce antibodies for it.

Caught quickly you can knock it out with 4 weeks of doxycycline. If it lingers too long, however, it can cause permanent damage to your joints, nervous system, and impair brain function. Eventually the disease can become so nested and systemic that you need nearly a full year course of antibiotics, switching between different types, to knock it out.

her face... ew